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What have You done to bend the curve today?


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It would be beneficial for all of us to share experiences and contribute  sound reasonable advice as individuals

to help flatten the curve!


I went to the atm put a glove on did my transfer, took the card,receipt and money put them all in a plastic bag,disposed of the glove

,then I went  food shopping at Big C with my latex gloves on, masks,small bottle of alcohol , a paper towel with alcohol to wipe the handles of the shopping cart ,after which I searched for a trash container to dispose of it .I had the cashier put my change in a plastic bag and off I went.

I unloaded my car  put all the non perishables in the house and on the floor. Wash my hands again wiped off the milk,yogurt and juice containers with soap and water and put them away in the frig

I opened the bags and transferred the perishables into new bags!

Washed my hands again put on gloves and wiped down my car with soap and water,washed my shoes,took a shower . 

Finally I emptied the money bag and alcohol wiped my atm card .I then  set my cash aside to sit for 24 hrs.Washed my hands , sat down and had a beer.

I'm retired ,I can't imagine what it would be like to have to work for a living while  coviding ,Exhausting! 



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Yesterday i went to Big C Extra earlyish so it wasn't busy, little did i  or anyone else know the opening time had changed from 8am to 10 am, so at 10 was very busy, queues, crowded in certain areas. Thai style.

Probably the riskiest area I've been in for a few weeks

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Today we learned how to sanitize banknotes with a steam iron. Medium temperature, no steam, go back and forth several times, flip, repeat. Very fast. Easy while living with a wife and two nieces who iron daily, except for the nice newly crisp notes, "Oh, I want this nice one!".


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2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

You will have very clean hands,did you wash them after taking a P*ss.

keep up the good work.

regards Worgeordie

Yes ,always! But I must admit prior to coviding, I just wet my hands and wiped with a paper towel or on the back of  my shirt ,if no paper towels were available. I certainly will not use a community towel here in the hong nams 

Edited by riclag
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2 hours ago, villagefarang said:

I figure my best practice is to simply stay home and have done so for many days already.????

Totally agree,but I got to go food shopping!! After stocking up I came home proto!

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2 hours ago, Mulambana said:

Afraid to go to HomePro to buy a mattress

Crazy that you said that ! In the residence I live in, there was a pickup with a load of mattresses canvasing the neighborhood! I seen two neighbors  buying one each.


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I taught all day (online) in my hot room at home, then went to the local supermarket wearing my N95 mask and with hand sanitizer. The staff checked my temperature at the entrance and refused me to go in because my temperature was 37.5 degrees C.  I walked slowly for 2 Km around the town, then went for a second try at the supermarket.  This time all OK and I could do my shopping.


Are French people immune to this virus?  In my local town (Luang Prabang), the only foreigners I spot who are close together and not wearing masks are French! (every single time).  No mask, no social distancing, no brains....

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2 hours ago, sungod said:

To the OP,


Nice one bud, guess you are putting the cutting down on single use plastics on the backburner til this is over! ????




I got a tip on one of the sites ! It was recommended while coviding that you transfer from the super market employee's handling of them to clean, virgin, nice, safe plastics 

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2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Yesterday i went to Big C Extra earlyish so it wasn't busy, little did i  or anyone else know the opening time had changed from 8am to 10 am, so at 10 was very busy, queues, crowded in certain areas. Thai style.

Probably the riskiest area I've been in for a few weeks

My wife did some food shopping at makro two days ago while I sat in the car! They didn't have paper towels or  boxed tissues. Today I found them in the C.

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Funny. We should wash our hands BEFORE and after taking a <deleted>. Our hands have likely been in contact with more dangerous germs on the way to the head than our peckers (escalator handles, elevator buttons, dirty counters, door handles etc.). Can't recall the last time I rode the escalator with Mr. Winky holding the band. Nor can I recall when he ever opened a door for me let alone pressed my floor in the elevator. Stay safe everyone. We will all get thru this together. Mr. Winky says, "Don't touch me with your filthy hands!" Health and happiness to all. 

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3 hours ago, Mulambana said:

Afraid to go to HomePro to buy a mattress


 Fyi , HomePro,  along with Global ,    has been closed for days ...



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3 hours ago, rabas said:

Today we learned how to sanitize banknotes with a steam iron. Medium temperature, no steam, go back and forth several times, flip, repeat. Very fast. Easy while living with a wife and two nieces who iron daily, except for the nice newly crisp notes, "Oh, I want this nice one!".


She just did it. I handed her a wad , she said did you count lol

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