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Hero of Tham Luang cave rescue rises to Covid-19 challenge


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6 hours ago, Ranshoko said:

Most Thai's don't like Farangs (but not all) They don't like the fact we have more money than the average Thai, they don't like us taking their women. They see the drunks in BKK, Pattaya, Phuket etc. chasing Bar Girls and behaving badly. In many cases it's the tourist that give us the Expats a bad name. If the cave rescue was enacted by a Chinese team you would never hear the the last of it. We are thought of as second class citizens. A lot stems from jealousy. We should just accept the situation. It's no good keep whinging on about it. Things will never ever change here. 

If you feel like a second class citizen in Thailand than most likely you are a second class citizen.  I've never felt this way and am warmly accepted in the Isaan village where i live, though i grew up in rural Australia so getting dirty and participating in hard work is second nature to me.  If you've had a pampered up bringing in a western city then you are never going to fit in to rural Thailand. Maybe Silom or Sukumvit but not Isaan.

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4 hours ago, hotchilli said:


Thai's are extremely Nationalistic and want to hold one of their own as hero of the day, this concept is difficult for westerners to understand because they have been brainwashed into thinking Nationalism bad Diversity is our strength. If you had Thai children you wouldn't care that they didn't mention the foreigners involved.

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7 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

Yes possibly, he was transferred from Chiang Rai to Phayao Province and now Lampang. Where next, Bangkok to take control from ineptness?

In the caves he was able to "bring-in " and utilise experts to do the job... while the Thai navy seals filled the air bottles and polished their wings.

Saving Bangkok is a different story altogether as all the jobs are reserved!

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