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I'm in the US. 27 years old. Single. No kids. I go to college, online at an American University. I will continue college while in Bangkok at my American University through my laptop. I want to study Muay-Thai kickboxing while in BKK, and have fun, and work on my Bachelors and or Masters degree with my university.

I know people stay for a long long time, but, how do they do it? I was told by the embassy 60 days max, plus 30 day extension, then thats it, have to leave the country. I've heard that I can take a bus to a neighboring country, tag the passport, then come back, but I'm not sure.

I know there must be another posting for this already, somewhere, and a referall to where would be great, or a full answer. I've been on the phones for like 8 hours so far, and have gotten like 2 minutes worth of answers, rest of the time just ringing phones and referals. Help me, please. I need to see the world, but I don't know how.

Or, if I have to leave the country to go to a neighboring country for while, where should I go nearby? I wouldn't mind seeing all of Asia 90 days at a time. Please help. My email is //e-mail removed PM OP for info// if you have additional questions. I'm usually logged on msn messenger under that name as well. Thanks for all your help already!

well Im american and im 27, and I have been in thailand for 2 years already so if I can do it so can you! LOL :o

Great, show just show up? Do I need anything before I go? Do I just fly in and disappear?


Hi josephdeka,

i' m from the UK not the US so i'm not to sure if theres any differences when i comes to obtaining a visa. I was in England last December and apllied for a 1 year non -immigrant o visa which is a multiple entry visa, all i had to write on the form was for purpose of visiting, i wrote i was going to stay with my girlfreind, when i went into the embassy they took the forms then came back 15 mins later and said there you go youv'e got your one year visa. So maybe a little white lie might be in order.


Hi josephdeka,

i' m from the UK not the US so i'm not to sure if theres any differences when i comes to obtaining a visa. I was in England last December and apllied for a 1 year non -immigrant o visa which is a multiple entry visa, all i had to write on the form was for purpose of visiting, i wrote i was going to stay with my girlfreind, when i went into the embassy they took the forms then came back 15 mins later and said there you go youv'e got your one year visa. So maybe a little white lie might be in order.


Please advise what Embassy issued you a multi entry non immigrant O visa on that reason? I ask because I have never heard of the Royal Thai Embassy in London issuing a visa in 15 minutes, much less a non immigrant on those reasons, so would like confirmation. Do you mean Consulate by any chance? Thanks.


Well I can pretty much guarantee you won't get a Multiple Entry Non-Immigrant Type O visa from the US based on "visiting a girlfriend." 3 years ago I asked the Los Angeles that and they laughed and gave me a 2 Entry Tourist Visa telling me that an "O" was only for family not girlfriends. Also seeing as you are only 27 eliminates a retirement visa. Plus being a student and not having a degree, chances of getting a work permit seems pretty slim. So my suggestion is to get a Tourist Visa back in the US and then extend it for 30. That gives you 90 days. If you still like it here, make a border run. Just read a poster went to Penang and got his 3rd straight Tourist Visa in a row. If that's true, there's your year. It's really not too difficult to stay if you want. Will take a bit of travelling and research, but I found that for those who truly want to stay, it's easy to find a way.

Big question for you: Have you ever been to Thailand? Maybe Bangkok is a bit different from Chiang Mai, but the internet is crap up here. I have the MLB.TV package and can't even use it (except for the radio broacast part). The speed is quote broadband in my apartment, but it's far from broadband and you will have major problems surfing the internet if you don't get a good internet service provider... And to be honest, not sure how many of those are here in Thailand. Reason I ask, is you said you are studying and if you have to streamline videos of your professor's lectures, you may run into a problems.

Good luck!!!


Speaking of internet connections in Chiang Mai, my phone dialup connection used to take 20 minutes to dowload a 20 second video. I stopped downloading videos before they were banned.

Joseph, as already stated (and look through this Thai visa section of ThaiVisa), it's now much more difficult for a young person to stay here for a year or more, than it used to be. Plan on border runs and visits to the Immigration Police near you to get extensions, and visits to farflung embassies and consulates. The bordering countries generally are tough, but Penang in Malaysia gives 30 day tourist visas. It appears the visa-less 30 day stamps are a quickly dying breed.

I doubt that you will fit into a category that the Thai immigration policy welcomes for a long-time stay.


I agree with the mods on this one that its getting harder for young guys coming to thailand

One way is if you want to carry on your studies and find a full time course offering you something you dont already have? Maybe your american university has an affiliation masters programme here in thailand?

or even some people take the time to learn thai full time and will obtain a visa for this

Jobs are never easy to obtain, but you can always try.


I am from USA as is my girlfriend. I have work permit from employer so not a problem, but with my girlifriends experience I can tell you the following:

*getting anything other than a 60 day tourist visa from Thai cosulate/embassy in USA is almost impossible.

*you need to enter on a 60 day tourist visa, you are then able to extend at the immigration office for fee (1800 baht, I think)

*after the 90 days, you have to leave Thailand and re-enter. You are allowed to re-enter with no visa, which they stamp your passport, for 30 days. This stamp is only allowed three times in any six month period.

*you can travel outside of Thailand and re-apply for another tourist visa, which is quite easy to obtain at this time. I personally have gotten it from Shanghai and Hong Kong, and will leave again in May.

*without a work permit, you are not allowed a cell phone, internet account, bank account. (you can get a cell phone, but must pre-pay, etc). There are ways around everything, but if you don't have Thai friends it becomes frustrating. If you know the system, it is not so difficult.

If you are going to school, I would recommend going to school here in Thailand. American Universities (Webster University for example) has a campus in Thailand. They are relatively reasonable and they provide a letter which allows you a student visa here in Thailand which allows you to stay while you are studing. That seems like your best option.

without a work permit, you are not allowed a cell phone, internet account, bank account. (you can get a cell phone, but must pre-pay, etc). There are ways around everything, but if you don't have Thai friends it becomes frustrating. If you know the system, it is not so difficult.

Strange I have had all of the above (I currently have a pre paid phone again as the post paid was actually worse deal) and have never had a work permit..

Everything else I agree with (visa extension is 1900 baht.. But close :o )..

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