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60 day extension now or after automatic extensions?

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My Non-O is expiring April 12th. I was planning on going to do a 60-day extension because of the short queues in BKK. However, do you guys think it would be worth waiting until April 30th, or whenever the automatic extensions end, to do the 60-day extension? (I'm not looking to do a 1 year extension). Thanks

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7 hours ago, Maestro said:

I have seen this now;




The way I read this, if you not go for the regular 60-day extension you should have an automatic extension until 30 April.

I think so. And if the Amnesty is not extended beyond the 30th April I assume there will be a grace period to apply for a 60 day extension. But, who knows?

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Ended up just doing the 60 day extension to take advantage of the shorts queues. Got queue 25 and was in and out within an hour. I was hoping they would extend the visa from April 30th, but they extended from my visa expiration date which was April 12th. Overall easy process and peace of mind getting it out of the way. 

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