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To mask or not to mask: East and West have different views


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To me it is a no brainer,

If not wearing a mask & an infected person coughs in your face ..... no chance

With a good mask on you have at least a chance.

The argument that only "infected" people need to wear is stupid.

So you are 100% sure that you are not infected & if not refer to my first comment.

Many people in the city mainly wear masks when outside since the pollution levels went sky high

about late last year.

Has Thailand just been very lucky  or is ther an underlying reason why death from the virus at least is nowhere near the levels of many other countries 

Incidently, all you lot going on about "testing", how  will it actually help at this juncture when 

if Thais are contacting the virus, they seem to have an immune system to overcome it.

It will be a smarter man than me to answer that question


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18 hours ago, Chazar said:

I read somewhere the reason many Asians  wore  masks was  due to Mers was it? which WAS an airborne  virus and they remember  that.

They've been wearing cloth masks in Asia since the 1970-1980's because of unregulated pollution.  

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57 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

So you know that every asian has no idea how to use a mask? Look at the infection rates of South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore compared to the US and just about any European country. Tell me that masks had NOTHIN to do with differences in infection rates. Watch Europe and the US explode. 

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1 hour ago, Thongkorn said:

Masks only protect  other people from The spital, it will not protect against molecules of the Virus they are to small

The virus doesn't float by iself. It attaches to droplets of varying size. Masks will catch some large droplets, but may let in smaller vapourised droplets if the mask does not fit well (such as a curgical mask). 

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12 hours ago, JonnyF said:

It seems pretty obvious to me that wearing a mask helps against a virus that can enter via the nose and mouth. Also, why would the doctors and nurses be wearing them while treating confirmed cases.


It certainly doesn't do any harm to wear one and if it makes others around you feel safer then that's another reason.


Obviously wash your hands as well. The two are not mutually exclusive.

It's your last point that matters...wash your hands and don't keep touching your face while wearing your mask...also, don't reuse your mask after it's been worn or touched. It's those factors that weigh against the benefit of the mask being a barrier and sometimes might even cause mask-wearing to increase risk. 

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1 hour ago, DavisH said:

The virus doesn't float by iself. It attaches to droplets of varying size. Masks will catch some large droplets, but may let in smaller vapourised droplets if the mask does not fit well (such as a curgical mask). 

It seems difficult to believe there are only a couple people in this whole mess of a thread who understand what you have just stated. 


This is not that difficult people.


If you do not wear a mask the risk for you to infect others is higher. 


If others do not wear a mask the risk they infect you is higher. 


Wear a mask.


That is it, nothing else to discuss. Close the thread. 

Edited by sucit
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19 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

There is another problem, back in the west there is a shortage of masks, and rightfully the masks should be reserved to people that are actually working in hospitals coming into direct contact with people that actually have the disease, the rest should practice social distancing, which would already be effective to a large degree.

In fact, there's about a 30 day wait for masks here in the US.  I went to a half dozen sites on the internet yesterday looking for face masks including Amazon.  All reported not being able to deliver any until about the Middle of May, the first of June.  I really don't go anywhere at this time, but to the grocery store for food supplies, but unless the word comes down it's mandatory to wear one in public, I'll go with out.  I don't even have a bandanna to my name. 

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The entire community needs to wear them for this to work and in Thailand most people are wearing them except for one singleton white guy I saw in Tesco the other day not wearing one. Even the tannoy was asking everyone to wear a face mask. Everyone was wearing one except this one white guy -- what a fool he looked.


Masks work if everyone wears them since it stops communal spread by stopping particles spread when coughing or sneezing and even breathing normally. Although the individual isnt protected unless they use and handle the mask correctly HOWEVER Its better to have them than not as its protecting the community --it doesn't protect the individual especially if its not an N95 mask.

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18 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

That's right. Tell everyone to wear a mask so that the people who need them cannot get them. Carers, first responders, doctores, nurses etc. (Fact here in Thailand.)

I wear a mask here, not to protect myself or others, but because IT IS THE Law. Or, at least. socially expected. I do not buy a mask that is useful. I wear a home made, cloth, useless thing. And people thank me.

Also, the virus can enter your body through the nose, mouth and EYES! That is why people in the front line wear the whole shebang. So go out and buy those diving masks people!

Asia actually has some social nicities that help to stop the spread. In Europe they are now recommending 'leave your shoes outside'. Shoes can carry the virus.

There is also the Wai. Much safer than shaking hands.

You quoted me but did not address any of the points I made. Namely, masks decreasing infection rates. 


But you did accurately state you do not wear a mask to save lives of people around you, but because you are forced to. Ok. Seems a good choice to force people like you then. 


If masks are scarce in an area, you can wear a goddam shirt in front of your face.

Edited by sucit
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23 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

Masks only protect  other people from The spital, it will not protect against molecules of the Virus they are to small



N95 masks block 95% of all 0.3um particles.

N99 masks block 99% of all 0.3um particles.


Masks are rated for 0.3um particles because they are hardest to stop.

Masks do a better job stopping 0.12um nCoV2019 viruses than 0.3um particles.


Thus, masks offer excellent airway protection from COVID-19 when used correctly.


Especially as most airborne viruses are in droplets or gummed up with junk. Your lungs do not contain clear, pure water, just sticky stuff.


???? Don't forget to wash your hands.


Edited by rabas
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