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Thai Culture Is Dynamic--and That's A Good Thing


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Some people just can't get over the fact that the places they travel to or live in, such as Thailand, have dynamic cultures that are constantly evolving.

Ironically, those people who tend to be so-called politically "progressive" can be the quickest to condemn Thailand for integrating non-indigenous ideas, food, language, etc. into Thai culture. In other words, such people are oddly culturally conservative. You know, the people who don't find modern Thailand to be Thai enough.

That just seems silly and a-historical. After all, have the "Thais" lived since day one in Thailand, or did they migrate from the North and meld with various peoples already in what is now Thailand? Of course, just like all cultures, Thai culture is constantly evolving.

To me, the dynamic aspects of a culture help to keep the culture fresh, alive and charming.

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Of course, just like all cultures, Thai culture is constantly evolving.

To me, the dynamic aspects of a culture help to keep the culture fresh, alive and charming.

Like the whole world evolves...keeping the culture fresh, alive, charming...and more greedy.


Edited by LaoPo
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I particularly like how Thais have reduced software and DVD’s down to 100 baht. And that I can wear designer clothing at a fraction of what it used to cost. LOL.

But actually, it is humorous that people who come here looking for the exotic adventure, and then the same people complain “why can’t they do this the way we do it in the west?” whenever something is inconvenient.

On the plane, they are going through their Lonely Planet, trying to become as cultural aware and sensitive as possible. But five minutes out of the airport its “hey look at that dumb car, hey they spelled that wrong ha ha, hey lets see if we can buy this hand made sweater for 10 baht, ”.

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Mostly cultures are only charming because they are different. People inside a culture don't see it as charming...they see it as life as usual. To the extent that world mass media is melting down all the different cultures and creating one big global culture...to that same extent it is destroying the charming quality of cultures here on the planet......oh well.....if ones life is only worthwhile because of a chance to experience a charmig culture then one will have many depressing moments in life.

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Thai "Culture" is really a combination (like the Thai people themselves) of 4 regions; Lanna in the North; Laos in the NE; Malay in the South; and Chinese in Bangkok. It is a vibrant and dynamic culture though, even though the Orwellian-titled "Ministry Of Culture" try to meddle; moralise; and homogenise it. Twits. :o

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Canuck- Great points, in my opinion.

Chownah- Good point about 'charming' depending on perspective. And agreed that the mass media and technology are speeding up the process of globalization, to the extent you're making that point. But hasn't the process of us all coming back together been going on since about the time we all spread out from the same place in Africa? Noodles and other food, language, etc.--there are many examples that point to ancient peoples having started the process of interaction and cross-adoption long before the so-called modern world.

KireB- Are not.

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Canuck- Great points, in my opinion.

Chownah- Good point about 'charming' depending on perspective. And agreed that the mass media and technology are speeding up the process of globalization, to the extent you're making that point. But hasn't the process of us all coming back together been going on since about the time we all spread out from the same place in Africa? Noodles and other food, language, etc.--there are many examples that point to ancient peoples having started the process of interaction and cross-adoption long before the so-called modern world.

KireB- Are not.

Dear Dumspero, I think you are missing the point here. I came to live in Thailand over 17 years ago because I found the Thailand of then quite to my liking. In these 17 years Thailand has changed a lot.

If this is for the better or the worse, I really don't know. I have endured a lot of flak here on ThaiVisa because in my opinion we are at least partly to blame, but again this is my opinion based on my experiences in this lovely country. One thing I see as a big improvement is that nowadays many Thais are aware that there is more to this world than Thailand alone so they are better prepared for the changes that are bound to happen. Again don't know for sure, it's just my opinion.

Then there is also the factor that one man's paradise can be h*ll for another and probably the truth is like the Buddhist's believe somewhere in the middle.



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Canuck- Great points, in my opinion.

Chownah- Good point about 'charming' depending on perspective. And agreed that the mass media and technology are speeding up the process of globalization, to the extent you're making that point. But hasn't the process of us all coming back together been going on since about the time we all spread out from the same place in Africa? Noodles and other food, language, etc.--there are many examples that point to ancient peoples having started the process of interaction and cross-adoption long before the so-called modern world.

KireB- Are not.

Dear Dumspero, I think you are missing the point here. I came to live in Thailand over 17 years ago because I found the Thailand of then quite to my liking. In these 17 years Thailand has changed a lot.

If this is for the better or the worse, I really don't know. I have endured a lot of flak here on ThaiVisa because in my opinion we are at least partly to blame, but again this is my opinion based on my experiences in this lovely country. One thing I see as a big improvement is that nowadays many Thais are aware that there is more to this world than Thailand alone so they are better prepared for the changes that are bound to happen. Again don't know for sure, it's just my opinion.

Then there is also the factor that one man's paradise can be h*ll for another and probably the truth is like the Buddhist's believe somewhere in the middle.



Iwould not particularly call the culture here "dynamic". Compared to 17 years ago, it is probably much more open, but compared to western countries, I think the social structure here is quit structured and fossilized. There is definately a class "pecking order" here and the lines are not crossed easily, ie not a lot of upward mobility. Many locals I know here are not interested in things outside Thailand, be it language, food, news, or entertainment.

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I've tidied up the flames/attacks/off topic posts

Please keep the thread on topic and civil. No warnings have been issued yet but they will be if you cannot abide by the forum rules.

Thanks and Regards


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