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Biden courts Sanders voters with student loan, healthcare policies


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33 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

I predict Republicans tamp down support from the Bernie wing by educating them on Biden's (aka "The Senator from MBNA") decades-long screwing consumers to pay off his campaign contributions from banksters.

They have already alienated a good amount of Bernie supporters permanently. They can cry they didn't cheat Bernie and that's fine. The problem there is many Bernie supporters don't believe that.


Obama won't endorse Biden it seems and Bernie stays on the ballot. This is not the face of a united party. 

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21 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


You should edit your post and spell Trump's name the right way. I won't bother to report it but we do have some standards I would hope. It seems like a typo. Otherwise Trump becomes Tramp Drumpf, Clinton becomes C*nten. Let's all agree to use an adjective and then the real name. 

I have edited as requested, I agree that giving mocking nicknames is not a good idea. The original quote still stands, it is widely recognised, and apposite to the subject of women voting for a new president.

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On 4/10/2020 at 7:40 AM, ehs818 said:

The choice is simple, and I hope you can see it:

If you DON'T vote for Biden, you get 4 more years (or more) with Trump. Is that what you want?

If you DO vote for Biden, you get a decent man, well intentioned, intelligent and caring for all US citizens.

Your Choice!!



You forget why Trump won in the first place. People don't want what Biden is offering.  They don't want someone who supports the status quo of more corporate welfare as a bribe to support the government's social programs. They are sick and tired of the modern agenda pushed by both sides of the political aisle.


Trump won because he promised something genuinely different. Less cooperation internationally. More concentration on domestic issues that matter. America first. The question now is whether or not, when push comes to shove, people are going to be willing to accept that Trump was not the answer to their prayers. That doesn't mean Biden is a good thing. He may be a good man, but he is most definitely not what Americans want as a president.


Biden as a candidate means that Trump is basically running unopposed in this race. He only has himself to beat. A few weeks ago I would have said this means 4 more years. This virus has thrown a wrench into everything though. Trump's bungling of this may be his undoing, but it remains to be seen which option Americans think is less palatable.


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5 hours ago, Monomial said:


Biden as a candidate means that Trump is basically running unopposed in this race. He only has himself to beat. A few weeks ago I would have said this means 4 more years. This virus has thrown a wrench into everything though. Trump's bungling of this may be his undoing, but it remains to be seen which option Americans think is less palatable.


If Trump's team is "bungling" the pandemic, you had better share this with the big Democratic governors. They are all giving the administration high marks for the help they are providing state governments.


Or is it that the Democratic governors are "bungling" the left's chances of defeating Trump?


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12 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Millions of American women all over the US are lining up to give Donald Trump (Famous for saying "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.")*   a taste of his own medicine. I can't see his religious nutter of a VP changing any of their minds.  


* Commentators and lawyers have described such an action as sexual assault.

No, you're wrong. As most leftists do, you left out the phrase that makes it clear these hypothetical encounters are consensual and thus obviously NOT sexual assault (emphasis added):


They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy.”


Whomever is telling you this constitutes sexual assault is either very dishonest, stupid, lying, or a combination of all three. Please stop spreading lies.


PS: Your hatred of Christianity is noted.

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19 minutes ago, Watchful said:

If Trump's team is "bungling" the pandemic, you had better share this with the big Democratic governors. They are all giving the administration high marks for the help they are providing state governments.


Or is it that the Democratic governors are "bungling" the left's chances of defeating Trump?


You've got to be joking! They are merely flattering him because as a bizarre narcissist he had made it clear he doesn't even want to answer phone calls from governors that don't praise him. This is a very sick situation. A president is supposed to be president of the entire country, not only states whose leaders suck up to him. This isn't a theory. He basically says this openly. It's hard to imagine a more unfit president for the biggest crisis of multiple generations. 

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10 hours ago, Monomial said:


You forget why Trump won in the first place. People don't want what Biden is offering.  They don't want someone who supports the status quo of more corporate welfare as a bribe to support the government's social programs. They are sick and tired of the modern agenda pushed by both sides of the political aisle.


Trump won because he promised something genuinely different. Less cooperation internationally. More concentration on domestic issues that matter. America first. The question now is whether or not, when push comes to shove, people are going to be willing to accept that Trump was not the answer to their prayers. That doesn't mean Biden is a good thing. He may be a good man, but he is most definitely not what Americans want as a president.


Biden as a candidate means that Trump is basically running unopposed in this race. He only has himself to beat. A few weeks ago I would have said this means 4 more years. This virus has thrown a wrench into everything though. Trump's bungling of this may be his undoing, but it remains to be seen which option Americans think is less palatable.



Correct, on all counts. Biden is like a poster boy for the Republican party, and as the old political saying goes, "when the race is between a Republican and a Republican, vote for the Republican".



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

More on this issue. 


As sick and unpresidential as that behavior is I consider attempts at defending this equally sick. The 45 fans enable this moral rot at the top. 




In Exchange for Aid, Trump Wants Praise From Governors He Can Use in Campaign Ads



AS HE INCREASINGLY tries to shovel blame for the shortage of medical supplies onto the governors of states with densely populated areas that are suffering the most from the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump was asked on Friday what more he wants them to do. It was, he said, “very simple: I want them to be appreciative.”


Trump singled out two Democratic governors in particular for criticism: Jay Inslee of Washington and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan.



I agree with all of that. That said, doesn't it bother you that you are being forced to choose a candidate that was not democratically chosen by the electorate and has said that he will step down after one term after choosing a female VP, (none of which I can think of that would be ready to be president, except Klobuchar, whom he won't choose).  Nina Turnerwould be a good choiceif he were going to be there 8 years, but he'll be dead by then.



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3 minutes ago, nattaya09 said:

The Bernie Bro's like the free stuff message but even Bernie couldn't get them to show up at the polls on election day

Everyone likes free stuff but you're correct, the reason Bernie didn't win the nomination was because he failed to get the turnout of VOTES. Particularly of younger voters. No doubt he is very popular among younger voters but actually getting off your tuchus to go and vote is not so popular with younger voters.


There is a historical irony here. Progressive Americans have been fighting for universal health care in the U.S. for a century and it's clear to me now that if the TIMING of the virus had been earlier like before South Carolina, Bernie could have won the nomination based on that issue alone.


I am hoping Bernie can convince Biden to go even further left on that issue. In the wake of the virus, there will be massive public support for that. When push comes to shove, the people's HEALTH is number one about everything else.

Edited by Jingthing
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On 4/10/2020 at 10:15 AM, Number 6 said:

This city and state are so needy. Absolutely sick of it.


*Loan* them ventilators? Never coming back.


New Yorkers just a few weeks ago packed in subways defiant. So typical.

"*Loan* them ventilators? Never coming back."

They will gladly give them back when done with them; that's the problem.

They don't want a stock of ventilators; it costs money to purchase and maintain them. They would rather use someone else's supply until they don't need them, then return them when done! 


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