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PM warns ignoring safety measures will only delay return to normal life

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What is annoying me, is that the most people in Thailand so not care about the origin etc.

Because the lack of education and English skills.

But I highly recomment to watch the following Video on YouTube.

The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus

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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Interest rates have been low in Canada, USA for 5 years and so many say that they are 1 pay check from being broke.  Well Thailand will not be the only country in the world with worse

debt. Anybody with credit cards and too much debt are indeed in trouble. You should have been 

more careful, now look at your situation.


If inflation accelerates borrowers will come out ahead. 

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2 hours ago, BadBouy said:

PM warns ignoring safety measures will only delay return to normal life 


Is he suggesting stepping down and having elections when this is over?????

The stress of the COVID-19 social distancing and self isolation I fear has taken its toll on you BadBouy.  Your mind is starting to think outside of reality and time and space.

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12 hours ago, Yadon Toploy said:

Must be really difficult for them sitting in an air-con booth stamping passports for a few hours.


Surprised they cope to be honest.

Immigration is mostly closed no?.. It's alot of paperwork guyz and alot of stressed people to deal with and not just tourists.  Every job has its stresses which are unseen and misunderstood until you work there. Shut up and Be grateful of their help. 

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13 hours ago, Ron jeremy said:

Immigration dealing with whom?

People on visa free, tourist, transit who are stuck here needing extensions etc. There were 40 ish waiting at Udon immi all sat outside under a tent at 2 metres. Hopefully thats eased now the general has green lighted farangs till April 30th.

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Actually, governments around the world usurp human rights and violate their own constitutions as a whim and are wont to give the rights back to the people. I am not saying that the coronavirus is not serious but have the draconian measures been justified? Has the medicine been worse than the disease? We will never know.

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14 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

How could they be overworked if very few flights are even arriving.....

Do you forget about Immigration Officers at say  ChangWatena? They are there from early morning till sometime after 6PM. Up untill this Covid19 blanket waiver/extension  were handling thousands of expats/tourists trying to extend their visas or extetensions everyday due to no longer being able to leave for visa bounce or visit  another country because of closed borders.


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16 hours ago, ukrules said:

There will be no normal, not for years.



In fact, I think there will be a new normal and we are at the cusp of that paradigm shift. People will realise they can survive and live with less. Companies will realise they can run with a smaller office, or for some, none at all! People will be more mindful about distancing and hygiene, particularly how easy sickness and diseases spread, not just CVD19. Thais and Indians have this covered with their 'wais', without shaking hands. (Note to snowflakes: That was an honest observation and not a poke at Thai or Indian culture).


The world is healing itself. Somewhat. A friend from India told me he hasn't seen stars in the sky for a long, long time. A Malaysian friend told me there is a certain crispness in the air in the morning. And he lives in the city of Kuala Lumpur. Of course, good always comes with the bad. And vice versa. But I am sure things will have a way of sorting itself out if given the chance to run its course.


Finally, perhaps 'sustainability' can become a reality and not just a popular catchword brandished by executive speech writers to make corporations sound like they are 'responsible corporate citizens'. One hopes this happens, instead of reverting back to the 'old normal' after the emergency is lifted (what I personally call 'jailbreak phenomenon'), with nary a thought to the lesson this episode has taught us. One hopes.


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16 hours ago, Chazar said:

Goldfish attention span syndrome

We have no idea where this is going but one thing for sure is you are many million times closer to reality than his comments.

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3 hours ago, AlaskaDave said:

I'm not in favor of the military running the country and shaping the rule of law to do their bidding but I'll say this for Prayut, he's more in line with medical experts in his assertions about Covid than the dumbass in charge of my country.  Trump only cares about one thing, his own wealth and ratings.

Also, I know I'm not alone in wondering just what the duties of a Royal Thai Police officer are. The only Police activity I've ever seen in my 10 years here is the hassling motorcycle riders for not wearing helmets and the occasional meth arrests on the TV news. I've never seen anyone pulled over for speeding, passing in a no-passing zone or for that matter driving the wrong way on a one-way street. Yet, the Police are highly paid relative to other Thais and AFAIK receive a decent retirement pension. Does anybody have any direct knowledge of this? What does a Thai police officer do all day?

The government should be in charge of everything.The military has no business running things. Stick to what you know. Trump,although a hero to some of my family and friends, hesitated and many Americans are ding because of this. He had the chance to lock down and hesitated. I'm not political but have seen him for what he really is all along. He favors the rich, his ego and wanting to be God. I've been puled over for speeding and paid 500 baht on the spot once. True about officers and their duties,from what I've seen also. Before covid, all you saw on local news was accidents and their victims. Thais wear masks, at least from what I've been seeing out for groceries and the bank,and not being "close" people,outside,this helps, but the eating part,communal,sharing food and drink,will certainly hurt many. Heat does nothing to covid,from what I've read all along,but the weather means more outside,less inside,and close. That helps. Keeping away from each other and wearing masks definitely helps, as does washing and disinfecting hands all day and not touching your face (hard,but possible). I hope most here can stay away from each other ,at least until the vaccine or some kind of effective treatment comes along.

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed. Any posts which can be construed as rumor mongering are not allowed.


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1 hour ago, Tony125 said:

Do you forget about Immigration Officers at say  ChangWatena? They are there from early morning till sometime after 6PM. Up untill this Covid19 blanket waiver/extension  were handling thousands of expats/tourists trying to extend their visas or extetensions everyday due to no longer being able to leave for visa bounce or visit  another country because of closed borders.


You are absolutely correct, I was only thinking of the airports IO's, and those immigration folks dealing with the 14 day quarantines, as that is how I read the article with its “It would be harder to return to our previous way of life if we do not help each other and don't follow the government’s measures. Every single one of our officers is exhausted but has not given up saving people’s lives,”.  

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You lot on about Immigration all the time is like a stuck record.

Lucky I am not an officer dealing with frustrated farangs who have lost their bar stool.

I think I would be up on brutal assault charges by now

Not a fan of Prayut but most of his advice is sensible better than many of the posters on this forum. Would not like his job for quids at this time or in fact any time

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18 hours ago, rasmus5150 said:


Maybe staff at immigration that has to work 12-16 hours a day, and constantly being verbally abused by whining foreigners. Foreigners venting their anger about laws/rules that the poor immigration staff had nothing to do with.


Not everybody is a slacker in Thailand.

Sometimes it's the way that the "poor immigration staff" interpret/misinterpret the laws/rules that cuses the problem. It's been said many times before but what would be extremely helpful would be for every Immigration Office to have the same set of laws/rules. Maybe they have, but they certainly don't all apply them in the same way!


However, I agree that at the moment they are under a great deal of pressure, so allowances should be given, and when you say "Hello, how are you" in Thai and get no answer, just a surly look - it's down to pressure!

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21 hours ago, ukrules said:

There will be no normal, not for years.


As far as I can tell, life in my village is just as normal, people motorbiking around, salesmen & ice cream man comes round, my Mrs visits her sisters for lunch & evening meal. The only person on lockdown is ME!

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19 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

How could they be overworked if very few flights are even arriving.....

One feels he’s a imm pig, whining on about when things do get back to normal. 

This shutdown has been an enlightening experience for Pigs and Hass holes in their positions getting back to their roots of Sabai Sabai. 


Who in their right mind would do their job day in day out


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Anyone who doesn't follow the rules is endangering everyone around them, and doesn't care about them one bit. Even a country as behind as Thailand has taken heed from whats going on in the world, and everyone who either has a tv or knows someone that does, and even my tiny village has the "mayor" that has gone around and told others the rules and consequences, knows the score. Ignorance in teenagers is to be expected, but then again, it's the parents job to warn them of the danger they can be carrying. Only takes one person in a family to go to a friends house, who has a friend or relative somewhere else, who has contracted covid, to bring it on home to them. Seeing your grandma ,grandpa or other family member die from this isn't the way to learn a hard lesson. Took me a month to convince my wife to not go to her mom's house unless it's to deliver food, and then to just leave it there, maybe talking a bit from a few meters away, but then to come home.

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1 hour ago, stouricks said:

As far as I can tell, life in my village is just as normal, people motorbiking around, salesmen & ice cream man comes round, my Mrs visits her sisters for lunch & evening meal. The only person on lockdown is ME!

Sanity in the sticks where beer and whisky Is flowing 

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On 4/12/2020 at 6:32 PM, graemeaylward said:

What on earth does this mean? I haven't seen any Army, Police, or Government Officers even remotely "saving people's lives".  If he means hospital staff, then say so, as, like all of those working in healthcare, they are doing a great job, but on a very reduced scale compared with most other countries!


Technically Doctors and Nurse working at government run hospitals can be called Medical "Officers".

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