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Importing Dogs From England

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Please can anyone give me advice on the cheapest and best method to bring my dogs with me?

My family is moving to Thailand in August. The dogs are 2 & 3 years old, skinny, thin coated crossbreeds but we love them.

Where do I get an import permit from? I'm told I have to get it first (ie: not on arrival). I have the export health certificate application.

They both have pet passports so are already chipped and rabies vaccinated & tested.

Do they really have to do 30 days quaranteen on arrival in Thailand?

If so, where would be best around Rayong?

Any help greatly appreciated!


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Please can anyone give me advice on the cheapest and best method to bring my dogs with me?

My family is moving to Thailand in August. The dogs are 2 & 3 years old, skinny, thin coated crossbreeds but we love them.

Where do I get an import permit from? I'm told I have to get it first (ie: not on arrival). I have the export health certificate application.

They both have pet passports so are already chipped and rabies vaccinated & tested.

Do they really have to do 30 days quaranteen on arrival in Thailand?

If so, where would be best around Rayong?

Any help greatly appreciated!


Brought my 2 dogs into Thailand from the UK in Sept 06 into (Don Muang) Cairn Terrier & Border Terrier, we had enquired at the animals department in the airport 3 months before if they would need to go into quarentine and were told no, but if we brought them into the new airport once it was opened then they would have to go into quarentine. We brought them just before the Don Muang closed, no problems the ( I presume vet ) on duty looked at them signed the import permit and we walked out with them.

We collected the import permit from the airport on our previous visit, and faxed it to them before we arrived.

contact DEFRA in the UK 1st they will have all the information you need about exporting dogs to Thailand. I f you can find a number for the airport they may fax one to you, or you may be able to download one from the internet. Try the Thai agricultural web site.

Try to fly direct from the UK ie no stops en route, we lived in the north but flew from Heathrow with Thai Airways, you need to contact the carrier 1st to inform them you are bringing dogs and on what flight you are booked on, they will contact Bangkok to check if that flight can take dogs. We had already booked our flights gave all the info to Thai airways they called us back after about 2 weeks to say the dogs were booked on the same flight as we were.

The dogs were booked in as excess baggage at the check in desk ( not cheap cost nearly £ 1000 ) and went into the cargo hold, we did not see them again until we reached Bangkok, It caused quite a stir with other passengers when 2 dogs came along the baggage belt with all the suitcases, they were both fine and well.

You will need special carriers IATA approved, do a search on the internet, plastic are best.

Good Luck

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I know sbk, I did find that useful, but I was specifically interested in experiences of bringing dogs from England, and to try and get more recent ones too.

I am new at this sorry. Am I supposed to tack on to the pinned topic even though I really want info just from people importing from the UK?

wispyerk007, thank you very much. Do you think that the new airport has different practices re: quarantine etc.?


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Of course you can start a thread looking for specifics. But, that topic is pinned for a reason, and its helpful to check it first then use the search function at the bottom of the forum.

Then, if you don't find an answer to your specific question, post a new topic.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know sbk, I did find that useful, but I was specifically interested in experiences of bringing dogs from England, and to try and get more recent ones too.

I am new at this sorry. Am I supposed to tack on to the pinned topic even though I really want info just from people importing from the UK?

wispyerk007, thank you very much. Do you think that the new airport has different practices re: quarantine etc.?


Sorry for the delay in replying but had no internet for 2 weeks. Yes I think there will be new practices at the new airport, we were told that the the dogs would have to go into quarantine at the airport as there were special kennels there.

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wispyerk007, thank you very much. Do you think that the new airport has different practices re: quarantine etc.?


Sorry for the delay in replying but had no internet for 2 weeks. Yes I think there will be new practices at the new airport, we were told that the the dogs would have to go into quarantine at the airport as there were special kennels there.

Oh dear! Do you think they will be kept at the airport for 30 days!

How can I find out?


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  • 1 year later...
Please can anyone give me advice on the cheapest and best method to bring my dogs with me?

My family is moving to Thailand in August. The dogs are 2 & 3 years old, skinny, thin coated crossbreeds but we love them.

Where do I get an import permit from? I'm told I have to get it first (ie: not on arrival). I have the export health certificate application.

They both have pet passports so are already chipped and rabies vaccinated & tested.

Do they really have to do 30 days quaranteen on arrival in Thailand?

If so, where would be best around Rayong?

Any help greatly appreciated!


I know these posts are 3 years old now....im planning to bring a dog from the uk and ive never heard anything about quaranteen on arrival to bkk.Is this because all requirements have not been met? or is it standard practice now?

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