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Prayut will reconsider lockdown in last week of April


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15 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Of course! Couldn't say "constantly under review". Now whatever happens we are all stuck until May.

Aaagh no, stuck until May! That's another whole 2 weeks away. Have some patience mate. It could be much worse. Look at UK and USA. They're going to be 'stuck' for several months after Thailand opens up

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15 minutes ago, martinhp said:

Maybe you can not but I can

And to me it makes no sense 

All food price increasing 

Some are not available anymore 

Can't work can't get money

But banks, insurance, landowners, tax office is all in

So is salary to all officials 

The red line is all off this is tax income

with limited payouts and that goes for the normal thais too. 

Limited payouts. 

They are scaring all by constantly reporting on almost insignificant amounts off covid 19 cases 

On top they exaggerate they mortality off the virus and danger 

Fact is it is a virus the most people don't get very serious sick of 

But if you get very sick older people are high risk 

Children almost no risk 

In between you can get very sick but even without medication you survive in almost every case with respetory 

Some will die but very few. In the middle 

The infection rate is very high and invisible in until 2 weeks 

So you can not go from door to door if you want virus information only exercise. 

Close districts make no difference either other than food shortage and price increase and more unemployment as can not go to work as not essential they say. 

And by all means who choose lock downs to treat a virus. 

It will not cure anybody. And it will certainly not improve chances of surviving as well

with no income and no where to go. 

Virus is treated with medicals and common sense, carefulness, and personal live style changes which does not include lock downs or other extreme measures which is only used within a much higher rate of mortality. 

So enough is clean everything as much as possible. 

Keep distance to other people. 

(Not like they are sick, that's the common sense.) 

And face mask 

And make sure no events where social distance not possible. 

And send the children in school 

And stop focusing on numbers only keep in mind that all of us must be immune

nothing can work if you are hiding.

Hiding is no solution precocious behavior and common sense is. 

But this is not the approach from the most governments as of why I don't know it's creating a world wide problem especially as the Chinese like to invest in other countries market and right now the Chinese are in a position where it likely will happen. 

And in Thailand the government most likely appreciate the new measures possible

in which they are still able of maintaining a good income but with less expense. 

Just the road maintenance will probably give a good result as no need to work on them. 

Anyway there is a minimum of expenses and high income of taxes 

Wich essentially makes no hurry necessary. 

So I totally desagree with you 

As I desagree with lock downs 

But I do hope as many people will be able to make it back no matter the governments effort to shut them down eternally. 

One Thai owes the bank 200.000 bath on a car worth 6 to 700.000 bath he haven't paid last 2 months 

As so the bank desires to repossess the car if he don't pay. 

That's why I can't understand why you say like this. There are so many examples off wrongdoing

as I would reconsider a stand like yours and others with the same attitude

especially out off common sense as many clearly claims thais don't have in this forum 




Agree ????????????????????????????????????

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So confusing... how many workers are there now ? 63 million ? ????

Thailand has around 37 million workers in the informal and formal sectors combined, plus 9 million freelancers and 17 million in the farming sector.

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herd immunity ... people love love to stick needles in their arms love to speak about herd immunity


but right now...  nobody wants just to spread corona to everybody, 1-2 percent might get sick... 


we all have to get it / over it, to stop the fear


lock down of OLD people or the sick should have been done

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16 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

Thailand will be last to come out if lockdown ! Schools  are set to open in other countries while Thailand talking about July ! Not that will effect the education levels 

I don't think that 1 or 2 month more school will help to push the education level. It must be in years

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25 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


I was thinking the same... Only 5 million kids, elderly and useless brothers ??

Lots here commenting that the numbers don't add up. But they might include foreign workers, from Cambodia, Myanmar etc. He didn't say THAI workers.

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11 hours ago, CGW said:

The 1.5 million people that are locked down in Udon Thani that are unable to earn a living would disagree with you! & no doubt millions of people in the same predicament! guess it will give the TWO people that are hospitalised in Udon a chance to recover! No sense in that!

This has been explained many times, but one more time for the really slow. 


There are a small number of cases BECAUSE of the lockdown. Without a lockdown, there are potentially MANY MORE cases and deaths. Or do you need a really high body count before you figure out action is needed?

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1 hour ago, nomad2019 said:

In between you can get very sick but even without medication you survive in almost every case with respetory 

Some will die but very few. In the middle 

As at 9/04/20 at least 759 people in the USA under the age of 50 have died. Not my take on almost every case you will survive.   https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/04/08/young-people-coronavirus-deaths/

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2 hours ago, TikiT said:

I thought it was just a theory but according to news reports this morning in the United States this virus is not naturally occurring and it was developed in a Wuhan laboratory. Something to do with research for finding vaccines not necessarily a bio weapon but regardless this was a man made error. This disaster was man made in China. 

I Have read that there is no evidence for it being as stated here and that it is another conspiracy. Are you right, or am I right? or are we both wrong?

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2 hours ago, TikiT said:

I thought it was just a theory but according to news reports this morning in the United States this virus is not naturally occurring and it was developed in a Wuhan laboratory. Something to do with research for finding vaccines not necessarily a bio weapon but regardless this was a man made error. This disaster was man made in China. 

Of course it wasn't Anutin told us all exactly why it happened.


As an aside the bio lab in Wuhan is ran by the military, the French helped them build it, there may be more than just vaccines involved.

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15 hours ago, Brigand said:

Many people in positions of privilege/power don't seem to realise just how much damage has, and is, being done. It's not going to keep, as many ordinary Thais are already at their wits end pawning everyday items for small bits of cash, people lined up outside gold shops etc. Give it two more weeks and people will be going properly nuts, even rioting. Most locals live day-to-day or month-to-month and as the work dries up and people get laid-off then it's going to go south big time. People are already throwing fits out of desperation.


Problem is, that so many locals are so in debt with cars/houses and luxury items (even small ones like phones that they pay monthly) that they can't really afford and the slightest hiccup and they have to default as so few have room to maneuver. On top of this the shambles that the government handout has been and how slow they are doing it is just crazy ... and by the time they get the next batch of people ready for payment then the first lot will have run out of money and want more. Maybe they should use some of that mountain of foreign reserves they are sitting on.


Dark days are ahead for many Thais as it will take a very long time to get things back to even half of what it was as so much here is dependent on tourism/hospitality and manufacturing. There will be no choice other than to let people get on with it soon, virus or no virus ... obviously social distancing, hand gel sanitizer and face masks are here to stay but they can't keep up the other Nazi stuff for that long. People have gotten too used to their lives and deal with shocks very badly plus hunger will make a criminal of anyone.

How much does Thailand pay for submarines?

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31 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

One of an infinite number of theories. The most convincing I've seen is a 10-minute video that showed documents revealing the virus was developed in a Kentucky laboratory, engineered to make, I think, the SARS virus much more deadly and with no antidote. Just one of the ways that the human race is intent on destroying itself, which it surely will eventually. One of those involved was a Chinese scientist who then returned home to Wuhan with a sample of the virus. What happened there I guess is that it somehow escaped the lab. It's the only theory I've seen with documents to back it up.

Have you got a link to the 10 minute video regardin the Kentucky lab?

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15 hours ago, Brigand said:

Many people in positions of privilege/power don't seem to realise just how much damage has, and is, being done. It's not going to keep, as many ordinary Thais are already at their wits end pawning everyday items for small bits of cash, people lined up outside gold shops etc. Give it two more weeks and people will be going properly nuts, even rioting. Most locals live day-to-day or month-to-month and as the work dries up and people get laid-off then it's going to go south big time. People are already throwing fits out of desperation.


Problem is, that so many locals are so in debt with cars/houses and luxury items (even small ones like phones that they pay monthly) that they can't really afford and the slightest hiccup and they have to default as so few have room to maneuver. On top of this the shambles that the government handout has been and how slow they are doing it is just crazy ... and by the time they get the next batch of people ready for payment then the first lot will have run out of money and want more. Maybe they should use some of that mountain of foreign reserves they are sitting on.



I really don't get it. Why are all the expats nay sayers and doomsday prophets? 

I sent Chaing Mai lady $100 through Western Union two weeks ago but she hasn't collect the money yet. 

Obviously she's not that desperate as this post described. 

TVF is worse than liberal medias.  

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1 minute ago, Retarded said:

I really don't get it. Why are all the expats nay sayers and doomsday prophets? 

I sent Chaing Mai lady $100 through Western Union two weeks ago but she hasn't collect the money yet. 

Obviously she's not that desperate as this post described. 

TVF is worse than liberal medias.  

I imagine she is still working B3000 an hour. $100 will be a drop in the ocean

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2 hours ago, TikiT said:

I thought it was just a theory but according to news reports this morning in the United States this virus is not naturally occurring and it was developed in a Wuhan laboratory. Something to do with research for finding vaccines not necessarily a bio weapon but regardless this was a man made error. This disaster was man made in China. 

If that is the case, and it seems that it is, no country in the world should accept planes landing from China, or Chinese passport holders.

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