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Thailand's Covid-19 mortality rate among lowest in the world


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46 minutes ago, Kks88 said:

You need your head checked if you believe this

There has not even been a single report of a patient needing a ventilator, and not being able to get one. 


Some NY hospitals at or near capacity? Sure. 


I believe others need their heads examined. Just look at the numbers they were projecting a few weeks ago. People were swearing there would be people dying and doctors choosing who to give ventilators to. 

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5 minutes ago, bipper said:

Look at Japan. One of the richest countries in the world with one of the best health care services supposed to have it all under control weeks ago today BBC news says their health service is about to collapse using the same targeted testing procedures. Note it

Message...quite yet, it's way to early to be throwing roses at yourselves with people going back to work in Chiangmai and Qs for food down the street.

They also have the oldest population on earth.  That place is going to be a bloodbath.  


Singapore is exploding too with a second wave.  


I think that Thailand's tourism industry is shot for 2020 and that takes you right to December 31.  Nobody is going to insure anyone going there while this is going on.  



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3 minutes ago, sucit said:

There has not even been a single report of a patient needing a ventilator, and not being able to get one. 


Some NY hospitals at or near capacity? Sure. 


I believe others need their heads examined. Just look at the numbers they were projecting a few weeks ago. People were swearing there would be people dying and doctors choosing who to give ventilators to. 

It means that they actually did their job and it worked.  Rather than congratulating them, you believe this is some sort of conspiracy theory?  I think there are more appropriate websites for that.  I mean really look at Italy where they were just letting people go - lots of them - because they didn't listen.  

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19 minutes ago, sucit said:

There has not even been a single report of a patient needing a ventilator, and not being able to get one. 


Some NY hospitals at or near capacity? Sure. 


I believe others need their heads examined. Just look at the numbers they were projecting a few weeks ago. People were swearing there would be people dying and doctors choosing who to give ventilators to. 


17,000 covid deaths in New York in the last 4/5 weeks.


NY cv deaths are going up 1000 a day currently

The total death rate has tripled for NY compared to the average from previous years

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11 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Thailand's Covid-19 mortality rate among lowest in the world

The head line should be:

”Thailand’s COVID-19 reporting amongst most convoluted and under reported in the world”..... 

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2 hours ago, Kks88 said:

My father in law died last week with all the symptoms. They refused to test him and his diagnosis was pneumonia from “dust”, so bacterial pneumonia for which they hooked him up to antibiotics intravenously for 7 days with zero effect on the pneumonia.


He was actually refused hospital care until the police got involved, so there will be many dieing at home unfortunately

That's something I didn't take into account - misdiagnosis. Point well made. 

Sorry for your family's loss. 

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1 hour ago, rbkk said:

Two contradictory points. Why are the recent cases in hot and humid Singapore so high?

I heard from Singaporean friends the sudden rise over there is mainly from the large numbers of foreign workers living in densely populated dormitories. 

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 I returned to the UK 10 days ago and can say that the approach in Thailand is far better than in the UK. While in Thailand I had my temperature taken every time I went shopping, even stopped twice at road checks on the way to Suvarnabhumi. Wearing masks compulsory, curfew and good compliance by most people. Compare that with UK. Whingeing about civil rights because Asda tried to implement temperature checks on entrance, crowding in Westminster Bridge to applaud the NHS, just so the snowflakes can feel good about themselves and UK numbers hurtling towards being the worst in Europe. Don’t be so hasty in knocking Thailand, you’re a damn sight safer there.

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Glad I am in Thailand now.  I think Thailand has done a surprisingly good job so far.  I predict the infected and death numbers will increase a lot when they open up the country, and especially the borders. Beware the 2nd wave.

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12 hours ago, kevin612 said:

Thailand is ok now, can lift lockdown on May, but still need to close the borders until summer to prevent covid 19.

Anyone outside of Thailand at the moment and has a Thai wife in Thailand must be allowed in, even if it means a 14 day quarantine.

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11 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

testing is unimportant. 


what you don't see in Thailand unlike communist China and the USA and the rest of the world is social media with stories of nurses crying for help and totally overwhelmed with dead patents in the hallways on gurneys.   


dead bodies stacked up in trucks like in NYC and mass graves. 


that could not be hidden here. yes, some but not all. there are just too many cameras now and too many places to post it.  


so i would suggest everyone stop saying Thailand is lying about the numbers and start thinking about what the difference is. Many very good ideas why Thailand is not experiencing the pandemic the same way the rest of the world is. 

I just hope that the government has got it right, and if so deserve a lot of credit, but in the fourteen years I have lived here, they have done nothing in my favour, and I still feel I am being treated as a criminal.

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3 hours ago, Kks88 said:

My father in law died last week with all the symptoms. They refused to test him and his diagnosis was pneumonia from “dust”, so bacterial pneumonia for which they hooked him up to antibiotics intravenously for 7 days with zero effect on the pneumonia.


He was actually refused hospital care until the police got involved, so there will be many dieing at home unfortunately

Are you saying he was finally diagnosed with Covid 19 and was the rest of the family put into quarantine

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25 minutes ago, offset said:

Are you saying he was finally diagnosed with Covid 19 and was the rest of the family put into quarantine

No, what he is saying is that people here don't really get tested even if they die of pneumonia, never mind family members or contact tracing.




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Like always I tell you when I did not read each page of this threat before posting. I don't know if I would be bragging about the numbers but they do look quite unusual and good.  I'm not so sure you can say it's because of the Good Health Care system I think there is some other reason that we have not understood yet. I read someone said maybe som Tom is good preventive medicine.    I hope the case of stay low but I cannot understand this unusual deviation from every other country, especially given how many Chinese Travelers were there January and February

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1 hour ago, Elkski said:

maybe som Tom is good preventive

It isn't, though I don't know about chillis - probably of little use. Dietary factors have largely been poo-poo'd by those who one assumes would know. Hasn't stopped the predatory Thai con-men from getting to work though.


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14 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


They throw all these numbers and percentages out there, to make it look like they have a clue about whats happening...

But they still can't say how many people have actually been tested or are being tested !! 


If these are genuine numbers then there is no justification for curfews and business closures now... Oh but we have to worry about the 2nd wave right.....

The official number is 100,000 tested, which is very poor for a population of 68 million. but Thailand is not alone, most countries can only guess at the true infected number. However, the numbers are very low and I understand people are not seeing overwhelmed hospitals, so all being true Thailand is doing well and if you are there be thankful for that. You still have to assume the virus is rampant and protect yourself and loved ones.. Stay safe.

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3 minutes ago, ParkerN said:

It's been pointed out often that the cloth masks usually sourced by Thais are pretty much useless

But if I had Covid 19 with no symptoms and I coughed in a supermarket without a 'useless' cloth mask, the droplets would spray freely everywhere. But if I was wearing a 'useless' cloth mask, the droplets would mostly be caught in the mask, no? 


I understand the cheap masks don't protect the wearer, but surely they help to stop the spread to some extent. 

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I have a simple home made cloth mask in the UK, I pop it on when I am entering a place where there are other people, when I return I wash it and my hands with soap immediately My understanding is although the virus is collected by touch there is also the opinion that while not airborne it is carried in 'droplets' from a sneeze or cough. so my feel is masks may assist if handled in the appropriate manner


Also although som tam may only assist a little, fresh ingredients do provide vitamins, and zinc to support the immune system, while not a preventative, certainly an asset.

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7 minutes ago, ParkerN said:

Maybe. But...


Mostly, Thais wear the masks to satisfy their 'Borg' inclinations. It's a badge, a membership if you will, a face-saving device to indicate compliance and submission. It's been pointed out often that the cloth masks usually sourced by Thais are pretty much useless, (including those sported by politicians and other pooyay for publicity or 'snapshot' purposes) being the single-use surgical masks. Mostly Thais wear these useless masks because that's what they choose to (or can) afford; most foreigners I've come across (including me) have bought the N95-type for them and their families. There's a big difference, even if masking up were greatly effective and it hasn't been shown that it is.


So what you see as a cultural difference is in fact just that, but the difference isn't what many would reckon it to be. For the Thai, it is indeed a cultural thing (conformance). For the foreigner it generally isn't - excluding those poor souls who will do almost anything to feel accepted and included by their society of choice, which sadly, might be quite a good few of them. Personally I'd rather have my left testicle excised and my IQ reduced by 40 points than be thought of as a  'compliance' Thai, but that's just me and I don't expect it would surprise anyone to be aware of that.




Loads of stuff about wearing masks. I guess we all just have to make our own decision based upon facts we can find. One thing I know, the virus particles are 1,000 nth of a mm wide so no loose fitting, semi transparent cloth mask is going to make a blind bit of difference, except maybe to catch some of the huge spread of droplets from someone sneezing or coughing, hence the WHO organisation recommendation of not wearing unless you are sick. Also the virus can get in through your eyes so a flimsy facemask is pretty useless if an infected person does cough in your direction. The other thing is, it is not an airborne virus so staying 2m apart (the distance the droplets may travel) and washing your hands and not touching your face seem to be the most sensible advice based upon how the virus likes to spread which is mainly by touch. As far as I am aware the only way to really protect yourself is by wearing a sealed medical mask with appropriate filters designed to stop viral infections and a pair of sealed surgical googles and even then keep your hands away from your face at all times. So for me the flimsy, material face masks seem to be useless armed with a bit of knowledge. but you know what they say, a little knowledge can be dangerous....

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If you are stood in a shop and some person walks by with covid I think any mask that limits your breathing drawing the virus towards you is an advantage, may also be that even if only a few are trapped your body may cope better with less - I think it is up to the individual, my take is if you feel better trying to do something rather than leaving yourself totally exposed then do it.

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1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

The official number is 100,000 tested, which is very poor for a population of 68 million. but Thailand is not alone, most countries can only guess at the true infected number. However, the numbers are very low and I understand people are not seeing overwhelmed hospitals, so all being true Thailand is doing well and if you are there be thankful for that. You still have to assume the virus is rampant and protect yourself and loved ones.. Stay safe.

The amartya didn't want to accept the expense of a better testing regime. But I bet you tht they and their families have access to the best tests what being a parasite is all about. Cant;t be a proper tick unless you know how to exploit people who are less rich that you.


Ask the girl who killed the 9 people in a bus... that family knows a lot about sucking blood.

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1 hour ago, 473geo said:

If you are stood in a shop and some person walks by with covid I think any mask that limits your breathing drawing the virus towards you is an advantage, may also be that even if only a few are trapped your body may cope better with less - I think it is up to the individual, my take is if you feel better trying to do something rather than leaving yourself totally exposed then do it.

I think this is a common but egregious mistake.


It's been stated time and again by people whose job it is to know, that the most useful function of a mask is to protect other people from you. Mostly, the virus appears not to be inhaled but transferred by contact (possible thence to eyes and mouth). In general, masks do not protect the eyes. The most common reaction of people being close to someone coughing or sneezing (thus producing aerosol) is to flee. I don't think aerosol is a major vector (though it might have been at the start of the pandemic) otherwise you wouldn't see the bottles of alcohol hand-wash in just about every shop, you'd see masks - right?



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7 hours ago, Timwin said:

US southern states are also not having major epidemics like New York or New Jersey except Louisiana (they had Mardi Gras with a lot of "close contacts"). Florida is already opening some of the beaches. This virus, like all the other coronaviruses, is very temperature sensitive.


Singapore has now an epidemic in crowded dormitories, full of foreign work permit holders, crammed into small rooms. 


5 hours ago, rbkk said:

Two contradictory points. Why are the recent cases in hot and humid Singapore so high?


3 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

I heard from Singaporean friends the sudden rise over there is mainly from the large numbers of foreign workers living in densely populated dormitories. 

CGI Blue, Read post #175 again. My question is about the HOT and HUMID, when Timwin said the virus is very temperature sensitive. Why are the numbers so high when it is so hot and humid in Singapore? Shouldn't the heat and humidity cripple the virus?

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18 minutes ago, ParkerN said:

I think this is a common but egregious mistake.


It's been stated time and again by people whose job it is to know, that the most useful function of a mask is to protect other people from you. Mostly, the virus appears not to be inhaled but transferred by contact (possible thence to eyes and mouth). In general, masks do not protect the eyes. The most common reaction of people being close to someone coughing or sneezing (thus producing aerosol) is to flee. I don't think aerosol is a major vector (though it might have been at the start of the pandemic) otherwise you wouldn't see the bottles of alcohol hand-wash in just about every shop, you'd see masks - right?



Ok so if one is a selfish person with no thought for others dont wear a mask. If masks 'most useful function is to protect other people from you' then as people do not display symptoms for days wear a mask. Right? no matter the pedantic discussion on how masks protect you - proven or unproven

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8 hours ago, jadee said:

My two-cents is that I'm from the UK and, having been in Thailand all throughout this pandemic, I can't tell whether the official numbers are under-reported and find it really confusing.


My experience was that Thailand seemed to act sooner than western countries and it really kicked in after the Chinese New year (early Feb). In the UK, it happened much later. This confused 'logic' was that as Thailand is geographically 'closer' to China, it would be hit harder - but flight data shows that international flights continued to leave Wuhan during the lockdown - so that just spread the virus everywhere - UK, US, Italy, Australia. So whether Thailand is nearer or further than China, covid probably reached both countries roughly the same time. 

Another thing is that most Brits are culturally averse to wearing masks (most still aren't wearing them even during lockdown and just want to 'tough it out') but Thais were ALL wearing them in early Feb or sooner and really taking it seriously. I read this report that earlier action can reduce cases and, while I don't know whether the Thai figures are made up or not, it could be relevant. 


Millions of Chinese incl Wuhanese were coming to Thailand, that impact is still a mystery.


As for masks, In Thailand we all wear masks but it's mostly useless. It won't prevent the virus getting in the mask, should reduce the virus getting out but if someone has symptoms they should be self isolating anyway, and if someone doesn't have symptoms it's a much lower risk, transmission in the house is much higher risk

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I have never had much belief in the honesty of anyone in Thailand giving me

the official numbers, after the number of cases went past 30 quickly then magically

stopped for a while. The wearing of masks especially in Bangkok, because of

the pollution has helped many people. In Canada I still see many people who will

not wear a mask or use gloves, and that is why the flattened curve has not

been reached yet, also may be the US reason as well. There are still some who

do not take the virus seriously, and who are still spreaders, as they feel healthy,

with no symptoms, so no danger from them, yes?


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8 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

or use gloves

Not only gloves do not protect you, because the virus stays on them also, so if you touch your face with them it's as if not having them, but they also provide a false sense of security, i.e people touch themselves thinking it's safe.



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