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Daily new cases must fall below 10 to contain Covid-19

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2 hours ago, sukhumvitneon said:

People are going to look back and realize the cure was worse than the disease. Fauci et al. get to keep their taxpayer funded jobs when this is over meanwhile millions of people face financial ruin.

But at least they’ll be alive while the non taxpaying 1% get still richer

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14 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

Every day there are more and more "for sale/rent" signs on businesses here in Hua Hin. Not just bars but shops, restaurants and other companies too. Often whole rows of shop houses (not just new ones). The main Petkasem road was like a ghost town this afternoon. Can't imagine what it must be like in Pattaya or Phuket. Empty showrooms and factories elsewhere for a long time already. The service sector plays such a big role here that there are mass layoffs and people now going hungry and unable to pay rent. This will get dramatically worse in the next 2-3 weeks. Expect more lines for free food and possible protests against the elusive 5,000 Baht subsidy. The leadership have no clue about reality for the hard working Thais.

Guess what, it's too late to reverse... Even if the government removed curfew, restrictions etc today those businesses are already out. And people would not suddenly start shopping and visiting restaurants etc. People would still continue staying home out of fear for the virus AND because they are broke/lost their job. The economic damage is done! And it can't be reversed. It's gonna take years to get back to economic normal.

The only good thing is that there's gonna be lots of hungry and angry people that will remove the current parasites in government soon.

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58 minutes ago, HHTel said:
  14 hours ago, mr mr said:

Thursday April 30th, 2020


In covid-19 news today Thailand's daily total of new cases was 9.




Haha.  Someone doesn't get the joke!!


Ha! Yep i concede you got me HHTel..  you made me smile anyhow ????

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13 hours ago, Sharp said:



6 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

testing DR?so when will it start so we can track and trace? from germany to seoul to USA everyone is saying the same thing.you dont mention it ,why?welfare of the common citizen too.why is this not part of the picture?they must work .the economy is so fragile here.you express so much interest in single digits but in more normal times no thoughts given t o common and countless deaths of the citizenry.businesses must start to open.some thought needs to be given to your actions.this hasnt been the case. youve been so lucky its strong sunlight that kills the virus now its proven medically.get people back to work,keep the boxing and cinemas closed the brothels too.people working outside are protected by sunlight during daylight.lets use some logic and partially open up asap.then a week later more so etc.youve been so lucky the UV saved you.it couldnt be anything else ,you insisted beyond any type of logic to keep the infected flowing thru the door come what may.no matter what anyone said.get the economy moving as people are pawning goods and selling gold at an unprecedented rate,that wont last forever when thats done well you are done and people will make the only decisions they can.so get on with it whilst the sun shines.

Sorry where has it been proven strong sunlight kills the virus ?

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6 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

testing DR?so when will it start so we can track and trace? from germany to seoul to USA everyone is saying the same thing.you dont mention it ,why?welfare of the common citizen too.why is this not part of the picture?they must work .the economy is so fragile here.you express so much interest in single digits but in more normal times no thoughts given t o common and countless deaths of the citizenry.businesses must start to open.some thought needs to be given to your actions.this hasnt been the case. youve been so lucky its strong sunlight that kills the virus now its proven medically.get people back to work,keep the boxing and cinemas closed the brothels too.people working outside are protected by sunlight during daylight.lets use some logic and partially open up asap.then a week later more so etc.youve been so lucky the UV saved you.it couldnt be anything else ,you insisted beyond any type of logic to keep the infected flowing thru the door come what may.no matter what anyone said.get the economy moving as people are pawning goods and selling gold at an unprecedented rate,that wont last forever when thats done well you are done and people will make the only decisions they can.so get on with it whilst the sun shines.

Not sure if this is accurate as many of the southern states of the USA have sunlight and a lot of infections. It would stand to reason that no country close to the equator would suffer much, but that is not the case. 

In Thailand, I feel the method is, if you are a doctor or nurse, keep quiet or risk an education camp. If you have a temperature, take some paracetamol. Trouble breathing, it is probably pneumonia. The key is, keep it quiet until everyone gets back to work. And then keep quiet again. 

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1 hour ago, hobz said:

Guess what, it's too late to reverse... Even if the government removed curfew, restrictions etc today those businesses are already out. And people would not suddenly start shopping and visiting restaurants etc. People would still continue staying home out of fear for the virus AND because they are broke/lost their job. The economic damage is done! And it can't be reversed. It's gonna take years to get back to economic normal.

The only good thing is that there's gonna be lots of hungry and angry people that will remove the current parasites in government soon.

I agree people are not just going to race outside, yes if you make a mistake and open mass venue bars nightclubs they will be full and soon you are back where you started, but for me i would be in no rush to go for a weekend away no rush to go to a mall shopping and no rush to go to a typical tourist venue, it will not happen overnight and foreign tourist will be few and far between other than Chinese who spend nothing in comparison to a western tourist and its not the numbers its the money needed 

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12 minutes ago, Purdey said:

Not sure if this is accurate as many of the southern states of the USA have sunlight and a lot of infections. It would stand to reason that no country close to the equator would suffer much, but that is not the case. 

In Thailand, I feel the method is, if you are a doctor or nurse, keep quiet or risk an education camp. If you have a temperature, take some paracetamol. Trouble breathing, it is probably pneumonia. The key is, keep it quiet until everyone gets back to work. And then keep quiet again. 

You could not keep it quiet, not everybody is 100% controlled, many say  the students arnt best pleased some of these young nurses and junior doctors were students a couple of years ago and there strong feelings about things do not just disappear.

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"If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19." World Health Organisation advice.


“The West initially did not accept wearing masks, but they do now. We, Thais, had adopted wearing of masks earlier, that is probably why the number of deaths in Thailand and other Asian countries are not high while virus deaths in the West have reached 100,000, he noted."


Where the WHO (World Health Organisation) advice falls down is that people may feel healthy, but may indeed be infected, and therefore may inadvertently be passing on the virus.


 It's nice to know that another chance of a dig at "the West" has not been missed, but let's not forget where the virus originated!



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14 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Sure leadership in UK, Spain , Italy France and USA are completely in control, get real.

What does that mean? I am in the UK, what is you think is out of control here? I have friends in Italy and Germany and we are in regular contact so i have a pretty good overview of Europe. So where is it you say the leadership is out of control?


The UK is having a tough time. We are all on lockdown like most of the world. However the government is propping up the economy with a salary package. The government pay 80% of your salary each month, the company pays an extra 10% so people are on 90% salaries. Some people on zero hour contracts or who work for companies who have folded have had to claim benefits,, very sad but we don't have much choice. Despite all this we have amazing healthcare system and there is a spirit of unity across neighbourhoods that is very healthy, we are looking out for the isolated and the elderly and all praying it will end soon... Is that what you meant? Or are you just talking s*it!



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7 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

What does that mean? I am in the UK, what is you think is out of control here? I have friends in Italy and Germany and we are in regular contact so i have a pretty good overview of Europe. So where is it you say the leadership is out of control?


The UK is having a tough time. We are all on lockdown like most of the world. However the government is propping up the economy with a salary package. The government pay 80% of your salary each month, the company pays an extra 10% so people are on 90% salaries. Some people on zero hour contracts or who work for companies who have folded have had to claim benefits,, very sad but we don't have much choice. Despite all this we have amazing healthcare system and there is a spirit of unity across neighbourhoods that is very healthy, we are looking out for the isolated and the elderly and all praying it will end soon... Is that what you meant? Or are you just talking s*it!



There are arriving 15000 people a day in the UK by plane and they are not tested. People are meeting in parks. the doctors and nurses don't have enough protective gear. 

Praying that it will end soon, better start acting to improve things.

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1 hour ago, Almer said:


Sorry where has it been proven strong sunlight kills the virus ?

it doesn't, there are some backwater studies done in Thailand that are complete <deleted>. You can google the truth about how UV rays effect the coronavirus on the BBC and various others. In short the amount of UV that is required to kill a virus would quite literally mean frying everyone on earth. 

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Thailand may reopen but who will come?


China's economy must be crashing and burning as Western companies cancel orders en mass.


Most Western countries are doing a terrible job of handling the virus (especially the UK). When I flew back from China in February all Heathrow had as corona defence was a few posters on the wall. There is still practically no testing, and half the population believes the WHO's line on face masks. Still workers in the major supermarkets have no masks, and there are still way too many people milling around (especially those in vulnerable groups).


I have no idea if I have/had it. I got offered a job in Thailand and would love to take it up as the thought of staying in the UK in the Autumn terrifies me.

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14 hours ago, DrTuner said:

They don't allow twitter here, but it's also on youtube:


Phuket identified as a high risk area, tested 1,000+ and find only 1 positive, so concluded a very low infection rate of 1 in 1,000.

The problem is that all 1,000+ are assumed to be at the same point of health for the test. But it has been shown throughout the world that in high risk areas negative tests can within 14 days turn positive as people may carry the infection for up to 14 days and test negative. 

Thus, the government must retest those "negatives" after 14 days to Validate they are truly negative. Plipat said the infection rate is 80% in high risk areas, so the government's one-time test sweep that finds 0.1% is very suspect for accuracy as to what the degree of infection is in Phuket. 

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17 hours ago, Guderian said:

I've no idea about his 10 cases per day, but experience in both Japan and Singapore shows that it's fatal to relax the social distancing and other rules just because it appears that you've got the number of daily cases under control. If all the stories in the media about infection with C19 not conferring immunity, are true, then these restrictions will be with us until a vaccine is available. And for younger people who are naturally sceptical about the need for these measures, check the numbers, half of all cases here have been in people younger than 40.

The youngsters don't care, as they were told they only get a mild infection. They don't realise 'mild' means the sick patient does not require oxygen (Boris J - became 'serious', when he was put on oxygen). Many report their mild covid infection was worse than any flue they had ever experienced. 

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18 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

The UK is one of the most visited place on Earth and the numbers are tiny compared to normal movement and the government says screening is pretty pointless at airports. People in the parks is utter <deleted>. You have seen some silly press designed to make headlines and you believed it,,, I am in the UK, just North of London and the whole place is ghost town,,,, we are all on lockdown and when we are out we are all practicing social distancing.  Protective gear has taken everybody, all over the world by surprise,,, it is in a global shortage you dimwit, the government is getting grief for it but thats bound to happen because it is their job to get it. My brother is a senior manager in London NHS and he has been moved onto PPE so I think I have a better knowledge of it all compared to a newspaper headline reader who then regurgitates it as gospel.. There is a very healthy sense of unity in the UK that I guess hasn't been as strong since the war. My advice to you is before reading The Daily Mail apply a filter to your brain and assume the press "sensationalise" and "exaggerate" to make money. 

There are countries who haven't got a shortage. Screening is never pointless, only a dimwit would say otherwise. I don't read the Daily Mail. Boris wanted to practice herd immunity, a more stupid approach isn't there. He lost a lot of precious time by this. Then he refused to get supplies from the EU because he wanted some of his mates to produce them, which they couldn't, lost time again. The sheer stupidity is only matched by the USA.

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5 hours ago, pookiki said:

I am in agreement with your analysis of the recovery - that it will be long and excruciating but I am at loss to understand why you consider the lockdown 'inane'.  Thailand's lockdown has been looser than most but we still don't know to what extent there is community spreading because of so little testing.  I guess the bottom line is what loss of life is acceptable to protect economic activity?  Do you think the rich are at risk in either scenario? Since this disease seems to prey on the old and infirm, is this an acceptable way to rid society of those who do not contribute to the economy but worked hard all their lives in an attempt to enjoy there retirement years? I guess the question I would put to you is "What is the greater good and who decides what it is?"

As far as I am concerned we barely need testing at this stage. Thailand had millions of Chinese and European tourists in Dec, Jan and Feb, when this thing was gaining traction in China, and the first cases were happening in Europe. If this was going to blow up here, it would have happened already, as we are well past the incubation period. It is declining now, and will be a trickle within a week or two. The economy must be ramped up. People are hungry, and millions are without work. It is easy to suggest caution when you have a nice pension, and savings. Most Thais do not. 

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19 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The people of Thailand have to be able to make a living, and feed their families. It is easy for these typically wealthy ministers and advisors to recommend very long economic shutdowns, but the pain it is causing the masses is untold. And the subsidy program is not working, with about 80% of the people who apply being rejected. It demonstrates the lack of concern and lack of sincerity of the leadership here. 

Yes, ignore the Pandemic Experts, and lets go into a desaster, welcome a second Covid high peak. Dream on!

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8 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

There are countries who haven't got a shortage. Screening is never pointless, only a dimwit would say otherwise. I don't read the Daily Mail. Boris wanted to practice herd immunity, a more stupid approach isn't there. He lost a lot of precious time by this. Then he refused to get supplies from the EU because he wanted some of his mates to produce them, which they couldn't, lost time again. The sheer stupidity is only matched by the USA.

Every single thing you have said is based upon tabloid newspapers. There is obviously a global shortage of PPE, it's logical there would be. I am in the UK, I can see what is happening, I don't need to rely on tabloids for my understanding of what is happening. I don't need to listen to an idiot who has spouted a load of nonsense on a forum and now "cherry picking" tabloid headlines to strengthen his point, I should have resisted and ignored it because intelligent people will wash over it anyway.

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17 hours ago, Guderian said:

I've no idea about his 10 cases per day, but experience in both Japan and Singapore shows that it's fatal to relax the social distancing and other rules just because it appears that you've got the number of daily cases under control. If all the stories in the media about infection with C19 not conferring immunity, are true, then these restrictions will be with us until a vaccine is available. And for younger people who are naturally sceptical about the need for these measures, check the numbers, half of all cases here have been in people younger than 40.

Younger people should be allowed to mix more freely together, in order to confer herd immunity. Very few will suffer anything more than mild symptoms.


The problem is limiting their contact with the older generation, who are overwhelmingly the most at-risk group in terms of virus-related deaths.. Easier said than done, unfortunately, in Thailand's numerous multi-generational households.

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19 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The people of Thailand have to be able to make a living, and feed their families. It is easy for these typically wealthy ministers and advisors to recommend very long economic shutdowns, but the pain it is causing the masses is untold. And the subsidy program is not working, with about 80% of the people who apply being rejected. It demonstrates the lack of concern and lack of sincerity of the leadership here. 

Now imagine a world with these same people flooding the hospitals with covid 19 and no many to pay the bills. They wouldn’t go to the hospital, they would just continue their lives infecting more people into exponential covid mass deaths and collapse of a country. 

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8 hours ago, Netzero said:

To not kill the economy and risk real potential social unrest the restrictions have to be lifted enough to allow people to work and travel within the country. Yes - good chance the numbers will go up but little choice. Common Thai people are asking a lot of questions now under their breath that they previously would not dare ask. Have to open the economy up next month and let people make a living again

That's what it is. People need to work and feed their families

They can't do that in a lockdown. Open up where possible through tests or whatever.

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2 hours ago, Almer said:


Sorry where has it been proven strong sunlight kills the virus ?

It hasn't but a theory has been put forward that high humidity slows down the movement of the virus.


The moisture in the air acts as a barrier to airborne particles.

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1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

Every single thing you have said is based upon tabloid newspapers. There is obviously a global shortage of PPE, it's logical there would be. I am in the UK, I can see what is happening, I don't need to rely on tabloids for my understanding of what is happening. I don't need to listen to an idiot who has spouted a load of nonsense on a forum and now "cherry picking" tabloid headlines to strengthen his point, I should have resisted and ignored it because intelligent people will wash over it anyway.

You, intelligent? You ASSUME I get info from tabloids. A person being somewhere says nothing about the knowledge they have. My IQ is 136, what about yours? Here some FACTS about how your country is doing:  https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


Edited by FritsSikkink
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2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

There are countries who haven't got a shortage. Screening is never pointless, only a dimwit would say otherwise. I don't read the Daily Mail. Boris wanted to practice herd immunity, a more stupid approach isn't there. He lost a lot of precious time by this. Then he refused to get supplies from the EU because he wanted some of his mates to produce them, which they couldn't, lost time again. The sheer stupidity is only matched by the USA.

Well all I know is I am here. I have direct access to the situation with PPE and I also have over 20 years experience in import an export from Asia so I know very well that there will absolutely be a global shortage. Different countries have different situations, populations and severity of the virus, therefore they may not have a shortage,, but to you the headline says what it says so must be true... The idea of herd immunity was not practiced, it was discussed by a medical professor and in fact it is correct but clearly the lockdown shows the UK government are not relying on herd immunity, my being indoors for over a month tells me that,,  but again  you read the tabloids so must be right. Just carry on reading and cherry picking stories to match your predetermined view. I will stick to the facts. 

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