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About 2,500 protesters converge at Washington state capitol against stay-at-home order


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14 hours ago, webfact said:

Despite pleas from rally organizers to wear face coverings or masks, many did not.

  So if it is a lawful order, start the arrests and charges. And then, since many states are releasing prisoners to reduce the crowding and alleged spread of the virus, release them.  Catch and release, and pocket the fines.

Edited by gk10002000
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2 hours ago, samran said:

Doctors standing up to loudmouth protestors in the US. I know who I support.


Photographs captured the nurses standing in front of a number of vehicles staring back at the drivers with their arms crossed, refusing to move under a cacophony of horns and heckles




Sorry but both are probably breaking the law.  You block my free right of passage and you might not like results as my 2 ton SUV continues on its way.  Peaceful lawful protest for any reason does not give anybody the right to block a road

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19 hours ago, pookondee said:

It wont be long now before the collective thinking turns a full circle.

People been angrily demonised for suggesting 

"We shut the whole world down for a mid strength flu" 

Soon enough even the scared sheeple cowering indoors will start to feel the cabin craziness.


And how long before crime spikes?


What when the desperate realise that being in prison in your room is not much differance than being in a state run prison?


Actually it could be better for some as they get given regular meals.




 COVID19 is flowing around prisons 

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5 hours ago, gk10002000 said:


Sorry but both are probably breaking the law.  You block my free right of passage and you might not like results as my 2 ton SUV continues on its way.  Peaceful lawful protest for any reason does not give anybody the right to block a road

It’s called murder ????, manslaughter if you have a top notch lawyer 

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Those people that live in the border states with very little covid pockets, that don't want to participate in the  slow safe approach of phase 1 ,better not try go to work ,shop,seek medical care or visit their relatives in the phase 1 state,it just wouldn't be fare!

But than again, the more they go and spend money(if they have any after the 1,2k) the better off the phase one state  would be , as they claw back.

Than again, I would't want a non participant  coming in to my state competing for scraps,ie jobs !

Edited by riclag
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6 hours ago, gk10002000 said:


Sorry but both are probably breaking the law.  You block my free right of passage and you might not like results as my 2 ton SUV continues on its way.  Peaceful lawful protest for any reason does not give anybody the right to block a road

At least their orderly ,not brawling,punching innocent people,  setting fires or destroying personal property!And most importantly not wearing black 

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On 4/20/2020 at 7:40 AM, webfact said:

Police estimated the crowd at 2,500, making it one of the largest protests in U.S. states against lockdowns over the past week. In Olympia, hundreds gathered in close quarters on the steps of the capitol building and around a fountain, contravening state and federal health guidelines during the novel coronavirus pandemic.

So we will soon see 2500 new COVID-19 patients in WA... hopefully there aren't enough hospital beds to accommodate them!

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9 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

That doctor is blocking the road.  he has no right to try and prevent anything. The person in the car is free to drive

He is stopping an illegal act. No issue at all. The person in the car is not free to drive. If the car hits him it wont be the doctor to blame as pedestrians have the rights over the car.

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On 4/20/2020 at 6:44 PM, Tug said:

Ahh nooo you have no rite to run someone over with a suv or Vespa it’s called assault and if ya kill that person it’s mansaluter at the bare minimum murder most likely just like that dirt bag that killed that woman in Charlottesville 

Ah no, you have no right to block somebody which is tantamount to kidnapping.  

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On 4/21/2020 at 3:41 AM, Sujo said:

He is stopping an illegal act. No issue at all. The person in the car is not free to drive. If the car hits him it wont be the doctor to blame as pedestrians have the rights over the car.

It is not an illegal act, and the twink nurse has no authority to stop any thing

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