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Thailand extends alcohol ban, health ministry says some measures could be eased


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10 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Might as well ban pizza. Hard to eat a slice without a cold beer, unless its for breakfast cold and with a tall glass of milk.....

Cold pizza with a glass of milk??? Nooo....   after digging the slice out from under the sofa it can only be washed down with something as equally putrid, i.e. the bitter caffeinated hit only a double spoon of instant Nescafe can bring !!!


Caffeine is a drug though, so some would react on impulse and see that also banned... 




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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

[and what really gets the collective expat blood boiling?]


Someone being a sanctimonious old tool !!!! 


Now chill out and recognise that there is nothing wrong with being able to enjoy a beer with your dinner while in lockdown and the kneecapping of common sense with some sanctimonious moral high ground mixed in with the stench of schadenfreude is unbecoming. 


Funny.  I made a statement saying that a significant portion of the expat population gets riled up when their alcohol is taken away.  I didn't aim it at anyone personally.  I didn't quote anyone.   I even started with a ridiculous Star Wars hyperbole.


Gotta wonder why some of them seem to be taking it personally.  I'm thinking Shakespeare nailed it...  "Methinks thou dost protest too much."  If it hits close to home, that ain't about me.


And if you're trying to claim that there isn't an alcohol issue among many expats, you're in denial.


Edited by impulse
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8 minutes ago, impulse said:
1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

[and what really gets the collective expat blood boiling?]


Someone being a sanctimonious old tool !!!! 


Now chill out and recognise that there is nothing wrong with being able to enjoy a beer with your dinner while in lockdown and the kneecapping of common sense with some sanctimonious moral high ground mixed in with the stench of schadenfreude is unbecoming. 


Funny.  I made a statement saying that a significant portion of the expat population gets riled up when their alcohol is taken away.  I didn't aim it at anyone personally.  I didn't quote anyone.   I even started with a ridiculous Star Wars hyperbole.


Gotta wonder why some of them seem to be taking it personally.  I'm thinking Shakespeare nailed it...  "Methinks thou dost protest too much."  If it hits close to home, that ain't about me.


And if you're trying to claim that there isn't an alcohol issue among many expats, you're in denial.


Fair point.... but that 'retched hive of scum and villainy’ is home to some and upgrading from Alex Guinness to Shakespeare isn’t going to make sanctimony any less tolerable, even for those locking down in Tatooine.



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20 hours ago, mikeymike100 said:

Banning of alcohol during the Songkran period did have some logic. I'm sure if the beer and whisky had been available there would have been a few parties everywhere, which is what the Government don't want right now for fear of spreading the Covid19 virus. However continuing past that point doesn't seem logical. "The extension of the alcohol ban will help control the spread of the coronavirus by discouraging social gatherings, said Pongsakorn Kwanmuang, spokesman for the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration" So on May 1st everybody (that drinks) will go into their local shop buy their favorite tipple and have a nice evening? By this logic they should just ban alcohol until the pandemic is over, or run its course. Could be a long time!!


I think they will lets wait for the May day announcement

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22 hours ago, 2long said:

I like a drink, and the ban is inconvenient. BUT, like me, I feel that 90+% of TVF members are not Thai and a huge percentage are males over 40 who like to drink at home most days.

HOWEVER, let's not forget that we are guests in Thailand and this ban has been put into effect to stop Thais drinking in groups, because most Thais who drink like to do so in groups, not alone like us farang. And when people drink, they drop their guard with regards to following sensible protocol. 

Therefore, the ban is necessary and we (guests of Thailand who like to drink alone) just have to accept it. It's not going to last forever, and if it forces us to reduce our alcohol intake then that's good for everyone.

With your flawed thought process i presume you are in favour of banning somtam, or in fact all food types as the Thai people all sit in groups eating together spreading the virus.

Or of course, they can allow the sale of all products, and ban gather in groups!

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Prohibition - Wikipedia

Prohibition is the act or practice of forbidding something by law; more particularly the term refers to the banning of the manufacture, storage (whether in barrels or in bottles), transportation, sale, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The word is also used to refer to a period of time during which such bans are enforced.
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Looks like Thailand is gonna be one of the least happy and least hospitable places in the future.

I bet even a year from now there will be funny restrictions on gatherings and other social things. 

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19 hours ago, chrissables said:
On 4/21/2020 at 4:41 AM, 2long said:

I like a drink, and the ban is inconvenient. BUT, like me, I feel that 90+% of TVF members are not Thai and a huge percentage are males over 40 who like to drink at home most days.

HOWEVER, let's not forget that we are guests in Thailand and this ban has been put into effect to stop Thais drinking in groups, because most Thais who drink like to do so in groups, not alone like us farang. And when people drink, they drop their guard with regards to following sensible protocol. 

Therefore, the ban is necessary and we (guests of Thailand who like to drink alone) just have to accept it. It's not going to last forever, and if it forces us to reduce our alcohol intake then that's good for everyone.

With your flawed thought process i presume you are in favour of banning somtam, or in fact all food types as the Thai people all sit in groups eating together spreading the virus.

Or of course, they can allow the sale of all products, and ban gather in groups!


The thought process is precisely why the ban has been put in place - its not flawed at all. 


Drinking for many is a social endeavour and a group of guys hitting their 'lao-khao' or ‘Sang-som bucket' sparkle soon care little for the necessary prevention behaviour requested of them, instead choosing social lubricance. 


The reasons the Alcohol bans may be necessary is because the Police don’t actually do any policing and those who’ve imbibed care little when told what to do or not to do. 


Having a beer at home is quite different, but unforunately we are being policed according to the lowest common denominator and its not just Thai’s who’d drink in groups, Westerners have also thought themselves beyond the regulations and been caught out. 






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On 4/21/2020 at 3:31 PM, Awa Shuen said:

I feel you, same here....

Hopefully after 1 month our great PM will announce the number of COVID is "under controlled" again. Since Thailand can't afford to stop all economy activities for that long.

Or for the very few fatalities as people are already suffering. 

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Struggled to get a bottle today. But I managed it. 

Whatever... Things are really getting scary. I don't care Covid but I am really worried about our goverments' responses. Scary <deleted>in sh.t is coming. I don't wanna live in this sh.t world.

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Hi guys,


Does anyone have the alcohol ban list updated for all the provinces in Thailand and if not, does anyone know when the ban is lifting for Chachoengsao?


Asking for a friend ????


Many thanks,

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14 hours ago, WebGuy said:

Hi guys,


Does anyone have the alcohol ban list updated for all the provinces in Thailand and if not, does anyone know when the ban is lifting for Chachoengsao?


Asking for a friend ????


Many thanks,

There's no list. AFAIK all municipalities and provinces are onboard with an alcohol sales ban through 30 April, next Thursday midnight.


I am not sure if relaxing the booze ban requires any government discussion, approval and gazette publishing as I think it was the Bangkok governor that started it off with a 10-day 'Songkran' alcohol ban. That went ballistic with all sorts of arbitrary dates being selected by other provinces as they jumped onboard to avoid having the issues of adjacent 'wet' and 'dry' provinces and the headaches of enforcing that. These governors only aligned with extending the ban through to end of month about 4 days ago so getting them all onboard and agreeing on a definitive end-of-prohibition date may be a bit like herding cats.

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40 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

There's no list. AFAIK all municipalities and provinces are onboard with an alcohol sales ban through 30 April, next Thursday midnight.


I am not sure if relaxing the booze ban requires any government discussion, approval and gazette publishing as I think it was the Bangkok governor that started it off with a 10-day 'Songkran' alcohol ban. That went ballistic with all sorts of arbitrary dates being selected by other provinces as they jumped onboard to avoid having the issues of adjacent 'wet' and 'dry' provinces and the headaches of enforcing that. These governors only aligned with extending the ban through to end of month about 4 days ago so getting them all onboard and agreeing on a definitive end-of-prohibition date may be a bit like herding cats.

Thank you very much NanLaew.

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