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U.S. deaths top 47,000 after near-record increase on previous day: Reuters tally


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10 minutes ago, chessman said:

There is no basement for how low the right will go to try and deflect blame. 

how about a government that says “we made a lot of mistakes but it was a difficult and unprecedented problem (look, many European countries made similar mistakes) and we are trying to improve, let’s work together to overcome this”

In other words, act-out the DNC's fall campaign-commercial for them?  With a little "cut and paste" editing, that would work out well for them. 

Let's face it, CAVING does little good in politics - even if it would be "the right thing to do," in some (not all) cases.  Just ask Bernie about this - who refused to attack his "good friend" Biden in the D-primary season this year, or criticize Hillary effectively, in the last round.  Meanwhile, Trump blasted away at his R-rivals relentlessly - which worked.

I am not one of those who think Trump is "duh heero" - but in the early stages, his positions on the CCP-Virus were BETTER than the opposition, and many in his own party.

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 14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.

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1 hour ago, d2b2 said:

February! February is the month between January and March.it is the month where when you searched for action by Trump’s administration and you came up empty handed. It is the month where his only actions were to mislead about the virus and saying it would magically disappear. 

The flawed travel ban still permitted 430000 entries from China after it was enacted. And the huge numbers that already entered before the ban remained in the country. 

Did you get those 'facts' from WaPo, NYT, or do you keep the dial set on CNN?


They probably didn't tell you that the great majority of infections in the US came from Europe. That's from science, not the MSM.

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1 hour ago, chessman said:

You know this is not true. The right are doing plenty of blaming and scapegoating. 

No they are not. You are being told that by the left wing media - but it aint true.

Go watch right wing media for a while - twitter - facebook - blogs - they aint blaming the Dems for the deaths.

What criticism there is of the Dems is way less than the 24/7 criticism of Trump on most MSM and by Dems.

Just look at this post mate - deaths go up - blame Trump.

Anything bad happens - blame Trump.

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56 minutes ago, rabas said:

Did you get those 'facts' from WaPo, NYT, or do you keep the dial set on CNN?


They probably didn't tell you that the great majority of infections in the US came from Europe. That's from science, not the MSM.

But Trump didn't ban travel from continental Europe until much later. And even later for the UK and Ireland.

Edited by winslowsjardine
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3 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

This thread is useless - list of what Trump/administration did, and the list of what the CCP did - Forbidden to convey this information to others.   I am critical of the administration, but this antifa-style "shut it down" of anything against the 'agenda' makes meaningful-discussion impossible. 

Not forbidden at all, there are quite a few of those lists on the site.

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I must admit, I love the poster about Trump covering his anus.

Going on about sueing China.

China & WHO of course have it on record (which Trump refuses to talk about) as to exactly when they officially informed the world about Covid 19 & some suggestions to take.

How long did he joke about the "Chinamans Flu " before action.

Something like 26 days A lifetime in any viruses life

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11 hours ago, rvaviator said:

So if my limited understanding is correct ..


A) The Dem blame Mr T for acting poorly / badly ... and are somewhat neutral vs China and 'blame' .. sort of ... Lets not argue about who did not shut the gate .. the horse is gone .. lets get it back ...


B) The Rep blame China for everything and thinks Mr T is doing a great job


Is that it in a nut shell ?

Your limited understanding is correct.

Not that what you wrote is correct, but that your limited understanding means that you think that the Dems are good and that the GOP/Trump is bad.  All things you believe, follow on from those core understandings of any situation.  It is called cognitive dissonance and it affects to different degrees all people.  I sincerely hope you do not have it so bad that any rational thought is not possible, when it comes to GOP or Trump or Dems, like many others I could name. 


Edited by AussieBob18
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11 hours ago, JackThompson said:

This thread is useless - list of what Trump/administration did, and the list of what the CCP did - Forbidden to convey this information to others.   I am critical of the administration, but this antifa-style "shut it down" of anything against the 'agenda' makes meaningful-discussion impossible. 

One big problem with that list is that it doesn't include the things President Trump should have done but didn't do or did too late.

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There has been a lot of rubbish written here and in the media claiming that Trump didnt act quick enough, and Trump made things worse, bla bla bla.  Here are some examples of where that is completrely and utterly wrong.  Sure he and his Admin were not perfect, byt statements that Trump has caused the deaths of thousands is utter rubbish.


The following is a timeline on the international travel bans - in response to claims about Trump.  The same can be said about the vast majority of other attacks against Trump. Yes Trump and his Admin have made mistakes, but they way some pundits are saying it, it is all Trump's fault - and that is patently false.


29th February 2020

"WHO continues to advise against the application of travel or trade restrictions to countries experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks."



8th March 2020

"WHO is urging all countries to prepare for the potential arrival of COVID-19 by readying emergency response systems;  increasing capacity to detect and care for patients; ensuring hospitals have the space, supplies and necessary personnel; and developing life-saving medical interventions."



9th March 2020

"Now that the virus has a foothold in so many countries, the threat of a pandemic has become very real.  But it would be the first pandemic in history that could be controlled.  The bottom line is: we are not at the mercy of this virus."



10th March 2020

"WHO reiterates that measures that restrict the movement of people during this outbreak should be proportionate to
the public health risk, short in duration and reviewed regularly as more information about the virus, the disease
epidemiology and clinical characteristics becomes available. See WHO recommendations on international traffic, published on 29 February 20204"



11th March 2020

"WHO Director-General in his regular media briefing today stated that WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction. WHO therefore have made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic"



WHO has still not revised its international travel recommendations as of 29th February and still recommends against the application of travel or trade restrictions.


Meanwhile a brief outline of the Trump Admin's responses:

The White House Coronavirus Task Force "coordinates and oversees the Administration's efforts to monitor, prevent, contain, and mitigate the spread" of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The task force was established on January 29, 2020. 

On January 31, the Trump administration declared a public health emergency, and placed travel restrictions on entry for travellers from China. 

n February 26, 2020, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence was named to chair the task force, and Deborah Birx was named the response coordinator. 

On March 10, 2020, U.S. Senate Republicans who had attended a briefing with President Donald Trump had encouraged him to hold more briefings and to make Anthony Fauci the "face of the federal government's response".

On March 13: Trump declares a national emergency - the first in over 50 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_Coronavirus_Task_Force


This link details a timeline of how COVID-19 has unfolded in the US:


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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

Seems like we're gonna hit 60,000 deaths and 1,000,000 cases around the same day, ~ next Tuesday, April 28.





Sad numbers indeed, and I'm just thankful that in NZ (my country) the number of infections and deaths are very low in comparison to many others.

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I think Americans, as is their right, should be given a free choice, lockdown at 50% pay or no lockdown and back to work. Dems can stay at home, Republicans can go out to work, bars, restaurants, ball games............let natural selection take its course.

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