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Poll signals strengthening support for Biden over Trump in three battleground states

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"according to an Ipsos public opinion poll conducted exclusively for Reuters"  That alone is reason not to trust this poll. They have never been right.

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1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:


That's asking a lot. Aside from that he needs to show he isn't caving into people like AOC who think we should never go back to work.  

Has she actually said that or is that fake news?

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6 minutes ago, pmarlin said:

"according to an Ipsos public opinion poll conducted exclusively for Reuters"  That alone is reason not to trust this poll. They have never been right.

Is that true or yet another example of fake news? Can you link to credible sources proving that they have actually never been right?

  • Thanks 2
23 minutes ago, pmarlin said:

"according to an Ipsos public opinion poll conducted exclusively for Reuters"  That alone is reason not to trust this poll. They have never been right.

This time is different. Pollsters has better yardsticks to judge Trump. 

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32 minutes ago, pmarlin said:

"according to an Ipsos public opinion poll conducted exclusively for Reuters"  That alone is reason not to trust this poll. They have never been right.

Apart from the fact that your assertion is not true, what about the Foxnews poll? They have Biden ahead by 8 points in Pennsylvania and Michigan.

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1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:


That's asking a lot. Aside from that he needs to show he isn't caving into people like AOC who think we should never go back to work. She was Bernie's poster child and the seed is still planted. 

Sad, you know better than posting nonsense like that.

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3 hours ago, DoctorG said:

The CNN et al decision to stop broadcasting Trump's updates appears to be working. His numbers have slipped since.

You seem to be under some misguided belief that Trump supporters watch CNN.


Apparently, nobody watches CNN in the US after they started broadcasting political opinion as news. 

In 2019, CNN was the 22nd most watched cable channel, with 1/3 the viewership of conservative Fox News channel.  Fox does broadcast the daily covid-19 update and is ranked #1.

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

One thing most conservatives are not aware of, is that a large majority of democrats do not support the far left wing of the party. Personally, I think AOC is rather cute, and I love the way she stands up to the old guard. But, her policies, and many of the positions of both Warren, and Sanders are way out there, and far too extreme for most of us Dems. I am centrist. And so is Joe. Let us hope he stays that way, and does not pander to the extremists.


If he does not waver, he will win in November. The nation needs a positive change. Say no to tweets!

If you believe a positive change is a return to the situation before the Trump wrecking-ball created havoc, then your are correct that that is much needed.  But it would hardly be the kind of change the democratic left-side (which are not extremists in any way) is yearning for.

With Biden as candidate being pushed by the conservative wing of the democratic party, we can only hope that supporters of AOC, Warren and Sanders can be persuaded to make the effort to come and vote for a candidate that represents the Old Way.  And the only real argument for them grudgingly casting their vote on Biden, is that the alternative - 4 more years of Trump - is too horrifying to let that happen.

Imo Bidens choice of running mate will determine the outcome.  If he chooses a conservative one, such choice will probably tip the scales in Trumps favor as it will be hard to generate enthusiasm for such a combo with the left-leaning side of the democrats. 

1 hour ago, Iron Tongue said:

You seem to be under some misguided belief that Trump supporters watch CNN.


Apparently, nobody watches CNN in the US after they started broadcasting political opinion as news. 

In 2019, CNN was the 22nd most watched cable channel, with 1/3 the viewership of conservative Fox News channel.  Fox does broadcast the daily covid-19 update and is ranked #1.

The problem with this is that the viewership for all 3 of these cable channels skews much older and whiter than the American population as a whole. The average age of viewers for all 3 is over 60 with Fox being the oldest. And where does Trump draw the most support from? Older, white Americans. So it makes no sense to use their viewership as a proxy for the American electorate.

2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

US now resembled a socialist state with long food lines, cash hand outs and government buying debts of large corporations. The socialist policies of Yang and Sanders now seem a prophecy. Morgan Stanley talk about a possible 20% unemployment around the corner and economic activities will be slow to recover even after some semblance of calm post pandemic. Companies will be cautious and will not be hiring at the same speed. Trump’s policy benefiting Wall Street will come to roost. Main Street has taken notice of the discrepancies while inequality grew. The pandemic has exposed the inadequacies of policies to help the marginalized and the middle class in terms of income and Medicare. Trump will pay the piper. 

Most of the social democracies of Europe, e.g. Germany, France, and the Scandinavian countries have avoided the massive unemployment that the US is now facing.  The question of the current large disaster relief program passed by Congress is how much of it will be lost to corruption?  Economist Joseph Stiglitz thinks the Republicans are in the process of engineering another Great Depression.

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


Agreed. If he wins the stress of the job will age him by 6 months and he probably has around 3 left as it

I don't know how any politician including trump can be eager.

3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

All Biden has to do at this point, is remain alive and coherent and he has this election in the bag. Trump was knocked out by Covid one minute into the first round. Mylie Cyrus could beat Trump, at this point. 


Get used to saying President Biden! He will make a decent president. Alot more than I can say for the current occupant of the office. The entire planet will rejoice, when Trump is shown the door. 


America may even be able to regain some of it's lost honor and prestige. Maybe.

I imagine trump will be glad to go back to his wealth and is tired of the daily attacks. He will never accept defeat. He will say Biden will be a terrible President. He will claim that  Americans made the biggest mistake not reelecting him.

  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

One thing most conservatives are not aware of, is that a large majority of democrats do not support the far left wing of the party. Personally, I think AOC is rather cute, and I love the way she stands up to the old guard. But, her policies, and many of the positions of both Warren, and Sanders are way out there, and far too extreme for most of us Dems. I am centrist. And so is Joe. Let us hope he stays that way, and does not pander to the extremists.


If he does not waver, he will win in November. The nation needs a positive change. Say no to tweets!

True. Some of the positions were more a fantasy than anything realistic. Centralism is why Biden will win.

  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Yes. As a democrat, I consider Sanders and Warren to both be to the extreme left in their policies. There is still a center, and I think a moderate has the greatest chance of winning. There is alot of "Trump fatigue" out there, and many conservative voters will support Biden. Many just did not know who Trump was, when they elected him, and now consider him a far lesser man, and a far more divisive and hateful man, than they assumed he was. 


Biden is very electable now. Especially if he picks the right running mate. Any suggestions? 

I have read ALL the evaluations and did not find any answer. But then yesterday I read this and I do believe this could be the real deal.




C'mon,he's a sleepy guy.they're keeping in a basement somewhere,sheilding him from covid, Donald Trumps words from his last press conference,oh,he also mentioned how great he {Donald] was and his team, and how great everything is gonna be again,if only the fake news media would get off his back.

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Is that true or yet another example of fake news? Can you link to credible sources proving that they have actually never been right?

LOL I have asked that same question in response to similar posts degrading news outlets and have never had one response ever!.

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7 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

What a show...Trump tooting his own horn using suspect data...Biden attempting to complete a coherent sentence...the Dem VP candidate trying to cover for Biden's senior moments and Mike Pense repeating how wonderful Trump is with a face that says: " Please do not believe me!"...????

It’s the best good ole Yankee p1ss taking comedy show ever. And it’s not even Hollywood but real Yankee comedy...haha. 

42 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

I imagine trump will be glad to go back to his wealth and is tired of the daily attacks. He will never accept defeat. He will say Biden will be a terrible President. He will claim that  Americans made the biggest mistake not reelecting him.

Not so sure that he wants to give up his present 'invulnerable' position. there are a bunch of law-suits hanging over his head once he is POTUS-off and so he might well spend the rest of his days in a color-matching jumpsuit.

The next president might give him indemnity from that, but once again not so sure whether 'Sleepy Joe' would be inclined to do that after Trumps accusations at this address.


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1 hour ago, cmarshall said:

Most of the social democracies of Europe, e.g. Germany, France, and the Scandinavian countries have avoided the massive unemployment that the US is now facing.  The question of the current large disaster relief program passed by Congress is how much of it will be lost to corruption?  Economist Joseph Stiglitz thinks the Republicans are in the process of engineering another Great Depression.

Have have to qualify that to the current US administration engineering massive fiscal indiscipline busting budget caps and adding trillions to the federal debts.

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

He is toast, in terms of business. 

But he will make a fortune when publishing his Memoirs.  Coloring books are very popular at the moment.

  • Haha 2
8 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

What a show...Trump tooting his own horn using suspect data...Biden attempting to complete a coherent sentence...the Dem VP candidate trying to cover for Biden's senior moments and Mike Pense repeating how wonderful Trump is with a face that says: " Please do not believe me!"...????


Did I miss something?


There is  a Dem VP candidate?


I think that is still up in the air....


(Though given Biden's age, it is something that needs to be decided with more than the usual degree of care)

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