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Thai driving video: Nutty clip makes national TV


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3 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Only Thai ones? If you mean that, it's racist.

But is it true? If it is, does stating the truth make you racist? That a philosphical quagmaire. 


Personally I canunderstand why truck drivers - in all countries - get a bad rep, I imagine spending the whole day on the road dealing with Joe public and the myriad of driving skills would be enough to test the patience of a saint. 


I think the video is funny as!

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5 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Only Thai ones? If you mean that, it's racist.

No, it's not: He's making a hyperbolic remark about a sub-group of Thai truck drivers (Unless "Thai Truck Driver" is a new race that I wasn't aware of) . It's like saying most Swedish farmers have blonde hair and love smelly fish. Now if he said "All Thais are <deleted> at driving and I hate all Thai people", that might lean towards being racist (More xenophobic than racist since Thai isn't actually a race) 

Edited by SABloke
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On 3/20/2020 at 5:22 PM, JimLuce said:

That’s actually a damn good idea he brought up. I’ve always said it every Hospital should have a bar/lounge next to the cafeteria. And a cigar lounge. 


On 4/13/2020 at 6:24 AM, tonray said:

Some towns (my friend lives in Tat Phanom) are requiring health certificates before you are allowed to venture out of your home. A volunteer will accompany you to the clinic, and after you get cert you can then go out to Tesco or whereever. Crazy stuff. Being watched like lab rats...I'm not sure if it's because he is identified as foreigner but he needs to show passport stamps on demand to prove he has been here and not traveled recently. I know his wife also needed cert but maybe because identified as living in same house as foreigner.


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Basic rule Keep left, dont know why the Wagon driver took such a big swing as trailers follows the same track as the front wheels of the truck, unles the other wagon had broken down but then again he is on the wrong side of the road to,

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The worst thing here is to assume people will drive on the left; in the UK we learn to drive near to the kerb, but here generally they go straight up the middle at best... then come out of sideroads in  your face because they won't pull out and cross your lane before doing a right turn...


Glad they find it amusing. Next video is monkeys laughing at monkeys throwing dung...

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