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Thailand reports 15 new coronavirus cases, no new deaths


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43 minutes ago, smedly said:

so Like I and most sensible people have been saying for weeks - Temp screening is absolutely pointless - what Thailand refers to as Testing

Thailand has had border screening from the start, the UK decided it wasn't necessary.

Remind me, which country has the higher number of deaths.

No doubt you will claim that Thailand has 20,000 grieving families that have gone into hiding.

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9 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:


You need to wake up and smell the coffee

They use thaienquirer.com as their source for Thailand????????????which is a two bit website with ONLY 3,000 likes on FB


Is that meant to impress me, a Thai language only website. You need to adjust your attitude, always thinking you are right. When the chances are your not. People like you who have to pretend they are right all the time are inevitably wrong most of the time.

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2 hours ago, Thailand said:

Not really relevant but an interesting stat:


The infected rate is almost exactly 1% of the road accidents


The death rate is almost exactly 1% of the road accidents


January to 2,922 cases and 51 deaths. (Covid)


Annual Data year 2020 Injuries 318,020 Person(s) Deaths 5,082 (Road)

I've said before, this virus has saved many hundreds of lives more than it's destroyed.

Road deaths are way way down.

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5 minutes ago, Farrows3399 said:

Your reply is from a 95 % of cases are asymptomatic. It is becoming very evident that only those at risk have many unhealthy cofactors. 



I am getting the impression that those that die from this virus are a select group of people - they just haven't found the key yet - I am leaning towards medications for some of these cofactors - as I mentioned above ARB's that treat both Hypertension and Diabetes - specifically ACE2 medications like Losartan. it is already known that CV-19 uses ACE2 receptors to attack cells in the body and ultimately cause severe Viral Pneumonia and Kidney disfunction 


My gut feel - it is not the Hypertension or Diabetes that are causing the severe sickness and ultimately death rates but the popular medications some countries are using to treat these conditions, in the west the popular choice is Valsartan Losartan and ACE Inhibitors like Zestril - my gut feel is pretty worthless but I have done some intensive reading and that is what I am thinking - it seems to me pretty simple to make the links but as yet has not been done 


Thailand on the other hand is likely using much cheaper medications for the above conditions 

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5 minutes ago, Snig27 said:

My understanding is that Temp testing is not counted as tested.

You are quite right, in the reports it is referred to as screening and something like 5 million passengers have been screened at the airports since early Jan.

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32 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

Not testing "aggressively" allows them to keep the reported number of infections down while hoping that those who may be infected are able to recover (without going to a hospital).

absolutely 100% correct 

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16 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Thailand has had border screening from the start, the UK decided it wasn't necessary.

Remind me, which country has the higher number of deaths.

No doubt you will claim that Thailand has 20,000 grieving families that have gone into hiding.

you evidently ignored or didn't read this which proves temp screening is worthless


Worrying statistic. No testing no find.


After testing 2,300 inmates for the coronavirus, they were shocked. Of the 2,028 who tested positive, close to 95% had no symptoms.


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So still about 400-500/d people tested for confirmation if the positive rate still hovers at just above 3%. No idea how many of those are tested more than once.


There was a thread about a local company starting to manufacture reagents, but their capacity is unknown. I think as long as the numbers stay at this level, the testing capacity of all of Thailand is limited to about 2k/day.




Edited by DrTuner
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38 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:


You need to wake up and smell the coffee

They use thaienquirer.com as their source for Thailand????????????which is a two bit website with ONLY 3,000 likes on FB


Thai Enquirer seems to be on par with Bangkok Post for their reporting. It's a new one, I think they started just a few months ago. Not many know about them yet, hence the low likes (although I regard high amount of likes in FB as evidence of no quality at all). They do have interesting opinion pieces and even some investigative reporting.  Certainly better than any of the usual Thai news sites that simply regurgitate usurper propaganda.


Given the quality of English on that site and the overall quality of the website, I can't help but wonder if they are based in Thailand at all. Or they have been funded and ran by Thais with a lot of overseas experience - perhaps by some who run auto parts business. In any case, a welcome addition.


The ultimate source BTW seems to be the daily TV shows from the usurper channel.

Edited by DrTuner
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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

Worrying statistic. No testing no find.


After testing 2,300 inmates for the coronavirus, they were shocked. Of the 2,028 who tested positive, close to 95% had no symptoms.



Thanks. I see more and more of these every day and it's supporting my emerging view that Thailand had it's epidemic in December-February, being one of the first to get the Wuhanese strain. They just didn't notice it at all. Antibody tests would be able to confirm or debunk my theory.


That's actually not worrying at all, that's good news.

Edited by DrTuner
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25 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:


You need to wake up and smell the coffee

They use thaienquirer.com as their source for Thailand????????????which is a two bit website with ONLY 3,000 likes on FB


The Thai Enquirer is a brand new English language news portal.  It was only launched in mid January along with the corona virus.  You wouldn't expect a huge following in such a short time.

Of course you know of facts/news that have been misrepresented?  Would love to hear your reasons.

On the subject of Corona stats, they appear to match the government figures which is where they get the info from in the first place.


There are corona reports in the heading News for Mass Media, the last being issued on the 25th with reference to the previous 24 hours.

I don't see any difference in their figures alongside the daily government briefing, the stats in The Thai Enquirer and those on worldometers.


They are all the same.


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Just now, HHTel said:

The Thai Enquirer is a brand new English language news portal.  It was only launched in mid January along with the corona virus.  You wouldn't expect a huge following in such a short time.

Of course you know of facts/news that have been misrepresented?  Would love to hear your reasons.

On the subject of Corona stats, they appear to match the government figures which is where they get the info from in the first place.


With regard to your link:

There are corona reports in the heading News for Mass Media, the last being issued on the 25th with reference to the previous 24 hours.

I don't see any difference in their figures alongside the daily government briefing, the stats in The Thai Enquirer and those on worldometers.


They are all the same.



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Happy so see the low number of new cases as that could mean a relaxation of the current restrictions. I think the key statistic is the number of deaths. If the numbers here were as high as other countries it would be very difficult to if not impossible to hide. It would seems that Thailand has dodged the bullet so far.

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25 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Given the quality of English on that site and the overall quality of the website, I can't help but wonder if they are based in Thailand at all. Or they have been funded and ran by Thais with a lot of overseas experience - perhaps by some who run auto parts business. In any case, a welcome addition.

The editor in chief was educated at the University of Edinburgh.

It appears to be run from BKK although if that's the case, it's just a matter of time before they are shut down.

One of their first big interviews was with Thaksin.  That wouldn't please the 'powers that be'.  A good source of information.  It would be a shame if it is shut down.

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28 minutes ago, MIkeS69 said:

I think the key statistic is the number of deaths

do you know how deaths in thailand are investigated or reported 


How do you think it should be managed given the current situation ?

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9 hours ago, Guderian said:

So ignoring the imported cases, that's a total of 10 new home-grown cases of C19, after the bottom-line figure of 11 yesterday. At least the numbers are consistent. It would be interesting to see details of the four with no known links to precious cases. I wonder if any of them are poor Thais or construction workers?

No they wer Hi-so out on the town as a lark

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16 hours ago, smedly said:

you evidently ignored or didn't read this which proves temp screening is worthless


Worrying statistic. No testing no find.


After testing 2,300 inmates for the coronavirus, they were shocked. Of the 2,028 who tested positive, close to 95% had no symptoms.


You are quite free to believe that the hundreds picked up through screening would not have infected anyone if allowed free movement in the community. You should look up the meaning of exponential.


Thailand 0.7 deaths per million population - USA 167 deaths per million population.

It would be a warped mind that is shocked by test results and not the deaths.

Quite obvious where I would rather be.

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strange Flip and Flap are still very Quiet perhaps Flap/s comments about farangs is biting him on the bum now, even though the numbers of Civid-19 cases are exactly what Flip wants he is staying low, Thais our way want them gone do not know about other provences

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