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Covid-19: Thailand's outbreak will be all over by June - world must wait till November


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14 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I just read a MSN news report that suggests the USA deaths may be 3 times the offical 50 thousand plus that is posted. It seems that only recently they have started counting some of the deaths in the senior care places, and none if you died at home.






Ongoing testing kit shortages in cities and states nationwide means that only clearly symptomatic patients are currently being tested in many places. There also is no uniform national system in the U.S. for investigating deaths, and until two weeks ago, the U.S. was only counting Americans who lab-tested positive, before or after death, for COVID-19.

Left out of the tally are people who died without being tested and those who died at home or some other non-healthcare facilities before they could seek medical care.


A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) analysis of the H1N1 swine flu virus outbreak in the U.S. in 2009 and 2010 concluded two years later that the actual tally was likely 15 times higher than the officially recorded figures. A 2013 study by the U.S. National Institutes of Health determined the figure was seven times higher than the official count.



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10 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

From now on we will all consult Ubon the Thani, or as they call him, The Wise Guy.

Did you try already one of those injections which your hero suggested recently?

Or just use common sense and not be scammed by doomsday cult people.

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5 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I just read a MSN news report that suggests the USA deaths may be 3 times the

offical 50 thousand plus that is posted. It seems that only recently they have started

counting some of the deaths in the senior care places, and none if you died at home.

  I wonder how many countries are like that and the numbers we read are 4 to 5 times

lower than the actual amount? I guess ignorance is bliss. The way the USA wants to open

back up to stop all the population from protesting, we may see a lot more deaths in the

next month or so. No way that I want to travel too far right now.


Would like to post a link to the story?Are they doing a post mortem to determine the cause of death? 

Here is another MSN story about how bad some previous flu seasons.


"America's worst flu season in recent years was in 2017-2018 when more than 61,000 people died, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/past-seasons.html.

The only deadlier flu seasons were in 1967 when about 100,000 Americans died, 1957 when 116,000 died and the Spanish flu of 1918 when 675,000 died, according to the CDC"


Edited by FarFlungFalang
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China is not showing the world what’s happening there and the WHO hasn’t been there to see for the world. 

There no cure but it just went away or going away based on what’s happening in all the other countries. 

Wake up, what you can not see or kill is not DEAD or going away that easy.


Open your doors to China, Thailand. You think this round is rough, wait and see what they bring you next....????????????

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Ok those numbers on the spread sheet looks like someone pulled some random dates from a bowl. 


Countries which currently has a contagious rate (sp) of 0.6 and lower are on that spreadsheet further away from beeing "free" from Corona, compared to countries which still is very affected by covid-19. Does not compute. 

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23 minutes ago, Truth Will Set You Free said:

China is not showing the world what’s happening there and the WHO hasn’t been there to see for the world. 

There no cure but it just went away or going away based on what’s happening in all the other countries. 

Wake up, what you can not see or kill is not DEAD or going away that easy.


Open your doors to China, Thailand. You think this round is rough, wait and see what they bring you next....????????????

If many of us are right, ie Thai Covid-19 numbers are fake/misleading, then maybe by letting the Chinese in, Thailand could export Covid-19 back to where it came from.

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21 hours ago, webfact said:

The Data Driven Innovation Laboratory connected to the university published figures for the end of Covid-19 itemising when 97%, 99% and 100% eradication would be reached. 

This is what happens when you have a middle school level understanding of basic biology, and are a history illiterate.  No virus has ever been eliminated by having people sit in their houses.  Only two disease-causing, globally present viruses have been eliminated through human intervention, smallpox and rinderpest.  Both required decades-long public health campaigns.

Edited by SMEinBangkok
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France opening 11th may, people will be allowed to drive up to 100 km away from their home, some schools

will also open and many other businesses. Note: One can buy booze 365 days of the year, virus or no virus!

If a shop is open one can buy booze, regardless of the time. I made my point.

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2 minutes ago, Moo 2 said:

France opening 11th may, people will be allowed to drive up to 100 km away from their home, some schools

will also open and many other businesses. Note: One can buy booze 365 days of the year, virus or no virus!

If a shop is open one can buy booze, regardless of the time. I made my point.

The logical conclusion to this must then be that Thailand has it worse than France, no?


Except logic dies in the tropical climate in Thailand faster than the virus.

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17 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I just read a MSN news report that suggests the USA deaths may be 3 times the

offical 50 thousand plus that is posted. It seems that only recently they have started

counting some of the deaths in the senior care places, and none if you died at home.

  I wonder how many countries are like that and the numbers we read are 4 to 5 times

lower than the actual amount? I guess ignorance is bliss. The way the USA wants to open

back up to stop all the population from protesting, we may see a lot more deaths in the

next month or so. No way that I want to travel too far right now.


This was on the BBC news website this morning.




Seventy veterans living in a care home in the US state of Massachusetts have died after contracting coronavirus, officials said.

The outbreak is the deadliest reported in a long-term care home in the US.

A nurse at the facility claimed understaffing had contributed to the spread as employees moved from one unit to another.

The US has more than one million confirmed cases of coronavirus - more than any other country.

Nursing homes across the US and in other parts of the world have been particularly badly hit by the pandemic.

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June 11th, 2020, is the "I want to believe it is over" date. 


No person on Earth can predict when Thailand, or any other country, will be safe enough to open itself to tourism. 


I realize people are looking for signs of Hope.  They are fooling themselves if some specified date, in the relatively near future, is the date a virus will end / terminate because Man has decided its fate; it won't happen on that date.  


Only the man-made rules will end / terminate on June 11th, 2020 in Thailand; yet Coronavirus will continue to exercise its power over humans and continue to destroy several, but not all, people who are infected by it. 


This virus, and it's current destructive power, will be taking its toll on humans beyond June 11th, 2020.  


Believe whomever or whatever you want ???? ...I'll continue to wear my mask beyond June 11th, 2020. ????

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/29/2020 at 11:22 AM, Spellforce said:



I dont agree, I think that some countries have to be put on a quarantine/ban list untill they are completly cleared = new cases per day in the country < 10.

And what if the covid virus is now here to stay, like the flu? That seems to be a distinct possibility judging from what the medical experts are saying. So how will the lockdown work in those cases? Also, one day this will be over and mass testing will be a thing of the past, then what? How would you clear each country for travel?


I think you are thinking far too black and white. If we think that way then I believe there will be more death through poverty then Covid 19. I think the new world will be some form of social distancing in public places for some time and we will all have to get used to living a little differently. Unless of course a vaccine is fond that is very effective that can erradicate the virus. 


Guess we will all find out soon enough how this pans out, stay safe.


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