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Yep more people died of the flu  but the whole world  locks down and destroys the economy ,millions unemployed,SME's  and freelance businesses devastated.




COVID-19: There have been approximately 244,122 deaths reported worldwide. In the U.S, 66,385 people have died of COVID-19, as of May 3, 2020.*

Flu: The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide.




Balaji S. Srinivasan on Twitter: "On Apr 8, COVID-19 was the ...

Road injuries killed 1.4 million people in 2016, about three-quarters (74%) of whom were men and boys.
COVID  & Road Deaths alike kill a higher percentage of men

Top 10 global causes of deaths 2016


& as 2 million die each year of Diarrhea diseases in 4 months Covid has only taken 280k


we are at 7.782.564.008 billion folk 

we are over populated 


The fact is that SE ASia probably does not need to be shutdown the infection rate is nothing like EU or USA perhaps a climate thing

The death rate in SE Asia is a lot less also different mutations of the virus

Close to 800 000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds.


Suicide is a global phenomenon and occurs throughout the lifespan. Effective and evidence-based interventions can be implemented at population, sub-population and individual levels to prevent suicide and suicide attempts. There are indications that for each adult who died by suicide there may have been more than 20 others attempting suicide.
Causes of Death - Our World in Data



2 hours ago, Swimfan said:

Yes you are right in one thing. You don't have a clue.

well at least we know with lock down theres one less thai bashing hypocrite not trolling bars 

  • Sad 1



all the FLU deaths will be recorded as COVID


All estimates from the 2017-2018 influenza season are preliminary and may change as data from the season are cleaned and finalized.

The overall burden of influenza for the 2017-2018 season was an estimated 45 million influenza illnesses, 21 million influenza-associated medical visits, 810,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 influenza-associated deaths

that's roughly the same amount of deaths as COVID right now in the USA




  • Sad 1

Where are the deaths listed for spontaneous combustion in your charts, they have to be up there with the flu especially when you try to light that fart ......please give the conspiracy theories a rest folks........

  • Haha 2
51 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:

Wow, no-one has mentioned "exponential" yet !! That is the go to argument as soon as anyone mentions higher mortality rates than Covid.   

With my post and yours there is now exponential growth in posts using the word exponential.

  • Haha 2
5 minutes ago, Ryan754326 said:

Can you elaborate? Looks like solid numbers to me.

You really think so? If you saw someone driving in the style that that opening post is written in, wouldn't you keep your distance?

  • Haha 1
11 minutes ago, chessman said:

You really think so? If you saw someone driving in the style that that opening post is written in, wouldn't you keep your distance?

I wasn’t talking about his writing style. When I said solid numbers, I was referring to the charts he posted. Are they wrong, or from a source you consider to be dubious? 


18 minutes ago, Ryan754326 said:

I wasn’t talking about his writing style. When I said solid numbers, I was referring to the charts he posted. Are they wrong, or from a source you consider to be dubious? 

charts with the title cut off?


If you're interested in charts, why waste your time trying to decipher whatever the argument was there?


Here's some food for thought:


1 hour ago, chessman said:

You really think so? If you saw someone driving in the style that that opening post is written in, wouldn't you keep your distance?

then your tailgating..

The first chart is the only one with the tops of lettering missing

Yes, the numbers are under reported the UK only counted hospital deaths initially
Then the care numbers kicked in 
Then the next day a figure a lot lower and they were back slapping 
Thats a clear manipulation


BUT as I said the FLU figures are normally very high in keeping with current C19 numbers and how will they get separated?


Actually we do not need conspiracy theories either 

yeah I was just throwing it out there


Global deaths in all its various types are still higher than C19

Now the Q is would those figures be less if we did not have all these lock downs


What do we extrapolate from all the data and charts about c19


Well its explosive its varied in symptoms


It takes out the elderly for sure Italy had the highest causalities  


Next the UK and worst of all in a lot of care homes so Big Negligence there


Is WHO Correct did the west act to slowly in my estimations yes, they had the data they saw CHINA had acted in an extreme way in terms of lock down


CHINA acted to slowly also, looks like they may have covered up some data BUT thats still on the rumor mill even if newspapers are quoting Five Eyes etc.


When it hit Europe it hit hard the cold weather 
There was evidence of it in USA but hey TRUMP also slow


Both the UK and USA dont like lock down general rebellion ignoring rules and no masks


In Se Asia its a mask area its also warmer climates

Clear evidence shows that the majority of infection came from Muslim gatherings 

its very very common in the greetings to kiss hands shake hands a lot of contact 


Thailand has the Wai 

India similar and India is so lucky for those that have traveled in the local metros in Mumbai Chennai even the metro in Delhi 

Perhaps its all that turmeric..who knows 

BUT we do know that the strain in SE ASia and perhaps India is less severe

India also has a much younger population


So we have the distance in greeting the warmer climate and perhaps a weaker strain


Then there is NZ on the whole a fairly respectful society and they have hit the clear, they are talking about only having flights between OZ & NZ at the moment.


The one thing about the following UK, USA and Sweden

well they still allowed flights

the USA began to cut of EU nations the UK is a free for all no checks Sweden well Sweden was rather dumb it blocked SE ASia etc but allowed free movement from some of the most heavily infected EU nations that was  a dumb move.

In contradiction to masks and distance Japan is now also climbing after taking the initial stance like Sweden.

If you caught the flu or a cold at this moment you would convince yourself it was C19 would you get tested or self isolate and hope you beat it?


This whole social distancing stuff it cant work trains buses planes got to travel with such limited passengers we are told its to be the new normal 


Should Thailand be so strict does it require such heavy control same with Myanmar Laos Cambodia Vietnam.

Malaysia has started to ease MCO but its a cynical move its 12 days into Ramadan and the majority don't need to take advantage of the new let up

some of its crazy 2m space in eating establishments they are the same little cafes as Thailand half a dozen tables new rules mean maybe only one table can be occupied.


Its just not viable for the mom and pop places 


You have to ask the obvious question if you have a lock-down how does your numbers keep increasing UK USA that's people 
In the UK i think its also FREE Medical Care people don't think so much


In SE Asia people have to think of the cost of being hospitalized they have more fear of getting sick than those in the west

Dont know about USA if you dont have insurance 


Was/Is there a better way to handle lock down should countries gave carried on but given special care to 'At Risk groups'

Put them into lock down taken care of them having society run as near to normal as possible

Perhaps that type of organisational skill sets is beyond them or its just to complex to initiate such.


We know that the hospitals care system gets over loaded but in general these systems are always over loaded under funded 

Many here have griped about the queues in Thai public hospitals 

The NHS in the UK is the same

so its about these institutions as well are they adequate even in times of non pandemic of course they are not.


WE can batten down the hatches and try wait it out but will we succeed because there are always idiots which is why we have exponential growth during lock-downs.

I for one just hope its over for Durian Season 

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  • Sad 1
4 minutes ago, andy72 said:

WE can batten down the hatches and try wait it out but will we succeed because there are always idiots which is why we have exponential growth during lock-downs.

I for one just hope its over for Durian Season 

but in the worst affected European countries, the percentage growth of new cases and deaths is much much lower now than before the lockdowns.


Please don't take this the wrong way, but your posts are so long and they are quite difficult to follow. It might be better to try and make one clear point.

  • Like 1

ok the numbers are lower due to lockdown


numbers are also lower due to non testing 

but does testing prove anything except that its infectious 

sure it gives us clearer percentages of severity and mortality
Does testing and giving us huge numbers create more fear 
the important thing is those who need hospital care and even in a flu epidemic those numbers are just as high
Are there CO-Infections  with FLU happening but C19 takes the priority in the counting

i dont think i can make posts smaller there is to much data to think about 

Just as Japan is now a contradiction to its own philosophy of masks, greeting & social distance

Malaysia as stated the majority infections are all muslim
Malaysia is a multi ethnic society but it wont print the true breakdown Chinese Indian Malay because it may appear racist plus it may shame the Islamic community if they are a very clear majority.

Its one of the reasons the infection figures are high in the south
The infection was introduced into India through religious meetings from Malaysia and Indonesia.

If you want to study data it has to be broken down into its true component parts
Right now we get certain data figures for C19

For annual Flu we dont get an up to the minute data breakdown its in retrospect 
and its taken from people taking time of work hospital admissions and death certificate.

This is different its real time data like never before 
its almost a data over load

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