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U.S. coronavirus deaths exceed 75,000: Reuters tally

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More false narrative by the right wingers here... As below illustrates. The Democratic (minority) leader of the Senate. January 26!!!:




Schumer calls on feds to declare coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency


January 26, 2020


Sen. Chuck Schumer on Sunday urged federal officials to declare coronavirus a public health emergency in the US, so millions more in funds could be made available to fight the deadly bug.

The senator appealed to the Department of Health and Human Services to make the declaration in order for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention to access $85 million that is allocated to fight infectious disease.

“Should the outbreak get worse they’re going to need immediate access to critical federal funds that at present they can’t access,” Schumer told reporters at his Manhattan office.





When did Trump finally act?  Mid March...






US President Donald Trump has declared a national emergency to help handle the growing outbreak of coronavirus.

The declaration - "two very big words", according to Mr Trump - allows the federal government to tap up to $50bn (£40bn) in emergency relief funds.

The move loosens regulations on the provision of healthcare and could speed up testing - the slow pace of which has been criticised widely.



Testing... the slow pace of which has been criticized widely...  Another ringing endorsement for the federal response...


  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, RedPill said:

This extreme dem/rep, super confusing media from all sides and constant fights over the past years ... not standing together as a unity in a country.

Same as in this thread, or any Trump thread, maybe that is the real downfall of this all?


Very difficult to look through of all of this ... I read up and read up, on all different kind of sources, and get non the wiser out of it ... other than the conclusion that's it all a big blame game on steroids.





Please allow me to give you a tip in order to make your own mind. All countries having members of their national administration holding high positions at the WHO had access to the same information. Some were successful, others failed. 

What did Germany and SK (to name a few) decided and implemented that the US did not? There are a few good and accessible articles on the Internet. It's not so difficult to find them and read them. Important element: take into account the time dimension.

  • Like 1
18 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Yep, I've very bad at interpreting nonsense and tolerating false rubbish..


I knew where you were headed with the false nonsense of Democrats fighting Trump... That's why I cut you off at the pass.... anti-immigrant policies having nothing to do with the coronavirus pandemic.


Funnily enough, I had to call out one of his UK based fellow travellers for doing exactly the same thing in one of the UK coronavirus threads just the other day.  It's almost as if there were some sort of script.

4 minutes ago, Slip said:

  It's almost as if there were some sort of script.


There is...  It's an ongoing effort to spin a false, simply factually inaccurate narrative. An alternate facts/alternate reality Trump world.


Some things are legitimately open to interpretation. The different causes of things can be weighed and debated. But sometimes, there's just blatant lies and blatant and intentional distortion of facts occurring.


The people doing it are either too ignorant to know any better and ascertain the available truth for themselves... Or, they're doing it consciously and with intent.


  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

Thank you.  I was unaware of this dispute.


Perhaps, since Mama Noodle clearly is not going to, you could address my other confusion...that US CItizens (namely the group from a cruise ship flown home from Japan) were quarantined.



google be thine friend.


this is an old report, from during the evac.  they were to be quarantined for two weeks at travis afb.




and another from during the quarantine



Just now, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

So many different circumstances for different countries.


There were still flights flying in and out of China to Thailand somewhere end of Feb/beginning of March, and no outbreak here?

Yet, people are discussing the value/impact of the flight shutdown from China in Jan in the US? And whom's fault it is?


There are other countries, which have a high number of infections, but don't have a high dead toll, i.e. Germany.


IMO ... for what's it is worth, not much most likely, it's the unity and preparedness of a country, over several administrations.

And not that constant bickering between rep/dem, as it is in the US. No one can't see the truth anymore, incl. that media in the mix.


This video from the German Health Minister is 3 weeks old. I don't think this is a fake news kind of video ... he speaks up clearly 

when asked about the reasons why it's better in Germany, with high number of infections, yet being surrounded by Italy, UK, Spain.



As of today, Germany opens up, people don't have these heavy disagreements internally. Sure, different opinions, and also heavy discussions.

But not to the extend what we see from the US on a daily basis. That has a lot to do with it, IMO.





10 minutes ago, RedPill said:

As of today, Germany opens up, people don't have these heavy disagreements internally. Sure, different opinions, and also heavy discussions.

But not to the extend what we see from the US on a daily basis. That has a lot to do with it, IMO.


I wish I knew enough about the internal politics of Germany to be able to evaluate why the differences...


All I can say is, I don't think Germany is led by an inveterate liar who continually distorts reality, denies medicine and science, takes every opportunity to turn any issue into a partisan blaming campaign, says one thing one day and then the opposite a week later, veering here and there. Who fires anyone who doesn't share his opinions. Etc etc etc...


Denier of the coronavirus. Denier of climate change, Denier of Russian interference in western democracies, doubter of NATO, etc. etc. Friends with reviled dictators like Putin and Kim.  The list goes on.


All in all, it makes for a very untable, toxic environment.


  • Like 2
31 minutes ago, candide said:

Please allow me to give you a tip in order to make your own mind. All countries having members of their national administration holding high positions at the WHO had access to the same information. Some were successful, others failed. 

What did Germany and SK (to name a few) decided and implemented that the US did not? There are a few good and accessible articles on the Internet. It's not so difficult to find them and read them. Important element: take into account the time dimension.

"What did Germany and SK (to name a few) ..."


Well, I posted this video from the Health minister above where he explains it.


People don't have to agree with everything any government does and/or dictates (that's how it starts to feel now after 7-8 weeks).


But this health minister is just listing the things which helped ... and he mentioned unity, IMO, a major factor.




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What I find puzzling is why US don’t have a Health Minister like Germany or most of not all other countries in the world. Part of Germany success must be contributed to their Health Minister taking charge as early as beginning Feb. Chancellor Merkel left much of the science to the HM and RKI while she maintained strict policies on social distancing. Arrests were made with gatherings beyond the allowable numbers in accordance with the guidelines. While in US, Trump continue with his non science messaging and defy lockdown guidelines. Trump’s method is a recipe for disaster like what US is experiencing now. 

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2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

What I find puzzling is why US don’t have a Health Minister like Germany or most of not all other countries in the world. Part of Germany success must be contributed to their Health Minister taking charge as early as beginning Feb. Chancellor Merkel left much of the science to the HM and RKI while she maintained strict policies on social distancing. Arrests were made with gatherings beyond the allowable numbers in accordance with the guidelines. While in US, Trump continue with his non science messaging and defy lockdown guidelines. Trump’s method is a recipe for disaster like what US is experiencing now. 

we do.  we have the CDC that takes the lead in health crises.



but these are not normal times.

we're led by a reality teevee buffoon who craves the limelight.


google a breakdown of the time spent during the six weeks of white house briefings.


consider just how much time was wasted with the joker sparring with the fake news reporters, claiming to be the winningest winner who ever won, and spread misleading (if not deadly) healthy tips.


now dive deep into the memory hole to find the last cdc briefing....









  • Like 2
38 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

What I find puzzling is why US don’t have a Health Minister like Germany or most of not all other countries in the world. Part of Germany success must be contributed to their Health Minister taking charge as early as beginning Feb. Chancellor Merkel left much of the science to the HM and RKI while she maintained strict policies on social distancing.


In the U.S., the president appoints the head of the Department of Health and Human Services, which has most of the national government's health agencies within its organization. That's probably our closest equivalent to a national health minister.


The guy Trump had appointed to head HHS was relatively new (two years) at the time of the CV outbreak, didn't have much substantial federal government health experience (except as a federal attorney) prior to taking the job, and didn't have any particularly close relationship with Trump. His main background was in law and as a former drug company executive. As a result, through most of the pandemic, he's been a non-entity mostly exiled to the edges, while the White House has (mis) managed the entire show.




Alex Michael Azar II (/ˈəzɑːr/; born June 17, 1967) is an American attorney, former pharmaceutical lobbyist and executive, and current Presidential cabinet member who serves as the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services. Azar was nominated to his post by President Donald Trump on November 13, 2017, and confirmed by the United States Senate on January 24, 2018. He was also Chairman of the White House Coronavirus Task Force from its inception in January 2020 to February 2020, when he was replaced by Vice President Mike Pence.





Normally in this kind of situation, the U.S. response would be publicly led directly by an agency under HHS, the federal Centers for Disease Control. In this instance, likewise because of Trump, the CDC has been virtually invisible to the public during the whole CV outbreak, and its director has rarely surfaced and when he has, it's often been as a Trump praising toady.


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58 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

we do.  we have the CDC that takes the lead in health crises.



but these are not normal times.

we're led by a reality teevee buffoon who craves the limelight.


Yep. I said similar above. But you said it bluntly and to the point. In either instance, that's the truth and part of the reason the U.S. is in the sorry shape it's in CV wise.


As I thought about it re Europe, it strikes me that the guys in charge of HHS and CDC might be the worst of both worlds... Neither of them are career professionals in their agencies who rose thru the ranks to the top. And, neither of them are elected officials (or members of Parliament) who have any political party organization behind them. They merely serve at the pleasure of the president and come and go at will, typically selected from among campaign supporters or donors or as political favors.


Trump could have appointed career government health officials to head those agencies, but he didn't... Perhaps because, as is well known by know, he believes he knows better than any doctors or scientists and doesn't have much respect for career civil servants. Thus, we got the ineffectual, powerless toadies we got.



  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, candide said:

It's not the case in the US where the daily number of deaths is still increasing. People are dying, That's a significant cause of disagreement.


The US is a very large country, and some states barely even have any cases. And some states are experiencing death rates similar to a bad flu season, so it makes no sense to say "The US" when it should be taken state by state. 

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6 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:

Yep we all know that according to the Trump haters and the false equivalence crew everything that happens is Trumps fault and that local states have zero culpability in their own management. 


Your whole post is a deflection of NY's failure. 

Trump's whole response to the Corona virus has been a series of denials that the virus was anything to worry about (February) to promises that "anybody that wants a test can get one" on March 6th (total BS as we all know), blowing up at media when he does not like a question during the Task Force's daily dog and pony show (class act blaming the press because you dont like their questions even if you dont like the answer you have to give...dont be in politics, much less POTUS if you dont want to answer hard ball questions from your opposition) 


And now, because of his vanity and refusing to wear a mask and obviously not allowing anybody that is around him on camera to wear one either, he just might be the first president in history to contract Covid-19. And if that happens, which will be bad for everybody no matter who is President, he will have nobody to blame but himself...nobody is more protected from that virus than he is...the problem is...you cant protect him from himself...he is a foolish man.


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Yet the CV that Trump falsely claims is ebbing is slowly working its way into the White House all around him:



Trump sought a reopening but found the virus in the White House instead


A day after breaking his White House self-isolation for a cross-country trip meant to signal the country's readiness to restart, Trump received word that one of his Oval Office valets tested positive for the virus.

Two days later, Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary also tested positive, setting off another round of tests, delaying the vice president's trip to Iowa and causing more hand-wringing inside the White House about who might be infected.

Ivanka Trump's personal assistant also tested positive for coronavirus, a source familiar told CNN on Friday night, 






And more now from Yahoo News via USA Today:



11 Secret Service employees infected with coronavirus, 60 in self-quarantine

USA TODAYMay 9, 2020
At least 11 U.S. Secret Service employees were reported to be infected with the coronavirus and about 60 other staffers were in self-quarantine, a person familiar with the matter said Friday.

The person who is not authorized to comment publicly declined to breakdown the numbers of civilian versus agent infections. The assignment locations of the sick employees also were not identified.

The service, which safeguards the country's financial systems and provides personal protection for the president, vice president and their families, along with visiting heads of state, has 7,600 employees.





  • Thanks 1

And more from CNN on Trump's reaction to his own valet becoming infected:



Trump was angry this week when he learned the valet tested positive and asked aides how it was possible a person responsible for handling his beverages could have been exposed to the virus. Trump doesn't like germs and has chastised staff before when they cough or sneeze in his presence.


Afterward, scores of Secret Service agents and officers, along with administration staffers, were seen filing into a makeshift testing facility on the White House campus to be tested themselves. Trump told reporters everyone around him would now be tested daily 




So White House staffers now can be tested daily. But if you're an average American, good luck in trying to get a precautionary test in the absence of any symptoms. The U.S. still has a paltry testing effort that's far below what has been promised.


Mr. Trump, you want to know how is it possible an aide responsible for serving your drinks has come down with the virus?  Easy, you botched the CV response in the U.S. and have allowed it to spread throughout the country, including within Washington DC and the White House.



  • Like 1
16 minutes ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

Trump's whole response to the Corona virus has been a series of denials that the virus was anything to worry about (February) to promises that "anybody that wants a test can get one" on March 6th (total BS as we all know), blowing up at media when he does not like a question during the Task Force's daily dog and pony show (class act blaming the press because you dont like their questions even if you dont like the answer you have to give...dont be in politics, much less POTUS if you dont want to answer hard ball questions from your opposition) 


And now, because of his vanity and refusing to wear a mask and obviously not allowing anybody that is around him on camera to wear one either, he just might be the first president in history to contract Covid-19. And if that happens, which will be bad for everybody no matter who is President, he will have nobody to blame but himself...nobody is more protected from that virus than he is...the problem is...you cant protect him from himself...he is a foolish man.


Factually incorrect, beginning with travel restrictions put in place on January 31. But you raise a good issue. Why did Democrats sit by and do nothing but whine about Trump the whole time instead of offering solutions?

  • Confused 1
4 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:


And you are white knighting. 



I support the travel bans of foreign nationals, not American Citizens and I would bet you that most American Citizens feel the same in regards to banning their own people. 


You do comprehend the difference between Citizens and Non-Citizens, right? 

Which is what he said but you said he wanted US citizens banned. He didnt say that. He said they should be quarantined.


you do know the difference between quarantine and travel ban.

  • Like 1
51 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


The US is a very large country, and some states barely even have any cases. 


Not many... This is the best of the states (under 1000 cases), according to the NYT...



This is the worst (10,000 and above):




More than 1,294,000 people in the United States have been infected with the coronavirus and at least 77,400 have died, according to a New York Times database. More than 1,000 additional deaths have been announced every day since April 2.




  • Like 1
18 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Factually incorrect, beginning with travel restrictions put in place on January 31. But you raise a good issue. Why did Democrats sit by and do nothing but whine about Trump the whole time instead of offering solutions?

Yeah coz trump loves to listen to dems. It was a dem hoax remember.


Trump is in charge. Perhaps you should ask why he had no solutions, but its all under control, will be nearly zero.

  • Like 1
24 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Factually incorrect, beginning with travel restrictions put in place on January 31. But you raise a good issue. Why did Democrats sit by and do nothing but whine about Trump the whole time instead of offering solutions?


You obviously don't even bother to read the thread you're posting in, or you just like to continue posting falsehoods:






January 26, 2020


Sen. Chuck Schumer on Sunday urged federal officials to declare coronavirus a public health emergency in the US, so millions more in funds could be made available to fight the deadly bug.



Trump waited until six weeks later to make a federal declaration in mid-March.  After all, the virus was just going to magically go away in Trump's dystopian world...



  • Like 1
56 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


The US is a very large country, and some states barely even have any cases. And some states are experiencing death rates similar to a bad flu season, so it makes no sense to say "The US" when it should be taken state by state. 

Oz banned interstate travel and they are on top of the virus yet still have it banned.


Unless they do that in the US then those states with zero will not stay there long.

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7 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:

Laughable that the partisans in this thread blame Trump for New York's abject failure at managing Coronavirus. 


Its becoming clearer by the day at how the state fails to manage its resources putting people in harms way, accounting for a massive portion of overall US deaths. 

New York  was the main arrival point for  most of the infected travelers into the USA.

They passed through JFK (and to a lesser extent  EWR in New jersey) transferring at JFK, LGA and EWR.


NY state is not responsible for a national pandemic strategy. There was a pandemic strategy and office that was set up after the ebola crisis. Ask Mr. Trump what he did to it and why he did not implement its recomemndations to  prevent the crisis we are now seeing.

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Part of the continuing Trumpists' false narrative to try to shift the blame for the U.S.'s national government failures to the individual states (and especially those with Democratic governors).

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7 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You obviously don't even bother to read the thread you're posting in, or you just like to continue posting falsehoods:





Trump waited until six weeks later to make a federal declaration in mid-March.  After all, the virus was just going to magically go away in Trump's dystopian world...



Wow, a delay in an official declaration. What a game changer! Seriously, is that all you've got?

  • Confused 1
1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Part of the continuing Trumpists' false narrative to try to shift the blame for the U.S.'s national government failures to the individual states (and especially those with Democratic governors).

Well yeah, when the worse-hit states are all run by Democrats, it makes one wonder. Texas is the second most populous states and barely has 1,000 deaths if that.

  • Confused 1
6 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Top five states are all run by Democrats. What a coincidence.

Typically shoddy and irrelevant partisanship, as is your habit.


They also happen to mostly have in their regions among the largest international airports in the U.S., including those that took the bulk of the imported European virus cases arriving via the East Coast... along with Asian traveler imports to LAX and Seattle.


Because, the federal government -- with the exception of its late arriving China policy -- did nothing else in the early going to stop or check the import of the virus to the U.S. from other countries around the world.


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