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18 months of pandemic pain ahead, warns govt panel


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18 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


So the world has conspired to pretend there's a fake pandemic just so the Thai government can collapse their own economy to starve their own citizens??


Okay, whatever substance(s) your abusing, stop. And seek professional help very soon.

Did it ever occur to you that bodies like the WHO or all NGOs are Supranational ?

The WHO declared a Pandemic which basically makes them the world ruling power according

to the contract between nation for such a case.

This might explain why they all do the same - because they follow the same master ???

It's all Governments collapsing their economies [except China] ... coincidence ?


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9 hours ago, baansgr said:

Yet those same people that scream about Government control and spying on citizens.....are constantly on Facebook 24/7....that's been the biggest con of this century yet

Well they have to get their conspiracy theories from somewhere and FB does a great job in sharing them.

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That's quite a prognostication. That must have been difficult to arrive at based on an actual mortality count of 55 persons. How did they work out this projection? Brown envelopes? I'm really curious to know how they have come up with this. 


My post does not have a little heart at the bottom. Why?

Edited by Magenta408
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2 hours ago, brain150 said:

... all you need is a population that is stupid enough to BELIEVE what you say !!! A job well done !!! 

Or a bunch of forum members who believe every conspiracy theory they find on FB/Twitter/YouTube......

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To quote Monty Python “Always Look on the bright side of life”.  Whatever the government of LOS imposes It cannot be worse than the email I just got.  I used to live in Kuwait and I just got this:



Location: Kuwait


Event: On May 8, the government of Kuwait announced it will impose a comprehensive 24-hour curfew starting at 4:00pm on Sunday, May 10 until May 30.  U.S. citizens should observe the restrictions announced by the Kuwaiti government during this 20-day curfew period.


This means one must obtain permission from the government to leave your home.  Appointments and government approval to go grocery shopping(only once every 6 days), medical treatment and even to see a pharmacist.  


I am glad I no longer live in the Middle East.  

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I communicate with friends and relatives abroad regularly, and they're all in a country that's been fairly hard hit.


They despise the idea of wearing masks! I gently give them Thai case numbers in a low-key manner, hoping they'll see the wisdom of masks, sanitizer, and keeping distance, which is widely practiced by 95+ percent in BKK.


No interest. Only my Asian friends abroad get it. As in BKK, the farang remain resistant. The empirical evidence is there, but the awareness is not. And that's even if one is sceptical of government numbers. It's a matter of scale, not the exact and precise detail.

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18) Social Media content is not to be used as  source material unless it is from a recognized or approved news media source,  the source of any such material (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube  etc.) should always be shown.


A post using ALL CAPS has been removed, please turn off your Caps Lock when posting. 

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8 hours ago, Pravda said:


Yes. I was one of those and I was wrong.


Fact is, Europeans and Americans are just plain filthy. Maybe Thais are not the best with keeping the trash off the streets and beaches, but at least even the poorest of the poor wear a mask here.


Unlike back home.

and does "back home" not have a lot more corona cases than here?

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Yes, the Covid 19 pandemic is a conspiracy by all the world leaders who gladly destroyed their economies, put millions out of jobs and caused hundreds of thousands to die and for what? But of course, to control everyone: it is obvious!  It should have been obvious from the start.

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2 hours ago, transam said:

I read somewhere that UK normal death figures are down, you can glooooooogle that stuff....????

Try looking at the figures.... https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/weeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales


From week ending 17th April the figure for all deaths is about double the 5 year average. Over 10000 extra per week.

Where did you read your fake news?



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9 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

I'm a 62 yo male in reasonably good medical condition and not afraid of this CV in the least. If Thai people or others are afraid they can hunker down in their homes seal the windows and doors and also draw the curtains or shades. But how many people are ready to get out and work, and live life? I believe this hysteria is  being purposely being created to control the uneducated masses.

Like you.....?  ????

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11 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

Just more scare tactics to make the population more compliant, or try to anyway.. Next they will try to introduce some form of tracking, justified by a possible 2nd wave. 

Australia are saying that the quicker people sign up to be tracked, the sooner restrictions will be relaxed.

Singapore are trying the same with the added bonus of dongles for people, without smartphones, to carry when out.

Anyone who still thinks governments aren't using this virus as an excuse to expand control really needs to open their eyes....

Yep, funny (not haha) how we always seem to come back to G.O's novel 1984. The price we pay for progressive technology. You know, I very often leave my mobile phone at home when I go out for a couple of hours as I've never really liked the idea of 'being in when I'm out' so to speak. I often wonder if someone will introduce a law that says 'people must have a Cell phone and must always carry it with them'.

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pathetically Low figures of virus and Dr Jaras worries about malls opening. Just covering their own asses. fact is this virus is with us and the world and its people have to live with it. Otherwise the fear will destroy countries economies, peoples businesses and lives more than any virus.

Edited by pixelaoffy
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25 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

I'm a 62 yo male in reasonably good medical condition and not afraid of this CV in the least. If Thai people or others are afraid they can hunker down in their homes seal the windows and doors and also draw the curtains or shades. But how many people are ready to get out and work, and live life? I believe this hysteria is  being purposely being created to control the uneducated masses.

of course thats 100% so in Thailand. Thai sheep easily lead

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11 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

I'm a 62 yo male in reasonably good medical condition and not afraid of this CV in the least. If Thai people or others are afraid they can hunker down in their homes seal the windows and doors and also draw the curtains or shades. But how many people are ready to get out and work, and live life? I believe this hysteria is  being purposely being created to control the uneducated masses.

OK, so by passing a few laws locking down the uneducated masses, they have proved (to themselves) that they can be controlled. Then what? The uneducated masses don't really provide any useful funds for the controllers. They are already paid peanuts to do work so reducing pay wouldn't achieve much and would probably cause deaths through starvation, reducing the number of workers to provide the profits to the fat cats and probably destroying the farming community providing the food that the controllers eat. The uneducated masses are needed to keep the rich in the lifestyle they enjoy or is the idea to destroy the fat cats? Seeing as most of them are the same people doing the controlling, they are consigning themselves to poverty, which is, surely, rather unlikely.

History also shows us that when this plan is executed it rarely goes well. The French revolution in 1789 and the Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917 were both caused through over control of the uneducated masses. Even the American revolution was caused through the British trying to over tax and control the uneducated masses. So what is the point?


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12 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

Just more scare tactics to make the population more compliant, or try to anyway.. Next they will try to introduce some form of tracking, justified by a possible 2nd wave. 

Australia are saying that the quicker people sign up to be tracked, the sooner restrictions will be relaxed.

Singapore are trying the same with the added bonus of dongles for people, without smartphones, to carry when out.

Anyone who still thinks governments aren't using this virus as an excuse to expand control really needs to open their eyes....

“Surely, comrades, you do not want Jones back?"

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