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In leaked call, Obama describes Trump handling of virus as chaotic

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3 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

But you keep claiming that Trump stopped travel from China.  Now you say he restricted it. 


If you can show me where I have ever said that Trump "stopped travel from china" Ill never post on here again. 


4 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

Suggest you stop (incorrectly) calling it the China Virus then.


It literally is the China Virus. It originated in China, it was spread in China, the Chinese attempted to cover it up, and exported the Chinese Virus all over the planet, stacking bodies in every western nation. 

So im sure you know where you can stick your "suggestion" 


6 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

Unless you are happy for us all to call the 1918 flu epidemic the American Virus.


You can call it whatever you like, but it wouldn't be true, and you'd be denying science and history. 

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2 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

It appears the reverse is true. Schumer babbled about a National emergency and Trump actually did something. It would like if there were a fire, you cried fire and I went to put the fire out. You figure you deserve all the credit.

the point is people are arguing semantics.


schumer notices a lot of smoke and cinders blowing across town.  he calls for the boss to send the fire brigade.


a week later, the boss finally gets around to sending help.


six weeks later, some people point out that had the boss sent the fire brigade in time, half of one city district would not have burned down.


in response, defenders of the boss point out that the fire department was belatedly sent.

1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You wanna play word game semantics... Schumer was addressing the coming CV crisis while Trump was ignoring it and claiming nothing was going to happen. Heading toward 100,000 dead Americans proves just how deadly wrong Trump was about that.'


The federal declaration Schumer was seeking at the time would have freed up additional federal funds to prepare for what at the time was the approaching CV pandemic. Trump did nothing, no declaration was made at the federal level until mid March, and time and opportunity was wasted.



Wow, a declaration. I hereby declare coronavirus is very serious! OK, now what? You're still stuck with Schumer and others sitting on the sidelines doing nothing but whining while Trump took action. Now... if you have evidence of Schumer and/or other Democrats calling for specific actions to occur as events unfolded, let's see it. Standing at the sideline whining doesn't count for SQUAT.

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3 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

the point is people are arguing semantics.


schumer notices a lot of smoke and cinders blowing across town.  he calls for the boss to send the fire brigade.


a week later, the boss finally gets around to sending help.


six weeks later, some people point out that had the boss sent the fire brigade in time, half of one city district would not have burned down.


in response, defenders of the boss point out that the fire department was belatedly sent.

What should Trump have acted on? Schumer doing his usual, inane whining or actual health experts?

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Names are what they are. Why are you only concerned about it being called the "Chinese virus"? It seems many leftists are very sensitive to any criticism of China and the CCP. Many people find that interesting at the very least.

I am not concerned at all about calling it the China Virusas long as we are all consistent.  The "Spanish Flu" orginated (most likely) in the USA.  That's it.


And, just FYI, I am not particularly "leftist".  Never Trumper, sure.  Leftist?  Not really.




The NPR article quoted above has a summary introduction paragraph that helps cut to the core of the discussion (though others can argue that China measure alone wasn't especially effective):



Although Trump's partial ban on travelers from China is seen by many as having bought time for the U.S. to prepare, coronavirus testing failures obscured the severity of the outbreak here and hampered efforts to contain its spread. By the time the deadly scope of the virus came into focus, it was too late for containment, and mitigation shutdowns brought a heavy economic toll.


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Just now, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The NPR article quoted above has a summary introduction paragraph that helps cut to the core of the discussion (though others can argue that China measure alone wasn't especially effective):



Woulda shoulda coulda. So why didn't any Democrats call for more testing back then to prevent this failure?

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

So is Schumer the Head of the Federal Government now?  Good to know!




And in charge of HHS, CDC, CBP too!!!  How does he ever find time to be a Senator!


7 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:
14 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

Unless you are happy for us all to call the 1918 flu epidemic the American Virus.


You can call it whatever you like, but it wouldn't be true, and you'd be denying science and history. 

Suggest you go and look at some history books.



1 minute ago, Crazy Alex said:

Woulda shoulda coulda. So why didn't any Democrats call for more testing back then to prevent this failure?

 they did and have been pretty much all along...with the administration making a lot of promises of ramping up that they never quite achieved.


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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:
13 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

So is Schumer the Head of the Federal Government now?  Good to know!




And in charge of HHS, CDC, CBP too!!!  How does he ever find time to be a Senator!

Probably overloaded, which is why the PPE cupboard was bare for the last three and a half years....

4 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Woulda shoulda coulda. So why didn't any Democrats call for more testing back then to prevent this failure?

Perhaps you should ask why trump didnt.

26 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

What should Trump have acted on? Schumer doing his usual, inane whining or actual health experts?

you could check schumer's press releases for a start.  is the complaint that schumer should have been running the executive branch?


Amid the unpredictable spread of the potentially fatal coronavirus, which has already been confirmed in three cases domestically, U.S. Senator Charles Schumer revealed today that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot access a special federal funding account known as the Infectious Disease Rapid Response Reserve Fund until the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), led by Secretary Alex Azar, officially declares a “public health emergency” related to the coronavirus. Schumer, today, made the case to affirm this emergency declaration and further revealed that in the recent budget deal he just negotiated, he was able to increase the very account relevant to combatting the coronavirus from $50 million to $85 million.



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Good job we now have plenty of PPE masks...I hear that White House staff are now, suddenly, all wearing them.  Wonder why?  Thought they were supposed to be pointless...what's suddenly changed?



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39 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Woulda shoulda coulda. So why didn't any Democrats call for more testing back then to prevent this failure?

When have they been informed there was only a very limited testing capability?

6 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Im glad you dont check in too often as people get a bit tired of constantly correcting trump supporters to the facts.


Trump is president and keeps lying and his response to covid is chaos. Obama is not president though the majority wish he still was. Biden is not even the dem nominee yet. So trump tweeting nonsense 100 times a day is of course going to get more air time.


flynn was never exonerated, he admitted to lying. He was fired by trump for lying. Where was he released from?


Reade has indeed been interviewed and further asked to be interviewed but declined. Reade also never mentioned any sexual assault in her complaint until it looked like biden would run for pres. Let that investigation run its course.


Trump admitted to assaulting women and has 20 or so outstanding complaints, plus the small issue of paying off a porn star that he lied about.


so im glad you have better things to do. Maybe 4chan is waiting.


Line by line, this is verbatim the Democrat narrative on all the issues. Which is comical because the poster, smugness palatable, opens with how hes just so smart and knows all the answers. 

  • Thanks 1
8 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

That the Spanish flu originated in the USA spread to Spain and then back to USA is pretty much considered as truth today. Or in other words common knowledge. I for one, have no problem if someone wants to call it the USA Flu. Everyone acknowledges that the name Spanish flu comes from that being the known source at the time.


The Chinese Bat CCP Corona laboratory virus, likewise is just that. As far as I cam concerned that is its name.


Truth is Truth. I am not afraid of it. Nor do I fear a totalitarian government that hides the truth from the world, spreads the virus around the world, and continues to hide needed information from the world on the origin of the virus. NOR do I shield them or write on their behalf. 


Close,but no cigar.  The only connection with Spain is that, during the War, Spanish press was not censored and so covered the initial outbreaks in detail.  That is pretty much the ONLY connection with Spain, and certainly why it was (and continues to be) called the Spanish Flu.


That Covid started in China is a good hypothesis and, very possibly true.  Whether it escaped from a lab is not proven.  At all.  What HAS pretty much been proven is that it is a naturally occuring mutation, not manufactured. 


I am also not afraid of truth.  And I do not shield any Government - be they totalitarian, dictatorship, or democracy when they try to create alternative "truths" to hide their own failings.



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