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Farangs In Thailand


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Not exactly the cream of the crop. Many overweight, sloppy dressers, & socially inept: here for boozing & women chasing. Not surprising that Thais may have a low opinion of them.

There's a lot of people like that around here,but not many Farangs.

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Many need to be thai-trained (broken-in)!

Imagine if you will you are a thai and you are with a loved one - be it a wife, daughter, brother, sister, son, husband, friend, lover, etc. and you see a farang checking out your loved one with - $$$ - in his eyes. How would you feel?

Looking is fine - BUT - don't stare - at a girl, women, mother, wife when they are with someone - it's just plain rude.

When this ridiculous superiority that they come with just because they were born somewhere developed allows them to have an advantage should not be a reason to disregard civility. Or perhaps it is asking too much from luddites.

Imagine this happeneing every time they venture out from their homes.

I am not surprised the sentiment of late.

It can only get worse as more and more people retire and vacation in LOS.

But there are some fine people here too!

I would be all too happy if the baht hits higher than 20-1 and the prices here double. It would still be a great place to visit and live part time. And we would lose a lot of the problem.

Hopefully this sentiment is now a sign of a recognition of a problem and change is in the wings.

This post sums it up for me :D

Why not 1 THB = 1 Euro? Great for Thai tourists, no? :o

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When I find some time I shall do a roti-purveyor-survey and post back statistics on their preferred classifier. :o

I always thought 'chin' were just slices of something, but then people seem to use it for condoms also. A condom is not a slice.

i always thing of a chin as a piece.

hard to go wrong with aan though.

as for farang, water finds its own level, you spend alot of time in beer bars you are going to see alot of things. but then if you spend alot of time in beer bars you will meet some pretty dodgy thais too.

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Thread sounds like a bit of fishing....

The type of expats, and tourists for that matter, you will get in any specific area will surely depend on the type of area it is. You're very unlikely to find a lot of Swedish divers in Namibia.

So for those that love bashing some of the flotsam and jetsam that wash up on these shores, remember it is the country's reputation that may be attracting them......

I have to agree with Ol Red Eyes. Just simply examine the elements that make Thailand a popular destination, and you'll get your answers about who is here in droves and why.

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First im english im young 23 years old, Now a young english man likes to enjoy imself they like to dance go parties and in general have fun in there lifes, But they can get naughty when the too much beer limit is reached, Yes this is a problem becouse they do get loud and hard to handle, but this is never in shopping centers or in major thai public places they draw them selfs to places like patpong and nana only in the bars area, them places give farang beer 10am while 2am, so maybe if they wanted a nice farang place they should not give them the beer.

But for the thai people in this forum there is alot of bad apple thai people, i was walking home one nice, and 4 thai lads was on the corner i didnt lookat them at all im only small and keep my self to my self, i wasnt drinking at all that night and they started to follow me down the road, they started to catch me up lucky my 12 friends was in the 7/11 waiting for me that night, the thai lads soon backed off. Tho this is the best thing i walked down again as i do need too to get my hotel they followed me again one threw a bottle at me, So for you thai in this forum dont go on about farang as there is some bad thai people too. But there is far far more nice people in thailand that is the reason im here for a year living here becouse the people are nice.

Just think about it becouse you look at other people and think they are bad loud there is many storys i can tell you about thai men and the females,.

While ever they sell beer over the bars there will always be loud farang, becouse they like to drink.

As for the person who was talking about the farang looking at is wife while eatting with kids i agree totally wrong i would have gone over and hit them with a chair or something, its totally wrong like you said they can have a little look thats there freedom, but not like you are saying its very bad. Me being 23 young english i would never do that.

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