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Entrepreneurs required to register on ThaiChana as part of Covid-19 prevention

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

you have no idea what true freedom is because you've never experienced it


where do you live?

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

how old are you yin - 6


better tell your mom you talking with dirty farang

How old you? 80? 


better have a shower if you dirty

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2 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

I can find the video but years ago Jeremy Clarkson drove around while a policeman or mobile phone guy  with a radio told him exactly where he was and which direction he was going. Just by phone signal triangulation.

Oh and forget all that stay on the line stuff for caller ID tracking. Takes about 7 seconds.


Yes, years ago people say same thing. 

But nothing happen.

The “government” not interested what I do. Be boring for watch. Not interested farang in Pattaya same. 

Nobody have the job spy on normal unimportant  people. 


For those with paranoia in the clinical sense, however, the overwhelming suspicion that “someone is watching” is old news. Individuals with paranoid schizophrenia often report feeling like someone is spying on or following them. Such “persecutory delusions,” which occur in about 50 percent of people with schizophrenia, can be extremely troubling to the sufferer, who often feels threatened by imagined antagonists.






This app is to help control covid. 

If your country do it, and thailand not do it, you some poster will say thailand should do it. Complain all the time.


200,000+ die. You should be more worry about covid than government spy your life. 


VocalNeal win “POTY Clever Foreigner of Today Award.”


Congratulations VocalNeal.

Edited by Yinn
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49 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

Are you a supporter of the current government? 

No. I am orange.


if no orange I will be red.


if no red I will will be yellow. 


never will be green. Never.


other government countrys have similar. It not an army/government spy.

The government not spread the virus, destroy the economy to spy on boring life of a farang living on farm in Issan with wife he meet in Pattaya.




I worry government know about  I eat lunch with my friend today? No.

am I worry my friend die covid and have no job? Yes. 


This is good idea. I like it. 


ชนะ Chana = translate Victory. Win. Beat. 

I think “Beat Covid” is better translation.



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2 minutes ago, NightSky said:

Contact tracing is required to manage covid outbreaks


That is true but it is pointless without wide spread testing too.

So unless they plan to (not just talk about) carry out wide spread testing, this is just more data gathering.


@Yinn They aren't watching us but they are gathering as much data as possible, from what you spend your money on, where, with who, what you sold on Marketplace, business info, favorite meal, medicines you need etc etc etc.. Some people are happy to give them all this information, others are not so happy. It was optional, but now it gradually becomes mandatory. 

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9 minutes ago, NightSky said:

Millions died in world wars to prevent this sort of control over people..

Er. Really? About download an app?

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1 minute ago, cornishcarlos said:


That is true but it is pointless without wide spread testing too.

So unless they plan to (not just talk about) carry out wide spread testing, this is just more data gathering.


@Yinn They aren't watching us but they are gathering as much data as possible, from what you spend your money on, where, with who, what you sold on Marketplace, business info, favorite meal, medicines you need etc etc etc.. Some people are happy to give them all this information, others are not so happy. It was optional, but now it gradually becomes mandatory. 

Facebook, Twitter and thaivisa etc forum do same. Google, TOT etc know. 


Why I get Thai language ads on thaivisa? They know!!!!!


i know they know. I not care they know. If I care I not use.


facebook etc use for profit. 

This BeatCovid is to help me. 


I like it. Good idea. If your restaurant not have it, I not go your restaurant. Up to you.


ps. How much your KaoPad Crab?

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1 minute ago, Yinn said:

Facebook, Twitter and thaivisa etc forum do same. Google, TOT etc know. 



All optional... But if you are not allowed to enter a shop, without QR scan, I guess that's optional too !!


3 minutes ago, Yinn said:

I like it. Good idea. If your restaurant not have it, I not go your restaurant. Up to you.


ps. How much your KaoPad Crab?


So you won't go into any business premises that doesn't have this new QR scan ?? I don't believe that.


50 or 60 baht I think, need to check with my wife ???? I know crab meat price seems to go up every month !!

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I guess if this really gets out of hand and you can do little without the Chana app on a smart phone, you can get a smart phone with a legit SIM and maybe a Gmail account that you use solely for that purpose.

Edited by SkyFax
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3 hours ago, Why Me said:

Yet here you are in Thailand having merrily relinquished all those freedoms except the one to get on a pedestal and lecture.


Relax, it's an app that tracks only which shop you are in. And the rest of the time? Do you carry a smartphone? Then the government knows your coordinates to within meters every second of the day. And can send a black helicopter to pick you up in minutes depending on who you called and what you said (which they know as well).


But like somebody above said nobody gives a rats about us so take it easy.

you just attempted to lecture me 


install the app be happy - up to you

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I am not a complete Luddite, but there are some things I do not understand about this QR code process. Assuming you have a QR code reading app on your phone, how on earth does that QR code tell you how crowded the store is ? Surely it would have to connect you to a server with that info? I would be wary about anything that automatically takes you to an unknown website, and that’s assuming you even have mobile data turned on or are connected to the mall WiFi so that you can connect.

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Does it really matter? We lose more and more privacy every year. Do we do, and have we ever done, anything about it?


Does it matter how the app works? I have an app that I use for banking. I don't care now it works, as long as it does. I use websites for banks for which I cannot, for whatever reason, download apps. I have an ip number, this shows where I am when I input the number into a checking site. The phone knows where I am, the laptop knows where I am. The government knows where I am. 


I think I know where I am, but I'm not sure. Let me ask the trouble and strife.

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My observations are, they cannot afford mass testing so are trying with QR codes for contact tracing, or most likely they are just exercising control over the population just like China. I have read this about Chinese cities and QR codes to check in. This QR code idea was first mooted to monitor tourists back in February/March time, now rolled out again but this time for covid-19 tracing.


Another thread was about reviving tourism, come to Thailand and check in to every place you visit with a QR code, winner for sure 555

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"I'm so happy I am here in Thailand and not back home in Europe where this and that".


A comment I have read several times on several threads from some.


I want to ask those people, are they happy Thailand is turning into a mini China?

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China started installing mandatory tracking apps on people phones some time ago - way before the COVID crisis - the ones for Thailand sound remarkably similar.

The tracking app is to be installed on people phones as a mandatory thing at the airports - not sure of this uses the same code base as the Thai Chana or if they will be linked.

The minister for digital economy - Buddipongse - said that the data would be deleted once the crisis is over - it will be interesting to see if they try to keep the Thai Chana app going even after the COVID crisis as a way of monitoring people


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4 minutes ago, lkv said:

But the crisis is never over that's the point????


Now we have to learn "how to live with the virus".

Crisis has turned into the New Normal. Luckily in the UK Boris has said he wants the country back to near normal in July, tracking apps and QR scanning just don't work in western countries.

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You won't find me singing for anything voluntarily. Whatever power you allow government to have will be abused someday.....not if, but when.

Now it might not be directed specifically to you but it will be abused and some people, probably those who disagree with the government, will end up in a mess.


Leave your mobile phones at home.....you can't turn off the GPS by the way, it continues to operate even if you switch it off. May cash for everything.

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1 hour ago, lkv said:

But the crisis is never over that's the point????


Now we have to learn "how to live with the virus".


Would anyone like to suggest at what point in the future the Covid Tracking App and the use of the QR is likely to be *withdrawn* ?


(Note: I don't have/use a [landline/mobile/smart-]phone in Thailand, or anywhere else: I'm able to do everything that I need to do using snail-mail/email.  -  Does this mean that it'll be more difficult for me to spend my money here ?). 



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The Singapore Version




And New Zealand version. The NZ proprietors sound like genuine morons with their giddiness that their app somehow is 'Making the world a better place'




and another called 'CovidSafe' Yea that contract tracing app sure makes me safe. I don't need a downloadable safe space 



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9 hours ago, Why Me said:

Do you carry a smartphone? Then the government knows your coordinates to within meters every second of the day. 

I saw a video of a USA company that choose a beach in Florida, selected all the cell phones signals in that location on the beach and then was able to follow those phones the next few days to show who they come in contact with and where those phones went.  If a private company can do this then for sure any government can do this and more!!

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