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3 hours ago, john terry1001 said:

Have you actually got a YB and pink ID card??

I've been coming here through work for 26 years and have lived here since I took early retirement in the UK for 16 years and, even though things were generally easier in the early days, unlike your apparent experiences I found it much quicker and more convenient once I had my YB and ID card.

As per my post #47 I clearly stated re yellow book: "I never bothered and have been here 17 years without one.


Easier and more convenient?  Not in my experience considering the effort compared to the benefits in getting one in my amphur as I also explained.  You must understand I live in a remote area of Isaan and to get translations/certification etc for me would mean travelling for hours to a city, maybe even Bangkok as I'm not sure there is a Foreign Affairs up here.  Now why would I want to waste my time doing that when both my immigration offices up here, traffic offices, and banks etc tell me they have no use for it )as confirmed by our resident considered expert on all things paper in Thailand post #73.


And as I said previously I have got by without one for 17 years with no hassles at all.  In fact I have never even been asked for one.  


I think the point that keeps getting missed is it depends on your amphur, imm office, traffic office etc.  Everybody is in a different situation.  Transam mentioned he got his in 20 minutes after chatting with his head man.  Great!  If that was my situation sure I would get the yellow book and pink ID card happily for the expense of only 20 minutes, so little to lose.   But hours of travelling, hotel etc for something I can easily go without.......no.

  • Confused 1
On 5/23/2020 at 4:14 PM, john terry1001 said:

Of course you can get by without a yellow book/ID card even for 17 years. You can get all the documents together every time for 'normal business, banking, visa, drivers lic etc'........but getting a yellow book/ID card means CONVENIENCE. Compliance in providing the correct documents to get your yellow book is a 'one off' and is not that much more complex than doing your annual extension/driving licence, etc, and after that everything is so much simpler when using your the yellow book/ID card for all your future applications...........even if you stay for another 17 years.


Is it vital you have a yellow book/ID card ...........NO


Is it quicker, easier and much more convenient to use a yellow book/ID card every time ...........MOST DEFINITELY.

Thats wonderful for you but the situation is different for different people and places.  IN MY EXPERIENCE it is not more convenient considering most places IN MY EXPERIENCE in my area dont want it.  Imm office, no, traffic office no,  banks no, post office no etc.    Most people are not in the same situation as you.  See my post 91 for further explanation.


Also, think of it another way.  If its so easy and convenient, quicker etc wouldnt it also be so for the office staff you are attending?  Why then in 17 years have I NEVER been asked for one?  Its always passport, wifes tabian ban, Thai drivers lic etc.  And even when I asked if the yellow book would help (if I had one) its always been no??  Thats my experience.

3 hours ago, john terry1001 said:

Right at the start I said you could do everything without needing a YB or ID card, they're not vital but I stand by what I said, using them is much more CONVENIENT. I link the two documents together because, like Thai Nationals and the Thai system, depending on what you're actually doing, you sometimes have to supply both. So the ID card is not a separate issue. 

Ok I see what you mean about the ID card as they are linked, I stand corrected.  But I also stand by what I said about the YB not being more convenient for me in my experience.  See my post 91.


4 hours ago, john terry1001 said:

You can, but you must register the YB/ID card in you bank account along with your PP.


Yes you can, but its your ID card that replaces your passport, not your YB. Your YB replaces your residency certificate.

If you present both your YB  and ID card your new passport ID number will be changed to your Thai ID number. If you only present one they will also want to see your PP to confirm your PP number. 


Yes, as I said and, being in the same data field that the information for a Thai person is entered, it's much more CONVENIENT ????.

Sounds like you need to keep two sets of paperwork if you have existing bank a/cs, drivers lic, car rego etc or have to go through all that rigmarole to get them changed etc.  Very confusing and inconvenient when your in a remote area and especially considering my exisiting paperwork has easily covered everything Ive needed over the last 17 years.  Oh and in my area the YB does not replace the residency certificate, I still have to go to Imm first and just present my passport only (oh and the cash of course).


However the talk of the same data field as a Thai person is interesting as I imagine the situation could possibly change in the future where they want us all on a data base?  

3 hours ago, john terry1001 said:

If you've never 'tried' the pink ID card you've never tried opening a bank account or renewed a Thai DL using just a YB and ID card together have you!!!


You say Immigration won't accept your YB yet go on to say "I don't remember having to prove my address when extending marriage visa (extension of stay)". Have you actually presented your YB to Immigration as part of an application?? Immigration in Si Racha certainly accepted my YB when I presented it as part of my Marriage Extension just two months ago.


Immigration now appear to be supplying a standard list of 'required documents' for both retirement and marriage extensions, although that list is still open to interpretation by individual IO's. But I haven't heard of YB's being refused as proof of address. What Immigration Office do you use??


You appear to be slagging off a process you haven't been using (properly).

If you've never 'tried' the pink ID card you've never tried opening a bank account or renewed a Thai DL using just a YB and ID card together have you!!!


No I just used my passport...no probs and no delays.  Although I think one bank wanted a copy of my work permit so I went next door to a bank that didnt.   Opened a joint a/c with my wife about 10 months ago with my pp and wifes ID card.   Out in about 15 minutes.  Cant see how that could be made more easy coz most of it was preparing the book cards etc.


You say Immigration won't accept your YB yet go on to say "I don't remember having to prove my address when extending marriage visa (extension of stay)". Have you actually presented your YB to Immigration as part of an application?? Immigration in Si Racha certainly accepted my YB when I presented it as part of my Marriage Extension just two months ago.


No as stated a few times already I didnt bother getting the YB as too much rigmarole considering my location and their requirements.  And as I also stated previous I think they used my wifes Tabian Ban for proof of residence but I have since heard they just use your 90 day report for that purpose.


Immigration now appear to be supplying a standard list of 'required documents' for both retirement and marriage extensions, although that list is still open to interpretation by individual IO's. But I haven't heard of YB's being refused as proof of address. What Immigration Office do you use??


I am in Kalasin but we didnt have an office until recently so had to go to Sakhon Nakhon until about 6 months ago.  I enquired at both offices whether a yellow book would be of any help and was told no.....I never ever said it was refused just that they said it was no help if I had one.  As above proof of residence is taken from 90 day report.


You appear to be slagging off a process you haven't been using (properly). 


No I am not slagging off anything. just trying to show you that in my situation getting the yellow book (and ID card) is very inconvenient and unnecessary at present.


By the way is their another choice of colour for the ID card.  Not real sure about flashing a pink card around lol

1 hour ago, ThaiFelix said:


As per my post #47 I clearly stated re yellow book: "I never bothered and have been here 17 years without one.


Easier and more convenient?  Not in my experience considering the effort compared to the benefits in getting one in my amphur as I also explained.  You must understand I live in a remote area of Isaan and to get translations/certification etc for me would mean travelling for hours to a city, maybe even Bangkok as I'm not sure there is a Foreign Affairs up here.  Now why would I want to waste my time doing that when both my immigration offices up here, traffic offices, and banks etc tell me they have no use for it )as confirmed by our resident considered expert on all things paper in Thailand post #73.


And as I said previously I have got by without one for 17 years with no hassles at all.  In fact I have never even been asked for one.  


I think the point that keeps getting missed is it depends on your amphur, imm office, traffic office etc.  Everybody is in a different situation.  Transam mentioned he got his in 20 minutes after chatting with his head man.  Great!  If that was my situation sure I would get the yellow book and pink ID card happily for the expense of only 20 minutes, so little to lose.   But hours of travelling, hotel etc for something I can easily go without.......no.

My headman thing was the stipulation in Ubon, so I found out who it was, and he came with us to the office to sign for me. That was the only hurdle for me.


I have never been asked for my yellow book, if I apply for something I give them a copy of the relevant YB page, so I have never had to get a residence thingy for all my driving licences. When I went to hospital last year, they were surprised to find me on their system, seems it was the yellow book, so all went smoothly. ????

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3 hours ago, BigStar said:

Where pink ID card is accepted, it's far more convenient to just whip out of your wallet, where it serves as carry-along official ID, than transporting and guarding your passport. Where the yellow book is accepted, it's far more convenient, and cheaper, to show than having to make a trip to Immigration to get a certificate. Period. Trying to create some all-singing, all-dancing rule for the yellow book/ID card then using that to argue against them is just the usual straw man argument.


For the 10th time: nobody says they are necessary and nobody cares in the slightest whether you have them. This topic isn't about you or the merits. 

My passports not that big? and the law in this country (depending on what official you talk to) is that you must carry your passport at all times.  As I have to travel out of town for the nearest banks I have my passport with me in any case so no probs at all there.  As stated numerous times already my traffic office etc wont accept the YB even if I had one.  I still have to go to imm office so no getting around that.


"Trying to create some all-singing, all-dancing rule for the yellow book/ID card then using that to argue against them is just the usual straw man argument.

For the 10th time: nobody says they are necessary and nobody cares in the slightest whether you have them. This topic isn't about you or the merits."


I must say I am baffled by the last comments??  Have you read my posts/replies at all?  The OP was talking about getting the yellow book and I was merely trying to point out that "I found" (ie in my experience) getting the YB was a waste of time and gave my reasons hoping he may check out the ins and outs considering his amphur, Imm office, traffic office etc requirements.  Sure this topic is not about me but are you saying one cant use his own experience as evidence in helping another?



16 hours ago, john terry1001 said:

Interesting, I know Kalasin a little bit.


My English mate and his wife built a house there a year or two ago. When they went to register the house details at the Amphur he also asked about a YB and ID card. He actually phoned to tell me it was very easy and both YB and ID card were completed in less than a day. Don't know which Amphur they had to go to though.


(In what I think is) a funny story about using a pink ID card in Kalasin, it started when my brother in law married his girlfriend at her village a few years ago in Kalasin and we went to the wedding. The day after the wedding, along with a few of my wife's family, we decided to visit a Dinosaur museum park that was not too far away. When we went to pay the entrance fee I automatically asked to use my ID card (Thai price). The young girl there wasn't sure so she called her supervisor over. He smiled and, in reasonable English, said yes, of course I can. Then, noticing some of our party were of an older generation he said (in Thai) are any of you over sixty, entrance is free if you are? None of them were but I gingerly put my hand up and, in my broken Thai said 'I am, do I count?' Through fits of laughter the supervisor because you have your ID card and I can see how old you are you can go in for free.....but your family have to pay.

Sorry to digress but I was just pointing out that they do recognise and accept a pink ID card in Kalasin, they're not difficult to obtain and their use even causes amusement at times.

Pink is the only colour I'm afraid...........but if pink was good enough for the last king, it's good enough for me.????????

I have been to that museum but I must have gone on a bad day.  From memory the entrance for a farang was double that of a Thai so I did what I do with success at all national parks and handed him my teachers ID card.  He looked at it and got <deleted> off demanding the farang price.  My wife then explained very nicely that national parks usually admit me for Thai price because I live and work here and pay tax just like a Thai.  He almost threw it back in my face and I voted with my feet and we left.


Thanks for pointing that out and I am happy you have had no difficulties getting your yellow book and therefore your gay card and the benefits of using it but in my situation/location it is not worth the run around especially as I have been able to do anything I wanted with ease without it......except for entering a museum full of old mouldy bones of course.

  • Like 1
17 hours ago, john terry1001 said:

My English mate and his wife built a house there a year or two ago. When they went to register the house details at the Amphur he also asked about a YB and ID card. He actually phoned to tell me it was very easy and both YB and ID card were completed in less than a day. Don't know which Amphur they had to go to though.

Hahha Thailand!  Its the same old story.  I have a friend who is building a house in Nong Kung Si just down the road,  Still in Kalasin but different amphur.  He has to submit building plans/drawings etc to obtain approvals and a building permit etc before he can build whereas we only had to build a working toilet in order to get a house number from the tessabarn which is required to have a electric meter installed for the construction.....no plans, drawings, permits, inspections....nothing!  Its not just imm offices that have different rules and requirements lol.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

I have been to that museum but I must have gone on a bad day.  From memory the entrance for a farang was double that of a Thai so I did what I do with success at all national parks and handed him my teachers ID card.  He looked at it and got <deleted> off demanding the farang price.

I think, when we first moved to Thailand 16-17 years ago, everything seemed laid back and relaxed, we could use a driving licence and teachers ID card etc for almost everything and Thailand almost went out of their way to accommodate us getting a DL, Bank account etc. But I've watched Immigration gradually change and tighten the rules. When I first heard about the YB and ID card I decided that however slowly the system changed, change it would, so I went down the YB/ID card route. Some people decided it was too complex/awkward to do those things and continued to try using their DL etc. Today, whether by accident or design, I think we've got to the stage where those of us who have a YB/ID card find they are almost always accepted without question while others are finding it increasingly difficult to be able to use their DL. 

I do remember a few years ago when the Government of the day tried to stop the use of Farangs using a DL etc to get the Thai price in certain parks etc. Maybe you got caught up in that when you tried to use your Teachers ID card.


I know you've been against YB's because, for you, it's more complex. But it's only a one-off hassle and the future would then be hassle free and much simpler. They're certainly not going to revert to the old system we had years ago just so you can use your Teacher ID card.????????

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35 minutes ago, john terry1001 said:

I think, when we first moved to Thailand 16-17 years ago, everything seemed laid back and relaxed, we could use a driving licence and teachers ID card etc for almost everything and Thailand almost went out of their way to accommodate us getting a DL, Bank account etc. But I've watched Immigration gradually change and tighten the rules. When I first heard about the YB and ID card I decided that however slowly the system changed, change it would, so I went down the YB/ID card route. Some people decided it was too complex/awkward to do those things and continued to try using their DL etc. Today, whether by accident or design, I think we've got to the stage where those of us who have a YB/ID card find they are almost always accepted without question while others are finding it increasingly difficult to be able to use their DL. 

I do remember a few years ago when the Government of the day tried to stop the use of Farangs using a DL etc to get the Thai price in certain parks etc. Maybe you got caught up in that when you tried to use your Teachers ID card.


I know you've been against YB's because, for you, it's more complex. But it's only a one-off hassle and the future would then be hassle free and much simpler. They're certainly not going to revert to the old system we had years ago just so you can use your Teacher ID card.????????

Sure I can see all expats sooner or later going down the YB/ID card road, it makes sense for the government but not for me or those in my amphur while the input over benefit at present makes it a waste of time and effort considering everything I need can be easily done here at present without it.  But for how long who knows.  As Bob said "The times they are a changin"

1 minute ago, ThaiFelix said:

Sure I can see all expats sooner or later going down the YB/ID card road, it makes sense for the government but not for me or those in my amphur while the input over benefit at present makes it a waste of time and effort considering everything I need can be easily done here at present without it.  But for how long who knows.  As Bob said "The times they are a changin"

Locally, I've noticed the banks in particular who used to accept your landlords TB and ID card as proof of your address at one time, now only accept a certificate of residence from Immigration or a Yellow book as proof of address in order to open an account.


As already expressed by others, I've found possessing a Yellow book and pink ID card very useful, especially for selling/purchasing vehicles and of course renewing Driving Licence.

I also registered and was approved for online TM30 reporting using copies of my Yellow book and pink ID card, so another use discovered.


1 hour ago, Tanoshi said:

Locally, I've noticed the banks in particular who used to accept your landlords TB and ID card as proof of your address at one time, now only accept a certificate of residence from Immigration or a Yellow book as proof of address in order to open an account.


As already expressed by others, I've found possessing a Yellow book and pink ID card very useful, especially for selling/purchasing vehicles and of course renewing Driving Licence.

I also registered and was approved for online TM30 reporting using copies of my Yellow book and pink ID card, so another use discovered.


Never noticed the banks here needed an address, not like in the west.  Most of my accounts are in Bangkok and never been changed since I left there 7 years ago.  I do business with their local branches but none seem to care about the address now being incorrect.  None of my bank statements here have an address and I dont ever remember giving an address for any of my accounts of which I have 5 in different banks for various reasons (work, visa deposit, joint, etc).  We did open the joint a/c just last year but dont recall them wanting an address.  Maybe my wife gave them her blue book, but there were no issues, it was a simple procedure in an out in no time and I only needed to show my passport from memory.


As mentioned many times previously, in my area the traffic office required a cert of residency from Imm office and said yellow book no help...maybe they have a share deal with the Imm office for the fee lol.  Imm office the same...no need for yellow book or ID card coz the blue book and 90 day report is sufficient proof especially seeing I get my residency cert same time as my visa renewal so they already have everything at their fingertips.  


Purchased a new Toyota pick up with passport and wifes blue book in Bangkok with no issues but that was a cash purchase if that made a difference.  Never sold a vehicle here so cant say but imagine if you can buy with just passport and blue book you can also sell.



1 hour ago, Tanoshi said:

I also registered and was approved for online TM30 reporting using copies of my Yellow book and pink ID card, so another use discovered.

I only needed to enter my passport number, didnt need copies of anything although the Imm officer did set it up for me same time as my visa extension so her already had everything.  Its a requirement at my Imm office that you must come in face to face first before you can register but that may also be because it was a new office (our province didnt have its own before so we then had to go to the next province).  From memory I just needed to go online with passport number and confirm.


A off topic post and reply to it have been removed.

And again a yellow book topic has gone way off the rails again. Topic :mfr_closed1:


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