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British minister says 'move on' from rage over PM adviser Cummings' road trip


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44 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

You British all could have known this when you voted so overwhelmingly for the Clown and his master, Dominic Cummings...

Could you verify where you come from..........I just want to sort out "your" clowns thingy......

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7 hours ago, vogie said:

I'm truly intrigued as to why a certain clique on here have changed their allegience from The Guardian to the Dail Mail after years of telling us what a poorly informed gutter rag it is, maybe they have found something that they agree with in it.

 Personally I have used quotes from the Mail and the Telegraph so that people like you can't say I'm quoting PC, anti Tory, left wing rags.


Now that you can't use that excuse to dismiss the reports, you have instead chosen to use the term 'poorly informed gutter rag' to describe the Mail.


What is your opinion of the Telegraph?

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7 minutes ago, vogie said:

are you still so naive as to believe that there is a proper judicial system in England?


I believe it is a better system than the 'browns shirts and the lynch mobs' If you think that a man should be sacked, hung drawn and quartered without a fair trial, what a dangerous road you are walking, I would have thought that all your biases and your inert hatred of the Tories would put you out of the running for the man capable of giving Dom a fair trial.

You are totally right - that is why I believe that internal absolution, whether from the Nasty Party or from the BBC, is equally as tainted as my perspective. 

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On 5/27/2020 at 5:52 PM, YetAnother said:

thinly veiled version of " leaders are above the law"


And so are opposition MPs including shadow ministers; and Leaders of minority political parties in Westminster it would seem.


Only the media are quietly brushing those transgressions under the carpet.

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6 hours ago, jimmyswale said:
8 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

What is a "tard"?

A banned word when you add "Lib" to the front as well he knows. 


From Lexico.com



(also 'tard)



A person who has a mental disability (often used as a general term of abuse).


1980s shortening of retard."




offensive US

A contemptuous term for a person with left-wing political views.


Early 21st century blend of liberal and retard."



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21 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Quote from please, just out of interest.

What does I am in blood stepped in so far that should I wade no more returning were as tedious as go o'er mean?
Going forward, in other words, would be as difficult, as "tedious", as going back. The metaphor, of course, represents Macbeth's crimes: and rather than stop committing crimes (presumably, for fear of damnation) Macbeth says that he might as well continue to commit them. One is as pointless ("tedious") as the other.

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7 hours ago, jimmyswale said:

A banned word when you add "Lib" to the front as well he knows. 

When tard is prefixed by cus it is a yellowy cream sauce the French refer to as 'creme d'anglaise'

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16 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 Personally I have used quotes from the Mail and the Telegraph so that people like you can't say I'm quoting PC, anti Tory, left wing rags.


Now that you can't use that excuse to dismiss the reports, you have instead chosen to use the term 'poorly informed gutter rag' to describe the Mail.


What is your opinion of the Telegraph?


It's interesting how unpopular Cummings has made himself with all of the press and media. And with many members of the Conservative Party too.


But that's not an excuse to victimize him or to treat him differently to others in the political arena who broke lockdown rules without any particular reason other than they wanted to.

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3 hours ago, tebee said:

There was a quote by someone in Tony Blair's time along the lines of "if the Guardian and the Daily Mail agree on a headline, you need at accept that as reality" - well recently that's been happening again !


Cummings has become a liability.




Yeah right, Probably Campbell or Brown.


But in reality two liars saying something the same doesn't make it true automatically.

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


Talking of the Nasty Party, the SNP Westminster Leader apparently made a 600 mile road trip during lockdown.


But as a Scottish National Party socialist that can be simply swept under the carpet. And in the Nearly As Nasty Party, Kinnock junior, the lowly opposition MP you called him. Only he's a Shadow Minister, tipped for higher things. He broke the lockdown with his wife, the former PM of Denmark, to visit his mam and dad - a former long term MEP and former opposition leader and EU commissioner. Or Tahir Ali who attended a funeral with 100 others. Or the other politician who have done as they please.


Once you get the justice system being subverted by politics, applied selectively, and unduly influenced by media with an agenda, democracy is on a slippery slope to oblivion. 


Politicians are public servants. Only they've turned that round to be the rulers.

On March 26, when Parliament was recessed, he traveled to his home, as did every other MP. Some MPs went even further - Alastair Carmichael (LD) to Shetland, Douglas Ross (Con) to Moray. There was nothing untoward in any of those or any of the 650 other MPs who travelled to their homes on the same day. 


Kinnock? I consider what he did to be worthy of some form of sanction. I have no idea of Tahir Ali or what he did. 


Brian Windsor - another one, except he was already suffering from COVID when he selfishly spread his germs across my country. He should be hauled over the coals for that - and back again. But, as we well know, the establishment has carte blanche to do as they please.  




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1 hour ago, puipuitom said:

You British all could have known this when you voted so overwhelmingly for the Clown and his master, Dominic Cummings...


Well, that was the choice of the British people. 


No won could know this epidemic was coming, not even the Dutch with their powers for seeing into the future!

Edited by Baerboxer
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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

On March 26, when Parliament was recessed, he traveled to his home, as did every other MP. Some MPs went even further - Alastair Carmichael (LD) to Shetland, Douglas Ross (Con) to Moray. There was nothing untoward in any of those or any of the 650 other MPs who travelled to their homes on the same day. 


Kinnock? I consider what he did to be worthy of some form of sanction. I have no idea of Tahir Ali or what he did. 


Brian Windsor - another one, except he was already suffering from COVID when he selfishly spread his germs across my country. He should be hauled over the coals for that - and back again. But, as we well know, the establishment has carte blanche to do as they please.  







The political class now consider themselves to rule, not serve, those who elected them. They demonstrate this time and time again at all levels of government and within the civil service. 


None will face sanctions. Few if any will apologies and show remorse. Many have and will just stick two fingers up to the public.


Cummings may be a thoroughly unpleasant person, or nice. I don't know him. But he's certainly upset a wide section of the media, and a large number of politicians including in the Conservative Party. He his paying the price for that.


The BBC have said one presenter on Newsnight broke BBC standards regarding Cummings in what was a blatant and highly politically motivated broadcast. But nothing will happen. They've admitted it, so matter closed. 


Nicola Sturgeon must be held accountable of the Nike conference and her handling of that too. But probably will just say some weasely words to brush it aside. She must also be accountable for her handling of the pandemic in Scotland.


Starmer must be held accountable as his MP's and shadow minister were to coin a phrase "taking the <deleted>" and he's said nothing about it.


Johnson must be held accountable for the government's response once a full inquiry into it has been produced. Lessons must be learned.



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4 hours ago, vogie said:


let the proper authorities decide if he is guilty or not, if he is, other MPs that have commited the same offence need to go too, "you cannot have one rule for Cummings and another rule for everybody else, now that wouldn't be fair now would it.

"Other MPs?" Cummings is not an MP.


Those MPs who have broken lockdown and been caught and exposed in the press have all held up their hands, admitted it and apologised. Whether or not they were issued with fixed penalty notices I don't know.

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2 hours ago, puipuitom said:

You British all could have known this when you voted so overwhelmingly for the Clown and his master, Dominic Cummings...

 Not overwhelmingly; only 43% of those who voted did so for the Conservatives.

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1 hour ago, transam said:
1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

 Tell that to the Brexiteers who repeatedly say this is all drummed up by Remainers!


 Tell that to the Brexiteers who repeatedly say this is all drummed up by Remainers.


It is they who refuse to leave Brexit out of this.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


And so are opposition MPs including shadow ministers; and Leaders of minority political parties in Westminster it would seem.


Only the media are quietly brushing those transgressions under the carpet.

 Except they are not; otherwise how would you know of them?


As has been said every time a Cummings excuser brings this up, those MPs' transgressions were found out by and reported on in the media. Those MPs then had the decency to hold up their hands and apologise.


If Cummings had done the same this would now be done and dusted.

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9 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

A breach is a breach, so he broke the law for his eye test drive, pretty simple.

Here again for you "might have been minor breach' of lockdown rules" and rules are rules laws are laws there is a difference

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