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Non -o- Renewal Denied, No Change To My Situation.

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Got Non -O- :D

1 Year


Not sure I want to leave Singapore now :D Nahhhh, I'm joking.

Glad to hear things got sorted in Sg. TC :D

Was the visa issued as an extension or a completely new visa?

I presume its a multi?

If it was a new visa, does that reset the clock for elegability for PR?



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Well, I was suspecting it wasn't 100% over and it apparently isn't... :D

It's a multiple entry non-O, (enter before 22 Apr. 2008) immigration at Suwharnabhumi stamped me for 90 days. We asked a supervisor and she did say we now have to apply for a year extension. :o

It does reset the clock for P.R.

Aaaagain, back to immigration soon to ask for a one year extension. :D

We're also leaving the 400, 000 in the account until it's all cleared up, meanwhile, again, losing more money since that amount can do better elsewhere the rest of the year.

Do they realise how much work they are triplicating for themselves? How much money we've had to spend IN ANOTHER COUNTRY while we could have gladly blown it here? How many business hours WE are wasting? It's getting more and more ridiculous.

Also, before landing, the plane circled about 10 times over the Gulf, VIP landing before us and a huge storm brewing, high turbulence, just before touching down, a whole field on fire below the plane and a few hundred meters before the landing strip, flew through smoke as did other planes (looked like a plane had crashed :D ), the airport festering with annoying people asking me if I "want to go to Pattaya?'' my wife at my side feeling ashamed and angry, hopped on an AOT shuttle driving like a <deleted>' maniac to the bus station to catch an honest cab , made it to our truck parked in BKK, 5 minutes later nearly got T-boned by a bus who decided to pull over in a split second, Stopped at our manufacture to find out the employess have been working on YELLOW coloured goods when they were told BLACK, 600 defective units are to be trashed, came home and the power was out... Now I know we're really back in Thailand. :D

My wife is now seriously having second thoughts about her country and keeping on doing business here after visiting and observing how things work in Singapore, Canada and other countries.

So far, I estimate we've both spent about 2 x 6 days running around in and out of the country and blown a minimum of 65 000 baht in fuel, hotel, food, plane tickets and the 400 000 baht not being used elsewhere .

Edited by Tony Clifton
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Gee I wish I hadn't read this topic, I'm on my way to Nong Khai today to get my 30 day waiting for the verdict visa. Now full of angsiety as my situation with deposits is similar to the OP's. I only used my account twice last year, 1 to buy land and 2 to lend a relative the money he needed to work overseas. It was topped up well in advance of the 3 month holding period. Watch this space!

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We're also leaving the 400, 000 in the account until it's all cleared up.

Well then, the dirty SOB's better hurry up and approve your extension then so those funds can be put to a REAL worthy cause... like the aforementioned PARTY!! :D:o

the plane circled about 10 times over the Gulf

a huge storm brewing

high turbulence

a whole field on fire below the plane

the airport festering with annoying people asking me if I "want to go to Pattaya?''

my wife at my side feeling ashamed and angry

an AOT shuttle driving like a <deleted>' maniac

nearly got T-boned by a bus

the employess have been working on YELLOW coloured goods when they were told BLACK

600 defective units are to be trashed

the power was out...


Good to be home.... :D


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Congrats to Tony for getting a 1-year visa!

I am in a similar quagmire (to his recent situation) though I'm not married. Rather than offer too many specs (there were two different visa stamps and 2 different dates on my passport. I looked at one, Imm Dept looked at the other, and I got shafted), Anyhow, allow me to wax philosophical.......

The list of inconsistencies (in Thai Imm rules) could fill volumes, and indeed, they do fill volumes, if one were to wade thru the many postings on Thaivisa.com over the past several months. Though there are still many visa questions in my retired-mode brain - there is one certainty: Thai Imm authorities have an unwritten golden rule that guides their policies, that is: to not make visa applications and renewals easy for farang. All indications point to the fact that Thai Imm is designated to weed out farang.

For reasons that can only be guessed at, it serves Thai Imm Authorities purposes to make regulations that are interpreted differently by various Thai embassy and Consulate personnel, and that keep farang (who are trying to abide by the rules) ever unsure of the situation. There may be a handful of very bright and savvy Thaivisa posters who can stay somewhat abreast of the regulations, but they're a rare breed - and even they get confounded once in a while. Overall, it's a sad situation which is also bad for Thailand in general if you (like me) think Thailand benefits from having decent farang in residence (investment, more Thais employed, charity work, students better educated, etc).

The proof of the harmful policies will unfold over the years - as more and more decent farang choose to settle elsewhere. In general, Thai bureaucracy is slowly becoming less and less farang friendly.

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Gee I wish I hadn't read this topic, I'm on my way to Nong Khai today to get my 30 day waiting for the verdict visa. Now full of angsiety as my situation with deposits is similar to the OP's. I only used my account twice last year, 1 to buy land and 2 to lend a relative the money he needed to work overseas. It was topped up well in advance of the 3 month holding period. Watch this space!

Don't worry so much if the money has been there long enough, we originally thought there hadn't been enough transactions with our account but realized later that we had made the deposit a few days short of the required 90 days.


(I also doubt about this required movement in the bank account as the 40 000/month option is available.)

I don't think it's a matter of making it harder for foreigners to settle here but a matter of confusion with a totally ineffective bureaucracy uselessly triplicating their workload, bogging down immigration counters in and out of Thailand. As the years went and go by, the more changes are made to laws, the more confused they get and the less uniformity there is between officers and offices.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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Gee I wish I hadn't read this topic, I'm on my way to Nong Khai today to get my 30 day waiting for the verdict visa. Now full of angsiety as my situation with deposits is similar to the OP's. I only used my account twice last year, 1 to buy land and 2 to lend a relative the money he needed to work overseas. It was topped up well in advance of the 3 month holding period. Watch this space!

Don't worry so much if the money has been there long enough, we originally thought there hadn't been enough transactions with our account but realized later that we had made the deposit a few days short of the required 90 days.


(I also doubt about this required movement in the bank account as the 40 000/month option is available.)

I don't think it's a matter of making it harder for foreigners to settle here but a matter of confusion with a totally ineffective bureaucracy uselessly triplicating their workload, bogging down immigration counters in and out of Thailand. As the years went and go by, the more changes are made to laws, the more confused they get and the less uniformity there is between officers and offices.

Just to throw a spanner in the works TC. As you are now on a "new" visa from SG, you may not be eligable to use the 400K rule as this rule pertains to people on visa extensions prior to Oct 06. You may have to go wih the 40k income rule. At the very least I'de get this checked out. :o



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In all likelihood the 400k will not be an option for you any longer but there is no reason you have to even have an extension of stay now if you are OK with 90 day visits. You can use that for the year and on last entry use the 40k family income to extend if you want - or make another visit for a new multi entry visa.

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In all likelihood the 400k will not be an option for you any longer but there is no reason you have to even have an extension of stay now if you are OK with 90 day visits. You can use that for the year and on last entry use the 40k family income to extend if you want - or make another visit for a new multi entry visa.

Do you mean reporting every 90 days or so like I was doing before?

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One little extra for anyone nearing the end of your passport, keep hold of the old one, as they like to see your history.

Anything good you can show about yourself helps.

Why this is particularly good to show about yourself?

That you travelled before to there and there or a previous visa runner?

I do not understand your meaning to be good to show about yourself.......???

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In all likelihood the 400k will not be an option for you any longer but there is no reason you have to even have an extension of stay now if you are OK with 90 day visits. You can use that for the year and on last entry use the 40k family income to extend if you want - or make another visit for a new multi entry visa.

Do you mean reporting every 90 days or so like I was doing before?

Making 90 day border/visa runs (not address reports) is what you can do with the multi entry non immigrant O visa. If you enjoy the travel it can be pleasant but if not you may want to apply for extension of stay early.

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In all likelihood the 400k will not be an option for you any longer but there is no reason you have to even have an extension of stay now if you are OK with 90 day visits. You can use that for the year and on last entry use the 40k family income to extend if you want - or make another visit for a new multi entry visa.

Do you mean reporting every 90 days or so like I was doing before?

Making 90 day border/visa runs (not address reports) is what you can do with the multi entry non immigrant O visa. If you enjoy the travel it can be pleasant but if not you may want to apply for extension of stay early.

Definitely will apply for the year extension of stay and report every 90 days. Never had to do border runs before and they would mostly be a nuisance.

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Gee I wish I hadn't read this topic, I'm on my way to Nong Khai today to get my 30 day waiting for the verdict visa. Now full of angsiety as my situation with deposits is similar to the OP's. I only used my account twice last year, 1 to buy land and 2 to lend a relative the money he needed to work overseas. It was topped up well in advance of the 3 month holding period. Watch this space!
After a 120km drive to Nong Khai I was in and out of the Imm Office in 15 minutes, relieved, surprised and with some new information to me!

Relieved: Because no mention was made about my financial situation or the way I had been using the 400K Baht.

Surprised: My 12mth extension was granted after only one 30 day assessment period, no police visit, all done and dusted until 4th April 2008. :o

New Information: My 90 day report receipt was removed and binned. He stapled 3 pieces of paper into the back of my passport.

1. A new report date 25 July 2008. This small form also states the fines that are applicable for non complience with the 90 day rule and there appears to be a hefty increase: 5000 Baht and 200 Baht per day

2. A reminder to get a re-entry visa before leaving the Kingdom.

3. A reminder to notify them with any change in situation.

Looking at the ease with which I received my ‘Grandfathered’ visa I’d have to think the OP was just unlucky and was assessed by an officer having a bad day.

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compliance with the 90 day rule and there appears to be a hefty increase: 5000 Baht and 200 Baht per day

My, my... that is a sizable jump... wasn't it 2000 previously, with no additional per day amounts?

It would certainly behoove everyone to comply and hopefully the word gets out about this change.


I hope you do get your 1 year extension with 90 day reporting, but if not.. I'd be happy to show you the highlights of beautiful downtown Daung on a quarterly basis.

Edited by sriracha john
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Gee I wish I hadn't read this topic, I'm on my way to Nong Khai today to get my 30 day waiting for the verdict visa. Now full of angsiety as my situation with deposits is similar to the OP's. I only used my account twice last year, 1 to buy land and 2 to lend a relative the money he needed to work overseas. It was topped up well in advance of the 3 month holding period. Watch this space!
After a 120km drive to Nong Khai I was in and out of the Imm Office in 15 minutes, relieved, surprised and with some new information to me!

Relieved: Because no mention was made about my financial situation or the way I had been using the 400K Baht.

Surprised: My 12mth extension was granted after only one 30 day assessment period, no police visit, all done and dusted until 4th April 2008. :o

New Information: My 90 day report receipt was removed and binned. He stapled 3 pieces of paper into the back of my passport.

1. A new report date 25 July 2008. This small form also states the fines that are applicable for non complience with the 90 day rule and there appears to be a hefty increase: 5000 Baht and 200 Baht per day

2. A reminder to get a re-entry visa before leaving the Kingdom.

3. A reminder to notify them with any change in situation.

Looking at the ease with which I received my ‘Grandfathered’ visa I’d have to think the OP was just unlucky and was assessed by an officer having a bad day.

N.Khai has always been a good office if you are on the straight side of things. IMHO

What documentation did you provide this time please Bdenner ?

Thanks for the positive update you experienced by the way.

marshbags :D:D

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  • 2 months later...

Oh well, more complications when required to provide proof of income with my wife's newly registered company. It was suggested we use her old tax papers from previous employer but I refuse to try anything like that with immigration.

Off to Singapore around the 25th of July with my multiple entry non-O.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Playing immigration roulette again...

Wherever you go, whoever you deal with, the requirements change.

Samut Prakan office tells me to get my old passport's valid multiple Non-O visa stamp transfered to newly acquired passport. "Go to Suan Plu, 4th floor."

Information desk at Suan Plu says "You have everything needed, here's your queue ticket, MAIN floor :D ". Number comes up, short wait, officer says visa stamp transfer should have been done by Samut Prakan. :D Wife complained and explained pretty well a shortened version of this topic and she agreed to transfer the visa to the new passport. Was told I now have to carry both...

While we're at Suan Plu and that this is THE place where your application is finally processed, wherever you apply, we went to the information desk and said while we're here, we want to ask for a year extension. No problem. Another ticket, long wait. Finally told we absolutely need proof of family income but can't apply directly at Suan Plu , has to be done back in Sri Racha, nearest to where we now live . :D

Now waiting to see Sri Racha's version tomorrow morning. :o

The 400 000 is still sitting in the bank after about 6 months... just in case :D

If nothing is done before the 23rd, boooorder ruuuun! Was told today I can ask for a 60 day extension to remain with my now pregnant wife.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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In her defense I do not believe they have enforced the 3 month rule strictly yet so suspect the primary reason is that it looks like you are borrowing the money to make a deposit for renewal and then paying it out with no evidence of support. If you can provide the active account and it supports your bringing in funds and spending them believe it might be approved even if the three new three month rule was not met.

Ther are major inconsistencies at Suan Plu. I applied for my extension based on marriage last month and I deposited 500k (cash deposit) the day before the application went in. It sailed through. My friend did the same thing one week later and got his ok but he and his wife had to sign that next year the money must be in the account 3 months prior to application.

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