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Gone with the Wind removed from HBO Max


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39 minutes ago, laosnative said:

I remember them well as a kid.......

going to the chippy then calling at the off licence on the way home for black jacks and fruit salads, 4 for for 1 old penny was the cost.

If I had saved a bit of cash, shared the purchase of 10 Number six tipped with my mate.

proper council estate lad, me.

Remember the days as a kid. Smoking Silk Cut because we thought we where posh in the middle of a haystack. 

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7 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

The U.K. will be all over this !!


Time to dust off the old fogies in the government department and put them back to work !!

The ones who gave us such classics as:

Blackboard - Chalkboard

Black bin liners - Refuse sacks

Manhole covers - Service covers 


Not only will movies and tv series be lost forever, statues or signs with any racial undertones be removed but we will have to go back to school to learn the “ new “ English language !!

And your racist avatar.  I demand you replace it with this one!


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Charlie and the chocolate factory should be next, they are exploiting African (or if it's South American...) midgets in all versions of the book and movies. And all movies portraying black people as thugs should be banned, and music portraying colored people as criminals (that means at least 50% of all the rap music...). And films and TV series with South/Central American drug lords needs to be addressed too as they are stereotypical and racist...

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33 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

Charlie and the chocolate factory should be next, they are exploiting African (or if it's South American...) midgets in all versions of the book and movies. And all movies portraying black people as thugs should be banned, and music portraying colored people as criminals (that means at least 50% of all the rap music...). And films and TV series with South/Central American drug lords needs to be addressed too as they are stereotypical and racist...

Chocolate could be deemed an offensive word...

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40 minutes ago, baansgr said:

Chocolate could be deemed an offensive word...

As could be terms used in the scientific community; Black Hole, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Black Body Radiation...Brown Dwarf (stars). Have to find a new name for the 'Black Widow' spider. Or even in the medical profession...not allowed to say someone had a 'blackout'. They'll have to a new term to replace 'Black listing'....

Yep someone is going to have a lifelong job changing all the names, Ha ????

Edited by TKDfella
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6 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

I  once ate Robertsons  jam,  I  feel it's my duty to step  off the balcony with my racist attitude.



I've still got a few of the broach badges they used to give away if you collected the golly tokens. Including one in British police uniform! 

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


I've still got a few of the broach badges they used to give away if you collected the golly tokens. Including one in British police uniform! 

Shame on you, do the  walk of shame you filthy racist white supremacist neo nazi.......oh god maybe your'e not White?????

Edited by gunderhill
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9 hours ago, CraigInBangkok said:

Come on now ... even if there were a thousand t!ts, Benny Hill would have still been painfull to sit through 


Really? I found his shows hilarious. As with Only Fools and Horses, The Two Ronnie's; Dave Allen; Morcambe & Wise; and Not the Nine O'clock News.


And not forgetting the genius Spitting Image.

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3 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

Shame on you, do the  walk of shame you filthy racist white supremacist neo nazi.......oh god maybe your'e not White?????


Yeah, and I like Enid Blighton books for children.


Now, where did I put my U-Boat Commander's cap?

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


Really? I found his shows hilarious. As with Only Fools and Horses, The Two Ronnie's; Dave Allen; Morcambe & Wise; and Not the Nine O'clock News.


And not forgetting the genius Spitting Image.

Am more of a Reg Prescott  fan myself


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Well, I hope they'll be removing all the old Cowboy films in which John Wayne and his pals slaughtered all those wild savage red'skins. And put them back when they've added an appropriate message explaining it was the intolerant thieving lying cheating white capitalist politicians and wealthy people who tried to exterminate the Native Americans to thieve their land; and started the practice of scalping.


And remove all those "blacksploitation" films of the 70's and 80's which depicted blacks as suave, sexy, super fit champions of justice. That would ruin the image of oppression and poverty.


And the Tarzan films. How can a white man lead African animals and champion black rights?


Schindler's List - far too sympathetic to Jews. Haven't they heard of Palestine (sarcasm alert).


etc etc etc.


Of course they won't. Because only Black lives matter and the focus is on black enslaved by whites over a 2-300 period. 

A very narrow view of slavery - but that's how it is.

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22 hours ago, tifino said:

soon they will ban all films done in Colour

And then they will all be black and white. I'm sure that would be offensive to somebody. Perhaps they should all be in 50 Shades of Grey ?

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:

Well, I hope they'll be removing all the old Cowboy films in which John Wayne and his pals slaughtered all those wild savage red'skins. And put them back when they've added an appropriate message explaining it was the intolerant thieving lying cheating white capitalist politicians and wealthy people who tried to exterminate the Native Americans to thieve their land; and started the practice of scalping.


And remove all those "blacksploitation" films of the 70's and 80's which depicted blacks as suave, sexy, super fit champions of justice. That would ruin the image of oppression and poverty.


And the Tarzan films. How can a white man lead African animals and champion black rights?


Schindler's List - far too sympathetic to Jews. Haven't they heard of Palestine (sarcasm alert).


etc etc etc.


Of course they won't. Because only Black lives matter and the focus is on black enslaved by whites over a 2-300 period. 

A very narrow view of slavery - but that's how it is.

And  what about King Dong exploiting all those white women in the 70's 80's

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