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Thailand ranks 47th in world study: How safe do you feel about living in and visiting Thailand?


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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I never said testing caused deaths (except in the cases where the testers are infected which can lead to death). Thus I find your post bizarre and irrelevant. 

You inferred the numbers were questionable because of limited testing. This is wrong and, as you say, bizarre that you relate the deaths directly to the number of tests carried out.


 There is very limited testing here. Therefore those numbers are highly questionable. 

I was merely pointing out that the number of actual Covid 19 deaths were were not dependant on, and are indeed irrelevant to, the number of tests conducted.


Anybody dying of Covid 19 would still die, regardless of testing. Testing doesn't directly infect anybody with Covid 19. Testing will only show current hotspots and the number currently infected at that point in time when the tests were carried out. It can sometimes also show infection trends, but not deaths.

Edited by john terry1001
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18 hours ago, oslooskar said:

Being from San Francisco, which has turned into a real shi*hole, I can relate to that. In fact, I may have to return to the Bay Area in January for a couple of weeks and I am NOT looking forward to it. Also, from what I can see on the news it seems the entire country is turning into one big giant nuthouse.

I didn't just mean from riots. I also meant safer in terms of covid and i ised to ride big bikes in Los Angeles. I would not ride there at all anymore but i ride here daily so that's saying something abou thow they drive over there ????

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On 6/11/2020 at 8:02 AM, mr mr said:

total fake news.


thailand has had a mere 58 or so deaths from the wuwu. by those numbers alone thailand is surely the best ? no ? 

And if anyone believes those numbers I have a beautiful ice palace for sale in Isaan located on a snow capped mountain.

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Thailand nailed it, just haven’t got much media attention. Masks from the start, community conformity, diligent tracing and quarantine of contacts with known cases plus one million health volunteers. There is a good reason why John Hopkins University ranks Thailand no 6 in Global Health Security and surprised people who live here are so suspicious of the numbers. The Thais know if their hospitals been under pressure - ask them. This didn’t get much global coverage as media focuses on the current hotspots... https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN23B044

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16 minutes ago, Donga said:

Thailand nailed it, just haven’t got much media attention. Masks from the start, community conformity, diligent tracing and quarantine of contacts with known cases plus one million health volunteers. There is a good reason why John Hopkins University ranks Thailand no 6 in Global Health Security and surprised people who live here are so suspicious of the numbers. The Thais know if their hospitals been under pressure - ask them. This didn’t get much global coverage as media focuses on the current hotspots... https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN23B044

Your enthusiasm enthuses me.

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Since this Covid crisis I have seen dramatic increase of stories in Thai language news organizations which discuss the increase and severity of recent stories of killing, suicide, alcohol and drug use and child abuse and death.  What stories and how graphically they are written in the Thai language is very different from what is reported in English. So I would say that the safety level in this country has changed.

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19 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

Switzerland ranked number 1 and they     now admit to making a big mistake over not locking down, the virus went through their old people’s homes killing 33 percent of their dead. 

Well that's completely disrespectful of the dead. There outta be an international outrage.

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On 6/11/2020 at 11:13 PM, JCP108 said:

Yeah. Biases and limitations...such as: since this article (below) is only just now being published, the producers of this ranking wouldn't have likely read it...





Not possible.

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The report goes much further then simply compiling official numbers of active cases and death per capita. On these numbers alone, New Zealand would probably be in the top spot, showing zero active cases for many days and zero patients in hospital, successfully having eradicated the virus.

But many countries who have flattened the curve are now confronted with a severely damaged economy, millions unemployed and rising social unrest.

This report focuses increasingly on the competence of Governments, their financial strength and the efficiency of Government structures to strike the right balance between the measures to minimise infections without destroying the economy and millions of workplaces.

Important parameters are the size of economic support made available for workers and businesses to alleviate hardship, the economic sustainability of all the rules and measures to contain the spread, the quarantine timeline and the efficiency of government structures to act swiftly and with one voice.

While Thailand excelled in controlling the Pandemic, it can be argued wether or not at present the Government strikes the right balance in terms of the economic sustainability of their actions.

Furthermore, the Government is either unable or unwilling to financially support their people and (small) businesses in a meaningful way to lessen the misery and limit further damage to the economy.

It can also be argued if measures were introduced / withdrawn on a consistent and timely basis, a task not made easier with provincial powers allowed to make their own rules.

Finally, the report is being compiled for people living and working in a particular country, and it goes without saying that their priorities are different from Tourists visiting or retired expats.





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On 6/11/2020 at 9:05 AM, thaipod said:

Depends on the school uniform you are wearing. How many times has there been students killed or chased down and beaten with fighting between technical colleges. 

Is this a common occurrence?


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On 6/12/2020 at 9:01 PM, Donga said:

Thailand nailed it, just haven’t got much media attention. Masks from the start, community conformity, diligent tracing and quarantine of contacts with known cases plus one million health volunteers. There is a good reason why John Hopkins University ranks Thailand no 6 in Global Health Security and surprised people who live here are so suspicious of the numbers. The Thais know if their hospitals been under pressure - ask them. This didn’t get much global coverage as media focuses on the current hotspots... https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN23B044

Well they were not in absolute & unified control in the beginning - note the Thai Army Bangkok Boxing hot spot and the Controlling Officer at Swampy letting over 100 returning Thais disappear only to be rounded up the hard way over the next day or two. Masks were not uniformly worn by public officials at the start possibly because masks & gel were in short supply initially. The Chinese only stopped coming because CCP banned them from flying in - some still came by road though. For sure the Hospitals were expecting to be put under pressure with many non urgent procedures cancelled to free up resources. John Hopkins Uni are probably correct with there ranking based on basic comparative statistics. As quick as the preventative measures were adopted by the Thais they will be even quicker discarded when eased. However visitors will not be rushing back and the borders should remain closed until the other ASEAN countries have made substantial progress especially with tourists in transit.

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On 6/12/2020 at 9:01 PM, Donga said:

The Thais know if their hospitals been under pressure - ask them.

In can only judge by the 2 doctors, and 1 nurse, that live in my moo baan. All 3 have had their schedules reduced by 75% or more. That doesn't imply patient pressure to me. 

Edited by Curt1591
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On 6/11/2020 at 8:02 AM, mr mr said:

total fake news.


thailand has had a mere 58 or so deaths from the wuwu. by those numbers alone thailand is surely the best ? no ? 

Wondering the same - Canada-12...??? they have had 7,000+ deaths....I don't get it.....but wait!


The criteria "is based on more than 100 quantitative and qualitative parameters. It considers thousands of data points based on categories like quarantine efficiency, monitoring and detection, health readiness and the efficiency of governments".  oh, I get it now......



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On 6/12/2020 at 11:45 AM, asiaexpat said:

However, the recent anti-foreigner restrictions on bus travel and entry to other places I find unnecessary and xenophobic. I have never felt unwelcome in my 50 years or so of visiting and living in Thailand until now. 

Amazingly true.

Bus services down to one a day and no night buses some routes.

Thai only signs on some buses.

Additional payment required by the driver to allow you to board. 

Petchabun to Saraburi 120 baht, currently demanding 500 baht pp.

Every one aspires to the Brown paper envelopes one day.


This is where it starts and nothing happens about it. 

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On 6/11/2020 at 3:02 AM, Pedrogaz said:

Thailand 47th???? With 58 deaths and only 3000 odd cases....ridiculous. One of the safest places on earth. Well done the government. I am not someone who gives the military style junta government much credit.....but in this case they have performed admirably. 

They also have some fake bomb scanners they want to sell you.


Don't believe everything you hear in Thailand.

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On 6/12/2020 at 12:43 AM, skorp13 said:

I didn't just mean from riots. I also meant safer in terms of covid and i ised to ride big bikes in Los Angeles. I would not ride there at all anymore but i ride here daily so that's saying something abou thow they drive over there ????

In 2020, 6,000 road deaths in Thailand already and Songkran was canceled.


That is not safe to me.

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On 6/11/2020 at 11:14 PM, sanuk711 said:

This report is done by a Hong Kong based group that puts China in the top 10 of the safest places to be, (a much safer place than Kiwi by 4 places) and Thailand 40 places below--


-......yup I would feel much safer wandering around the Wuhan wet markets this week-end then I would Udon Thani...................:coffee1:



**FYI  they have placed Laos who haven't reported 1 case of Covid19 since April 9th and no deaths ever--as the 2nd worse in the world.


Maybe when we print these sort of ratings we should point out that there just could maybe----just possibly be a little tiny bit of bias.

They wouldn't like the attached on tourist spending then.

We keep hearing about the Chinese and the value of contributions. 

Maybe some should read this.


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On 6/11/2020 at 4:27 AM, herwin1234 said:

isnt it true, right? on a daily basis forum farangs ridicule Thailand and Thai officials including Thai police, including downright insults how dumb and incompetent and corrupt they suposedly are, but if you compare just how safe and orderly  Thailand is, compared to our western countries with cities with no go zones and basically unsafe due to street crime, you only can admit that  Thailand and the officials running Thailand are doing an excellent job. 

Thailand one of the safest country i ever visited or lived in, together with Japan and Costa Rica in the old days.

3 words


FAKE BOMB SCANNERS (that covers dumb, incompetent and corrupt) in 3 words


Never underestimate the Thai authorities to lie, lie and lie some more

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1 hour ago, bwpage3 said:

In 2020, 6,000 road deaths in Thailand already and Songkran was canceled.


That is not safe to me.

Then stay home. I simply gave an observation in the difference of driving, riding in both places. i won't ride there but have no problem doing it here. Just me.

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