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In London skirmishes, suspected far-right protester is rescued

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20 minutes ago, robblok said:



Your so funny


Tell me where are the black MP's look at the leaders of industry where are the black ones high up the organisation. You really are full of self pitty.

I used to work (indirectly) for a Black guy that financed the 'New Labour' party.

Now known as Baron Waheed Ali, great guy, very generous, made loads of money in the media (Planet 24).

Really wild Xmas parties.

  • Confused 1
2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Peaceful protest is definitely democratic.


We should go back and review comments from a week ago when a racist ex-con (With a habit of changing his name) was calling for his racist followers to confront the protesters.


Who amongst us was it cheering this call to bring racist thugs to a fight?!

Peaceful protest is fine. But it wasn't, was it?

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29 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

How did those 59 Police officers manage to get injured ?

Cressida has ordered them to report that they fell on their truncheons.

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2 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

I didnt make up a reality , what would be your reaction be if a large group of white guys at the demonstration  had kicked and punched one black guy to within inches of his life and he got saved by security ?

 I am quite sure that Stan Collymore and Gary Lineker would have something to say about that , had it occurred

Stan Collymore, famous for beating up Ulrika Johnson had a chance to be a hero in France at the 2016 European championships.


Instead he used his colour and a dodgy french accent to convince the Russian hooligans he was a journalist and wasn’t with the white Englishmen taking a beating. 


Gary Lineker lol, champagne socialists jump on any wagon going past. 

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On 6/14/2020 at 11:55 AM, vogie said:

That's why so many people are cancelling their BBC TV licence and a movement called 'defund the BBC' has begun, people are sick to death of the BBCs propaganda, the news readers are not impartial any more.

Yep. a satisfying email received this week.


Screenshot 2020-06-16 at 17.39.53.jpg

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3 minutes ago, CaptainCarrot said:

And the MSM are  to trying to influence thinking?

Screenshot 2020-06-16 at 17.55.29.png

You are accusing MSM of cherry picking by cherry picking a photo that confirms YOUR bias. Can’t you see the hypocrisy?

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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

My original post was completely and thoroughly fact checked before I posted (as I always do). 


The BLM organizers did call off their demonstration when they heard that the EDL, The Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA) and other far right protestors were going to 'protect' statues as they rightly feared confrontations and violence. The 'protect the statues' rent a mob had all organised this before with a statement posted on the Official DFLA Facebook page saying, “We have had hundreds of messages in the last few days of people wanting to join us in protecting our heritage.” Adding, “The DFLA are asking all our members to meet in Whitehall on Saturday 13 June at midday to protect our war memorials'.   https://londonlovesbusiness.com/violence-set-to-erupt-as-far-right-groups-to-defend-londons-statues-this-weekend/. Even many posters here favourit pin-up boy Tommy Robinson called for counter protests and if he's not far-right then I don't know what is. 

The far-right thugs were not 'denied access to statues and monuments'. There are literally hundreds of photographs and videos showing them all gathered at Churchills statue and again the same photographs and videos show them clearly attacking the police with little or no provocation. They were clearly itching for a fight and when the BLM protestors didn't show up, they went for the police, with plenty of videos again showing them attacking police lines 

Note; I am trying to only include footage etc from non MSM sources so as not to get the 'fake news' brigade going so hopefully the moderator will allow this clip from Aljazeera.

I have no idea whether 'well behaved veterans' also attended these protests but if they did, they were clearly outnumbered by ill intentioned thugs and as much as I appreciate you saying you 'don't support these kind of 'demonstrations' theres always a 'but' and of course yours is there, infering police bias and 'selective law enforcement' when it simply isn't the case. If anything, the police showed amazing restraint and great police work at both demonstrations but with 135 arrests of thugs, looters and troublemakers at the BLM demo the week before https://www.itv.com/news/2020-06-08/twelve-arrested-in-black-lives-matter-protest-in-central-london and over 100, at the 'protect the statues' demo. (https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/13/europe/protests-london-far-right-gbr-intl/index.html), it's fairly clear they didn't just sit idly by at either demonstration.  


I know things are very black and white (pun intended) for many posters here but the idea we are all liberal hypocrites defending BLM activists whilst condemning these far-right thugs does not hold up under scrutiny. What many posters on here are saying is yes there was trouble at the BLM demo and rightly so this should be condemned and offenders arrested as breaking the law is breaking the law BUT (yes I get one too) as a proportion of overall demonstrators that numbered into the tens of thousands, the BLM trouble makers were the very definition of a 'small minority' whereas with the far-right demo last week, which numbered into the hundreds rather than thousands, there was a much higher percentage who seemed hell bent on looking for and finding trouble.


I know this may come as a big surprise to many TVF posters here, but you can support the main BLM message whilst also condeming the actions of the few idiots who use it as cover to stir up trouble. It is however very hard to justify any of the 'protect the statues' thugs when it's very clear that only had one intention and that had very little to do with protecting statues. They simply did what they were there to do all along and started a fight. It was however the police who became their target what with the BLM inconveniently cancelling their demo and not providing an easy target for them. Many here attempt to justify the actions of these thugs who were clearly organised and looking for trouble by holding up the SMALL minority of troublemakers at the BLM demo the week before as a 'well they did it, so why can't we' type of twisted logic. It's an easy cop out to justify their bigotry but as I hope your mum taught you 'two wrongs don't make a right', especially when one was intentionally set up and had the sole purpose of being very wrong indeed. 


Now if you want to dispute any of what I have said here I would appreciate if you would do it with legitimate news sources like I have. It takes longer of course but facts do matter.  








I've said all I want to say about this in the post you quoted and I stand by it. You dispute some of it in your response. That you "have no idea whether 'well behaved veterans' also attended these protests" tells me that your fact checking is not as thorough as you think it is. 

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4 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I've said all I want to say about this in the post you quoted and I stand by it. You dispute some of it in your response. That you "have no idea whether 'well behaved veterans' also attended these protests" tells me that your fact checking is not as thorough as you think it is. 

I cannot find a single story confirming there was “war veterans” attending the marches so perhaps you could be kind enough to post your sources. 

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