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Covid-19: Three quarters of Thais want to keep foreigners out, many cite fear of virus, says poll


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28.4 percent of thais want foreign visitors back now? 

Oh, ok.  It's not up to Thailand, it's up to other countries.  Seems like the kool-aid the government has been selling is settling in.  

Nobody is allowing travel now.  Nobody.  There will be no tourism.  

Fling the doors open I say and see what happens.  Nothing.  Then what will they sell these people?  

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10 hours ago, JCP108 said:

I'm still here. But, I have to travel to the U.S. soon for family matters. What would have been a temporary trip now has become moving back with no notion of when/if I can return to Thailand. Bummer. 

Believe me, many of us have the same problem, I have to go to the Europe for my medicines, but forget is....until when??

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9 hours ago, Eibot said:

Lol. By the end of next month tourists will be allowed back in full force. 100%

Maybe tourists from selected covid-19 free countries will be allowed in but can there be that many kiwis or aussies clamouring to get into Thailand ? Unless they have a partner. Let's see, 

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1 hour ago, herwin1234 said:

whats stopping you from leaving a country that obviously you dont understand nor like nor make any attempts to integrate, and where you feel not welcome. Find a country or place where you are happy. sounds logic, no? or rememberl. if you want ppl to smile at you, you should start smiling yourself. start talking and thinking more positive, and you will start to see things around you more positive.


What a gem!

Just remember that being happy is your responsibility, nobody else's.  Being angry at things that you cannot control is a personal problem.  If it's too hard to change on your own, then confidentially go talk to someone.  

Moving half way around the world and being just as miserable is not only typical, it's anticipated.  It's a problem that one cannot run away from, and it doesn't take long for old behaviours to show up.  


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9 hours ago, JCP108 said:

And, your report shows how influential news stories are on the general public and thus the amount of control those with control over the media have. 

They make the people complete crazy with this stories, now again they make everybody scared with the "second" wave.

I'll waiting for 3th, the 4th, etc.

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10 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

It will be a long time before foreigners are welcomed back here. 


You can blame a number of factors; UK and US governments' poor handling of the crisis, Thai xenophobia, etc., but if you left at the start of this crisis at any time in March or April expecting to waltz back in, well... you've only yourself to blame. 

How do you expertly handle a first time crisis such as Covid?


One city in the USA, Orlando for example, welcomes in more tourists each year than the entire country of Thailand.


Now throw in the major cities such as LA, Chicago, New York, Dallas, Miami which has millions of people coming in everyday from ALL over the world.


Anyone blaming any country of poor handling? Just not realistic.



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8 hours ago, robblok said:

Not talking about superiority, though many farangs on this forum seem to think masks are not important (think they have superior knowledge and dont to follow the rules look). I don't care if they are important or not it makes us look bad as a group. These guys are doing us a disservice. I hate the mask but keep it on even if some Thais don't. As a foreigner your always under more scrutiny by some so why give them opportunity. 

No one cares about you and no one is doing you a disservice.



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9 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

I don't think xenophobia is the problem.. my Thai family certainly are not anti foreigners but they are very afraid of a return of the virus.. all the publicity has been very effective in scaring them.  My wife saw the article about the new outbreak in China being linked to salmon imports (highly unlikely in my view).. she was wondering if I should stop buying salmon.. she is also wary about returning to work July 1st when the schools open.. Healthy caution I think.. and a little overreaction maybe.. xenophobia.. no... 

xenophobia in many countries - "foreigners" importing the virus is the main driver behind the closing of borders (see UK quarantine, EU closure, Australia and NZ. USA bans etc).  This is not limited to Thailand - it, unfortunately, is common throughout the world.

Rather than preventing sick people from entering, the measures in place prevent the 99.5% of the population who are healthy as well

The notion of global cooperation evaporated in the first week of this pandemic and it was "everyone for him/ herself" very quickly

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3 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

Yes indeed. Dirty farangs, keep foreigners out, the "new" normal, Future Forward, Amazing ?trusted Thailand!!! Welcome the Chinese (exempt farangs??)

Yeah  but you are OK in Cambodia, right?

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26 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

No one cares about you and no one is doing you a disservice.



Right mate you don't even know how wrong you are. Social media rules, the moment a foreigner is caught without masks or doing stupid <deleted> it enrages Thais. This has been proven time and time again in the media. If a Thai does the same thing it does not matter. That is how it works. So yes foreigners breaking the rules does do me a disservice. 


You are using social media (forum) and you dont even have an understanding of the power.  Especially in nationalistic countries like Thailand it works more against you. Havent you seen the uproars when foreigners were caught doing inappropriate things in tempels (Yoga) other stuff. It hurts the image. The time that drunk was caught disrespecting Thai staff and it was filmed. Also brought out a lot of comments. So to think this is not so is a bit dumb. 

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11 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

It will be a long time before foreigners are welcomed back here. 


You can blame a number of factors; UK and US governments' poor handling of the crisis, Thai xenophobia, etc., but if you left at the start of this crisis at any time in March or April expecting to waltz back in, well... you've only yourself to blame. 

Seriously? no mention of China in your list? Wait! I forgot. The WHO said that they should be praised for their exceptional response.

Edited by JensenZ
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I think if you want to come here from the( pick a number)  infected countries! They should enforce a two week quarantine !

There are those who still don't get or refuse to take serious the hygiene guidelines . Example coughing and sneezing without attempting to cover up 

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2 minutes ago, riclag said:

I think if you want to come here from the( pick a number)  infected countries! They should enforce a two week quarantine !

There are those who still don't get or refuse to take serious the hygiene guidelines . Example coughing and sneezing without attempting to cover up 

A quarantine for the infected people AND all the other passengers and crew?


Infected countries or not, I wouldn't be rushing to get onto a plane anytime soon.

Edited by JensenZ
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16 minutes ago, davemos said:

Small sample and results depend on the questions asked too .There's  a old adage 'statistics  can prove anything , I asked people buying beer at bigc if they wanted pubs to open .100% said yes .

and even more importantly, where they are polled. Conduct the poll in Pattaya and see what you get. 1116 is an extremely small sample, more like a joke, and probably just to give the newspapers a story.

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1 hour ago, Archcan said:

I feel sorry for the Thai people. For a virus that has officially proven to be no more deadly than the flu this doctor imposed lockdown has cost the Thai economy dearly. With just 57 deaths (attributed) out of a population of almost 70 Million (orders of magnitude lower than the world average), how many people have died from postponed surgery, heart and cancer treatments, suicide, alcoholism?   Despite scaring the <deleted> out its citizens and then failing to recognize that these lockdowns were unnecessary by continuing with these redundant decrees the government has made it even worse. No wonder people are overreacting to a potential influx of foreigners. Don’t blame them. Thailand has been hoaxed by its leaders. 

Don't agree that it's no worse than flu, however all the other points you make are very valid. I think the best solution would have been to invest heavily in bolstering the health service and shielding the old and vulnerable and let the economy continue. it would have been cheaper for the governments and would have avoided all the problems with poverty, food hand outs, companies going bankrupt etc. The whole world is feeling these problems, not just Thailand, although I accept Thai people are poorer and the impact is greater and they had less of a problem with the virus to begin with.

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10 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Things will get much worse for expats when the tourists return. 


Now, they know any foreigner here has been here for months so there's no big issue. Once the gates are open, we'll all be treated like diseased lepers. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of local places become Thai only when the tourists are back. If you don't believe me, look at the temples and bus companies who did it before the gates even opened. 

Have experienced discrimination in the US, rural PI, and Iran when foreigners were allowed in during the Shah of Iran rule.


Not surprised by the Thai movement away from laying out the welcome mat to foreigners...they have been moving in that direction for several years.


BTW...I am a polite and respectful white guy.

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Well 100% of the people I care about have no problem with me in Thailand, and are looking forward to my return when all this blows over.

For my part, my personal view is to let all this die down before I return to Thailand, when the welcome will not be sullied by concern about the virus and we will get on with enjoying the life Thailand has to offer



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Thailand had 3135 infected people and 58 died. Thailand population is 70 million people.

For example Switzerland had 31'011 infected people and 1676 died. Switzerland population is 8.6 million people.
In Thailand 33 people per 100'000 die in a road accident. In Switzerland 3.7 people per 100'000 die in a road accident.
This means, Thais should be more scared of road accidents than Cocid-19. The pandemic will be over one day, the Thai road carnage will never be over.

Edited by Kohkah
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3 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

Perfect, keep the dirty farang alien out of the land.

Meanwhile another few hundred thousand Thais more will be out of a job but will have plenty of time to do domestic travelling ......   ooups, not possible due to no have cash. 

Is anyone aware of the fact, that the internet can also be accessed outside Thailand and this news will make it EVERYWHERE. Never ever heard a country with such a dependence on tourism (hotels, restaurants, operators and hundred thousands of dancers and bathtub assistants) saying NO to business, but yeah, its only 20+% of the Thai GDP. 

It is the same in Vietnam and to some degree in Australia and New Zealand.  The problem with this approach is that more than 99% of the population in the USA/ Europe/ UK are healthy, but still can not travel.  Eventually, everyone will shift their business to destinations which welcome them - leaving SE Asia with China (and maybe Korea, Japan) as the only sources of tourists... let's see how that works as relying on 1 market has never been successful in the long-run (Hawaii with Japanese, Miami with South America) as the economy does not keep growing. 


Relying on China may also be a dangerous strategy as history has shown that it was China where many viruses jumped from animals to humans - and Covid19 will not be the last one to originate in the country

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1 hour ago, Traubert said:

Its true isn't it?? It was 'exponential' for a while, then 'herd immunity.' Ah well. People are strange.


Like all those who say not being able to travel on a bus or go in a temple is racist but keep the Chinese out.

You're right, cannot beat the drum about racism and then make comments about another nation. But Thailand does have issues, that doesn't change because someone has been silly with hypocritical comments.

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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

Why can the kettle not be called what it is by others, and yet it is still ok for those that are the kettle to use the word demonstratively and to call each other worse names that others can not use.  Why would it be Ok for certain movies to be banned and statues destroyed when those that are part of the crusade glorify murder, drugs, and killing of Law Enforcement in their songs and videos.  This world has become so PC it is a joke.  Tossing history aside is just a front for people who are easily offended. But I digress, this OP was about Covid 19 and the fears of Thais that those from the west spread the virus.


With where this virus stemmed from, how borders were only closed until afterwards and the way the Government treats the people here, with contempt in my view, I do not buy the poll one bit.  I as well as others have rarely been singled out.  I try my best to do the right thing and blend in, sometimes I stick out like a sore thumb.  Opening the borders to allows those to enter should be done, not fully, but just like they have done with society here, and that is in stages. 

Political correctness aside, this guy was talking about "the behaviour of negros",. I don't care what problems you have with political correctness that is obviously wrong you need to careful what you defend or you will be tarred with the same brush. There are ways of tackling political correctness gone mad without referring to stuff like this if you care to apply some thought to your words.

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4 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:


I was watching a documentary on Thailand on tourism. They had a factory making delivery pallets. These pallets were usually for delivering foods, clothing, products, into trucks that went to heavily tourist areas. Then you had a family who made plastic labels, that were used on clothing, once again for products used in tourism. This is the sort of indirect link to tourism. 


Then of course you have the undercover economy, be it the nightlife, street food vendors, ladies of the night, counterfit products, etc


As i say, unofficially tourism could lead all the way up to 30%. You can always make counter arguments, but you can't deny it's high.


Even if you say a conservative figure of 20%. No country can cope with a loss in GDP of even half that. 

I agree that the 20% official number does not take into account much of the bar/ nightlife scene and many other business that rely on tourism.  

Obviously, countries will survive a 20% or 30% reduction in GDP - if it happens in 1 year (rather than slowly over time) and the population remains constant, it only will lead to a lowering of living standards.  Either there is an overall lowering of standards and an equal share of the burden or some people will continue as before while some lose much more than 20%.  As long as 74% of the Thai population is fine with the 25% of their fellow citizens losing most of their income, how can "outsiders" argue with that?  


Will there be any implications on society in general when 20-25% of the population have no income?  Will the government (through taxation of the entire population) provide a safety net?  If not, will the 20% simply suffer or maybe attempt to improve their economic situation by taking from the people "who still have"?

How long will it take until the loss of income for workers in tourism will cause them to spend less money on restaurants, consumer goods etc etc?  Then these business suffer and reduce employment

How long will foreign companies keep manufacturing in Thailand, if managers can not visit the factories and if staff doesn't feel welcome?  That will lead to even more of an economic loss.  But there is always farming to sustain the population, if everything else is gone.  BTW, domestic tourism will need to triple to overcome the loss of international tourism income - hard to see Thais spending so much on vacation when there is a worldwide economic crisis.


It is a small start and doesn't seem a "big deal" to some - but raising the drawbridge and filling the moat will eventually isolate a country and may turn back the clock 50-70 years.  I am not sure that too many people around the world would like to live in the next North Korea (which apparently never had any infection and death from the coronavirus)

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Thais think a lot of things, it's there right to think what they want, but, I've lived here for 20 yrs and have enjoyed meeting and joking around with the so many Thai people. Go to NYC or Paris, see how friendly people are to you. The reception is nothing like you get here. Thai people are the best.

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4 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

I agree that the 20% official number does not take into account much of the bar/ nightlife scene and many other business that rely on tourism.  

Obviously, countries will survive a 20% or 30% reduction in GDP - if it happens in 1 year (rather than slowly over time) and the population remains constant, it only will lead to a lowering of living standards.  Either there is an overall lowering of standards and an equal share of the burden or some people will continue as before while some lose much more than 20%.  As long as 74% of the Thai population is fine with the 25% of their fellow citizens losing most of their income, how can "outsiders" argue with that?  


Will there be any implications on society in general when 20-25% of the population have no income?  Will the government (through taxation of the entire population) provide a safety net?  If not, will the 20% simply suffer or maybe attempt to improve their economic situation by taking from the people "who still have"?

How long will it take until the loss of income for workers in tourism will cause them to spend less money on restaurants, consumer goods etc etc?  Then these business suffer and reduce employment

How long will foreign companies keep manufacturing in Thailand, if managers can not visit the factories and if staff doesn't feel welcome?  That will lead to even more of an economic loss.  But there is always farming to sustain the population, if everything else is gone.  BTW, domestic tourism will need to triple to overcome the loss of international tourism income - hard to see Thais spending so much on vacation when there is a worldwide economic crisis.


It is a small start and doesn't seem a "big deal" to some - but raising the drawbridge and filling the moat will eventually isolate a country and may turn back the clock 50-70 years.  I am not sure that too many people around the world would like to live in the next North Korea (which apparently never had any infection and death from the coronavirus)


No country can survive with a drop of GDP by 30% .... no country has ever faced a recession that grave. The biggest slump Thailand ever faced was a fall of 6% back in 2010-11 !!!!


This is how bad the current situation is. 

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