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Covid-19: Three quarters of Thais want to keep foreigners out, many cite fear of virus, says poll


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"Covid-19: Three quarters of Thais want to keep foreigners out, "


............is not the same as:


"More than 75% of Thais polled last week do not want foreign tourists to be allowed back into Thailand just yet."


..............is not the same as:


"A total of 21.33% said no to foreign tourists, they were just too scared about catching Covid-19."


Over a quarter of foreign tourists are Chinese, who are highly visible to Thai people as foreigners.


Just possible that, despite the Thai governments attempts to keep China "out of the frame", a vestige of the knowledge that COVID first arrived in Thailand from China (imported by some of those huge numbers of Chinese tourists) might remain.


Get a grip Caucasians.




Edited by Enoon
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16 minutes ago, Toany said:

with Thai xenophobia this is going to make it more difficult for us foreigners already here.  It will make it worse for us

That's improved since April, people don't move to the other side of road anymore when I go for a run ????

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18 minutes ago, SymS said:

Many people have not practised social distancing recently with large protests, so I'd rather wait before letting them come in again.

Some people don't believe in social distancing at all.






Some do, though...








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5 hours ago, JCP108 said:

And, your report shows how influential news stories are on the general public and thus the amount of control those with control over the media have. 

Obviously in your xenophobic world, social media wouldn't come into it.

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5 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

I don't think xenophobia is the problem.. my Thai family certainly are not anti foreigners but they are very afraid of a return of the virus.. 

In a country with so say 58 total deaths lol.. They should stay well away from cars and motorbikes then, the ultimate fear. They kill double that figure every single day in Thailand.
Where I am, we were getting 500 deaths per day from COVID-19, people don't care anymore but do attempt social distancing. 

Edited by Mung
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Kinda like it like this. Anything and everything is available from the Thais that ( don't want foreigners ) ...hehe service with a whisper and a smile. Golf ? The service is impeccable at the 19th hole I'll save the energy and meet ya der...

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6 hours ago, tonray said:

Apparently at least 24.28% of Thais work in the sex or beer bar industry

Only 21.3% said keep them out. Guess that would be the xenophobic crowd 

spurred on by Anutins “dirty farang” rant.

Edited by 5633572526
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I really dont understand why all hassle about what Thais think... Why i should worry? For you i really dont know but for me even if they open border tomorrow why i want to spend 14 days in quarantine and be treated like "only for thais" until they beg come back i can go somewhere in Europe this summer, they will change their mind i dont worry about that... Well for thos who have families i understand but for others who are thinking that full go-go bars and old way of life is coming back soon forget about it, spend your time elswheere until they show more respect and if they like their Chinese brothers more so be it... I accepted this fact and there is not much we can do about it.

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6 hours ago, poohy said:

Same leaving for UK on a jet plane sept dont know when i be back again..... maybe i should write a song

Try writing  it at an airport ,if you can find one that can take you somewhere .......because this song was written at one. 

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3 minutes ago, tonysilly said:

Funny.. Thai road traffic kills more Thai people in 4 days then this virus!  What? Thai people not afraid of bad traffic accident? Afraid of corona? only 60 people died in Thailand from corona? How many every year? Car and motor bike accident ???  send this to the people who took the poll... 

Good point, the alcohol ban appears to be making a difference in the death toll, shall we have a poll on Tvisa as to keeping it in place?

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3 hours ago, jonclark said:

Good god - Do any of you actually live in Thailand? - The utter tosh that is being spouted here today. Utter hyperbole, opinion being presented as fact all wrapped up in a neat pastry of perceived xenophobia and racism. Thailand is not a hotbed of racism and anti-foreigner sentiment any more than any other country is. 


Of course there are always a few loonies shooting off their mouths, but the vast majority of people have no problem living side by side with foreigners. If you make an effort, are polite and can speak the language or attempt to speak the language it is a great place to live. - I walked into the 7-11 the other day without a mask - no one shouted and screamed and pointed, the girl said you have no mask, oops i forgot, collected it from the car and walked back in, the young girl said thanks and then confided that she forgets all the time as well. No drama, no ill feeling.  


There s no evidence that expats / tourist / foreigners are going to be deported, barred or otherwise prevented from entering Thailand. There are measures in place to prevent a virus spreading, and those measures are being gradually relaxed. Everyone wants the country to return to normal. 

On the subject of xenophobia and being xenophobic ...I lost count of how many used those two words on this thread alone. I'm just wondering have they been looking at the mirror lately. 

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6 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Things will get much worse for expats when the tourists return. 


Now, they know any foreigner here has been here for months so there's no big issue. Once the gates are open, we'll all be treated like diseased lepers. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of local places become Thai only when the tourists are back. If you don't believe me, look at the temples and bus companies who did it before the gates even opened. 

I would disagree with this sentence


A large number still think we are carrying it

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6 minutes ago, kickstart said:

Try writing  it at an airport ,if you can find one that can take you somewhere .......because this song was written at one. 

No problem whatsoever leaving (Ticket booked flight confirmed  ) returning is what i talking about

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I must admit the UK, US of A things still not looking good to name but a few.

But I think it is time we relaxed the internal situation & allowed bars to open for example 

as they certainly present no worse a possibility of infection than the Syytrain or Chatuchak.

Remembering that customers will be few & far between (excuse the pun) & those that do 

frequent all will have been here living in close to quarantine for 3 months anyhow

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Let's say you are back home.  Question....Do you welcome an endless supply of Chinese now?


answer:  NO.


I'm sure NOBODY on this site would say OK to letting strange foreigners get off a plane and go straight to them.  your risk of death went up a few percent, for no good reason. 


we are not in a depression.  only a recession.  when people beg for Wuhan residents to return before a vaccine, then we are in a depression.  


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I find that (75%) extremely difficult to believe as so much of the Thai economy banks on tourism and such a large % of the people in the resort areas (all over the country) count on tourism for their daily income. Who do you suppose might have been polled to come up with that number?

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