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Ahead of Trump rally, coronavirus cases surge in Oklahoma, other states


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5 minutes ago, Ronaldd said:

Next time when you quote a article. get one that it does not lean far left because in most cases its BS. Its a election year

Far left or far right makes no difference. Was the article factual or not?

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On 6/18/2020 at 9:37 AM, TopDeadSenter said:



"More than 1 million ticket requests for Trump rally, campaign manager tweets"



Because they lie about the numbers. Duh. 

Jay Marciano, head of AEG Live, the company that runs the arena says it was two thirds empty. 

He Tweeted “Lying Don’s show in Tulsa is a big fat STIFF! There are only 6624 people in the arena. So much for “There were requests for 1 million.” Total lies. Are we surprised?”



This is from AEG, the worlds largest owner of sports teams and events. Wonder what the chances of the AEG getting paid are?


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2 hours ago, jcsmith said:

What is more likely? That all media publications in the world are 90% FAR LEFT or that you yourself are so far right it that it just seems that way? 

Well John K Byrne is the publisher of this tabloid rag:


"Byrne founded RawStory.com, which was first published on February 1, 2004.[9] The site was originally conceived as a liberal version of the Drudge Report. In the early years, Raw Story focused on national security issues, American politics, and reporting on anti-gay political figures who were themselves closeted gays. Byrne founded Raw Story when he was 23.[10] Byrne interviewed political figures and authors of the day, including former House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) and historian Howard Zinn.[11][12] His reporting also focused on civil liberties, including articles critical of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama's warrantless wiretapping program.[13] In 2010, Byrne stepped down as editor of Raw Story. He remains the company's CEO.[14]

Byrne and his business partner, Michael Rogers, acquired the progressive news website AlterNet and TheNewCivilRightsMovement.com in 2018.[15]AlterNet was acquired from the nonprofit Independent Media Institute. The sale was covered by The Wall Street Journal.[16]""


Could they be any more far left?

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5 hours ago, johnpetersen said:

It's not unclear. You're reaching. You've decided that it might mean it was taken presumably without permission from someone's facebook page or something similar and used by Fox. 

reaching?  the linked article stated:


As of Saturday, Fox News included an editors note posted at the top of at least three stories on its website covering the protest zone, saying it replaced a “home page photo collage” because it “did not clearly delineate between these images” and that it mistakenly included a St. Paul, Minnesota, photo in a slideshow about Seattle.


what's a "home page photo collage?"


*edit*  okay, found the actual foxnews statement.  a little less muddy.  looks like the editor might be maybe trying to say one of the staffers made the collage, but pretty mealy-mouthed way to go about it.


Editor’s Note: A FoxNews.com home page photo collage which originally accompanied this story included multiple scenes from Seattle’s “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” and of wreckage following recent riots. The collage did not clearly delineate between these images, and has since been replaced. In addition, a recent slideshow depicting scenes from Seattle mistakenly included a picture from St. Paul, Minnesota. Fox News regrets these errors.



Edited by ChouDoufu
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4 hours ago, mikebike said:

Who gives a flip about the source? Shouldn't a NEWS organization check the veracity of what they are publishing no matter the source?


yes.  source.


it matters if one of their interns mistakenly used a photoshopped picture they thought was genuine, OR if they knowingly altered photographs to "enhance" their fair and balanced version of the news.

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52 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

That’s being a responsible leader, following rules and protecting others. Contrasting with Trump who takes no responsibilities, not following rules and not protecting his own people. See the difference? Doubt you can. 

No, that's Joe Biden not being able to draw a crowd. You know it. I know it. See the difference?


Now tell me about these rules against crowds. I've been seeing many crowds lately.

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1 hour ago, Damual Travesty said:

You are the one inflaming a war. You are not American. You have been doing this for quite a long time. You don't fool anyone. A non-American who seems to make his entire life choosing a side in American politics and them flaming.  Now people are dying on the American street. The harsh reality is that there are many people like you who sadly, have nothing better to do then denigrate the President of the United States and all those who respect the office and would like to see the rule of law restored. We don't say "Sheit" in the USA.

Next thing you know he'll be claiming Trump was not born in America and is ineligible to be President. Maybe he'll even lead a movement and call it "birtherism". Nah, that would be way too disrespectful of the office of the presidency.

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9 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

Next thing you know he'll be claiming Trump was not born in America and is ineligible to be President. Maybe he'll even lead a movement and call it "birtherism". Nah, that would be way too disrespectful of the office of the presidency.

Why do you think those are the next things he will be claiming?

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30 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

Next thing you know he'll be claiming Trump was not born in America and is ineligible to be President. Maybe he'll even lead a movement and call it "birtherism". Nah, that would be way too disrespectful of the office of the presidency.

I know how it's all going to end.

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Another sign of Donald's epic collapse...


Biden’s $80.8 Million Outpaced Trump’s Fund-Raising in May



Joseph R. Biden Jr., whose campaign had long struggled to raise money, zoomed past President Trump’s fund-raising machine in May for the first time, pulling in $80.8 million together with the Democratic National Committee, about 10 percent more than the $74 million that Mr. Trump raised with the Republican Party.


Edited by Silurian
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Wow, Donald couldn't even reach 1/3 of the 19,000 person capacity...


Turnout At Trump’s Tulsa Rally Was Just Under 6,200–A Fraction Of The Venue’s 19,200 Capacity



Andrew Little, the Public Information Officer for the Tulsa Fire Department, confirmed to Forbes on Sunday that a tally taken by the fire marshal clocked the turnout at just under 6,200 people, far fewer attendees than the campaign expected.



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41 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

Therefore, because the advice has changed, the reason must be politics? And the WHO's change in positions has nothing to do with all the intensive research that has understandably taken place during the pandemic?

In what other nations has the wearing of masks become a political issue? Where else has the chief executive ridiculed his political opponent for wearing a mask?

Well yes, obviously it's politics. Or would you like to go with WHO doesn't have a clue what they are babbling about and are incompetent?


But look, you've already destroyed yourself on the mask issue. Blaming it all on Trump simply is not rational.

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8 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Well yes, obviously it's politics. Or would you like to go with WHO doesn't have a clue what they are babbling about and are incompetent?


But look, you've already destroyed yourself on the mask issue. Blaming it all on Trump simply is not rational.

So all that recent peer reviewed research coming out now is all about politics? And the great success against Covid enjoyed  even by countries with moderate resources that adopted mask wearing en masse? It is to laugh. 


As for blaming it on Trump... if he had enthusiastically aligned himself with the CDC and the rules promulgated by the White House, there would be a marked difference in adoption of masks by his supporters. The point seems to obvious to belabor.


The only good thing about his foolishness in regards to Covid is that he has badly damaged his chances of reelection. Look at how leaders of countries who aligned themselves with the science have fared. Very well, actually. Trump himself in the early days of his covid news conferences, when he was still behaving himself, saw a big bump in his approval ratings. And consider how he managed to squander that with his venom and vengefulness. 

Edited by johnpetersen
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5 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

So all that recent peer reviewed research coming out now is all about politics? And the great success against Covid enjoyed  even by countries with moderate resources that adopted mask wearing en masse? It is to laugh. 


As for blaming it on Trump... if he had enthusiastically aligned himself with the CDC and the rules promulgated by the White House, there would be a marked difference in adoption of masks by his supporters. The point seems to obvious to belabor.


The only good thing about his foolishness in regards to Covid is that he has badly damaged his chances of reelection. Look at how leaders of countries who aligned themselves with the science have fared. Very well, actually. Trump himself in the early days of his covid news conferences, when he was still behaving himself, saw a big bump in his approval ratings. And consider how he managed to squander that with his venom and vengefulness. 


5 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

So all that recent peer reviewed research coming out now is all about politics? And the great success against Covid enjoyed  even by countries with moderate resources that adopted mask wearing en masse? It is to laugh. 


As for blaming it on Trump... if he had enthusiastically aligned himself with the CDC and the rules promulgated by the White House, there would be a marked difference in adoption of masks by his supporters. The point seems to obvious to belabor.


The only good thing about his foolishness in regards to Covid is that he has badly damaged his chances of reelection. Look at how leaders of countries who aligned themselves with the science have fared. Very well, actually. Trump himself in the early days of his covid news conferences, when he was still behaving himself, saw a big bump in his approval ratings. And consider how he managed to squander that with his venom and vengefulness. 

Show me specifically what I posted that leads a rational person to believe I think  "all that recent peer reviewed research coming out now is all about politics" and we can go from there.

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