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No more social distancing on domestic flights in Thailand


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34 minutes ago, CGW said:

Thank you for the explanation, there was me thinking the air in a plane was primarily recirculated & that was why it was filtered, unlike in a restaurant, where you are breathing clean fresh air, unless you wan't to buy into the nonsense!

"Every expat dreams" are you one of them or just taking the opportunity to make a derisory comment? personally I haven't been in a "girlie" bar for over 10 years!

The fact i said every expat is probably wrong but it gets a bit boring constantly hearing people moaning about girlie bars having to open when something else gets opened. So i thought id take a pot shot at that.


I am not sure that air in a restaurant is fresh unless they have their windows open. But the fact remains if you filter something every 3 minutes like in planes you filter out the virus a lot better then other solutions. 

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

But the fact remains if you filter something every 3 minutes like in planes you filter out the virus a lot better then other solutions. 

You have a lot more faith in aircraft filter system than I, or the airlines have, it wasn't long ago, pre covid agenda, "new norm" days (freedom - can still smell it!) that you were 300% more likely to catch a "virus" on a plane than any where else.

When there have been people travelling with covid the airlines immediately contacted everyone that was on the flight, so they had little faith in their germ eating filters. With all the pre flight checks is it likely anyone would be travelling with covid, especially in Thailand with so few cases? the last line of defence could also be useful, our immune systems - "it" seems to have been forgotten about.

Sure, its a good excuse to start flights, but using the same reasoning bars and restaurants should be opened, people allowed to earn a living, maybe - one day we will even have our freedom back, though I seriously doubt it once this agenda has run its course!

"Moving the goalposts" ?

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2 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

Proof if proof were needed that:


1. There has been no conspiracy by government to conceal the real numbers of deaths and maybe even the real numbers of infections

2. There is no threat of a resurgence of Covid. It is under control and limited to those in quarantine


3. The government is lying to us about the need for continued vigilance


4. The government need to maintain this bogus threat in order to justify the continuance of emergency powers


5. It's all about keeping a lid on opposition voices and nothing to do with public health

Forget about number 1. because all the numbers worldwide are completely bogus in the sense that governments can create statistics out of thin air for whatever purposes they want. Most of us won't ever know how these statistics were collated or how one country can have hundreds of thousands of cases, but a neighboring one just a couple of dozen, as if an imaginary border crossing can prevent a virus from spreading.


2. Yes, true.


3. Probably yes and related to 4. and 5.


4. Yes, for now. But I doubt the emergency powers can be used anymore once the global threat is seen as having passed, such as for example, when the WHO declares the pandemic as over. That being said, that day is a long way away, could be 6-12 months or longer, given case numbers accelerating in places like Brazil and India, as well as renewed infections in northern China.


5. True. Very convenient to use coronavirus control as an excuse to keep tabs on the opposition - keeping in mind that protests had been held in late February/early March, roughly a month before the country went into lockdown. 

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4 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

5. It's all about keeping a lid on opposition voices and nothing to do with public health

IMO it's there's a lot more to it than this, it's global repression, its impossible in my eyes for the the Thai "government" to have gone from self serving, greedy, corrupt hypocrites to actually caring about the population in such a short space of time, I'm sure like many countries they are also using the ongoing "agenda" too further their personal agendas!

They are being told what to do by ? "WHO" or ? the manufactured "pandemic" is more like WW111, a global war on the people, the NWO has gone up a gear and intends to carry through their "agenda" regardless, Thailand has fallen in line - what have they been promised?

 All the "secret" societies we read about like The Club of Rome, the Tavistock Institute, the Billderberg meetings, WEF, the Trilateral commission, The UN (Agenda 21), council on foreign relations, The Vatican, Bill Gates "charities" Soros funding, etc, etc, they haven't been meeting for tea and cakes, this whole agenda has been well planned and thought out! Though I'm sure many will disagree, it does help that "they own all the MSM and declare anything but the official narrative "fake news"

It's all for our own safety - Yea right....................

In the mean  time, social distance, treat all fellow humans as potentially toxic & "diseased" & wear your mask, It's epidemiological nonsense, but that doesn't stop the propaganda, Join in with the adulation of healthcare workers (and nobody else no matter how deserving) , you know it makes sense ???? 

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On 6/19/2020 at 5:30 AM, Titan1962 said:

Well if the are doing it on flights,surely the same thing should apply to all forms of transport and venues. No difference sitting on a plane next to someone than sitting in a restaurant.

Yes...but I usually don't tip the flight attendants

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On 6/19/2020 at 6:13 AM, Trillian said:

Will face masks be mandatory, that's a key question.

For me that is only second to will the prices remain the same.

1 hour in mask on plane I can deal with easier than 3x price for paying the cost of the empty seats too for my "own good" socially distancing.

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On 6/19/2020 at 5:31 AM, ezzra said:

Yeah right, like this going to be implemented anytime soon. there aren't any social distancing anywhere you go now days why should it any diffident on board an airplane?...

Here is a 'social distancing' motorcycle.  Seats 12 at social distancing - 25 without!


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Once again, we aren't going to social distance now. Yet we would back then. Does this make any sense? One person started all of this. 


I suppose if you believe the lockdown proponents, the world should be coming to an end soon after these flights start happening. 

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