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Does Your Thai Wife Treat U Like A Child...


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Having been married happilyish for some years and

living here, I'm finding that she treats me as one would a 6 year old child

on his first visit to school. :o

I'm not offended, but as I can run errands to the market and buy stuff and

request in Thai ; fruit, meat, veggies and suchlike she always wants

to write it down for me or insists I take the phone in case I get into difficulties.

I love shopping in the village markets, it improves your vocab and the ladies are a laugh :D

Jeez I've just stubbed my cigarette out in the ashtray and got hut chewing gum all over me finger 'n fum...........mebbe I do need Parental Guidance :D

Does anyone else get treated similarly?

Replies from adults only please :D

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Having been married happilyish for some years and

living here, I'm finding that she treats me as one would a 6 year old child

on his first visit to school. :o

I'm not offended, but as I can run errands to the market and buy stuff and

request in Thai ; fruit, meat, veggies and suchlike she always wants

to write it down for me or insists I take the phone in case I get into difficulties.

I love shopping in the village markets, it improves your vocab and the ladies are a laugh :D

Jeez I've just stubbed my cigarette out in the ashtray and got hut chewing gum all over me finger 'n fum...........mebbe I do need Parental Guidance :D

Does anyone else get treated similarly?

Replies from adults only please :D

My Gf now makes me wait in the car when shopping in the markets, one in particular in Sattahip, there is a very low roof which I frequently bang my head on, she thinks I'm terribly embarassing as all the Ladies on there stalls have a laugh at the stupid lanky farang!

I love it though

Ps I Am very childish :D


Edited by markr
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Having been married happilyish for some years and

living here, I'm finding that she treats me as one would a 6 year old child

on his first visit to school. :o

I'm not offended, but as I can run errands to the market and buy stuff and

request in Thai ; fruit, meat, veggies and suchlike she always wants

to write it down for me or insists I take the phone in case I get into difficulties.

I love shopping in the village markets, it improves your vocab and the ladies are a laugh :D

Jeez I've just stubbed my cigarette out in the ashtray and got hut chewing gum all over me finger 'n fum...........mebbe I do need Parental Guidance :D

Does anyone else get treated similarly?

Replies from adults only please :bah:

She just luvs ya mate!!! :D:D


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The wife did that to me in the US and here. It really has never bothered me. She know I hate to shop, so whatever she can do to ease the pain, I appreciate it. Most of the times I try to keep busy just tp avoid shoping. She could spend like crazy and I would not care, just as long as I did not have to be a part of it. Fortunatley she is very frugal.

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Having been married happilyish for some years and

living here, I'm finding that she treats me as one would a 6 year old child

on his first visit to school. :o

I'm not offended, but as I can run errands to the market and buy stuff and

request in Thai ; fruit, meat, veggies and suchlike she always wants

to write it down for me or insists I take the phone in case I get into difficulties.

I love shopping in the village markets, it improves your vocab and the ladies are a laugh :D

Jeez I've just stubbed my cigarette out in the ashtray and got hut chewing gum all over me finger 'n fum...........mebbe I do need Parental Guidance :D

Does anyone else get treated similarly?

Replies from adults only please :D

Yes, I experienced the same, but not only in Thailand. I think it is general Asian women-behavior: caring, caring and caring. One must see a doctor for almost nothing, use a call-taxi if possible: less risk, "where are you?", do not walk: too hot, etc. etc.

Indonesia: same same. I had a similar experience with my (mature) girl-friend at the Phils.

This is one of the nice things in Asian women or is it that men want to be treated like a child?

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My Missus makes big play when shopping for Veg, to show how she is saving me a couple of Bht here and there.

But, at home, she leaves all the lights, and the air con, on day and night!

Also, have you noticed how her visiting family, can't sleep unless the Aircon in their room is at Arctic temperature. Even though they have never ever had aircon in their own house.....!

Funny innit?

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had to laugh at that one about the air con Luckydog, the daughters just been down in Singapore with us for the first time. had to sleep in my sleeping bag (summit bag good for -25!!!!!!!!!!!!! she could have always turned the A/C off)


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Well mine dont allow any initiative on my part at the market, exept to walk behind 10 fingers at the ready to recive 30 -40 odd small semi se through plastik bags, after that we can spend 15 minutes at the car trying to find the right loops to pull of the right fingers without losing anything on the ground, only i have noticed that when she shops alone she tends to bring a lot less home, could that be due to the lack of a packhorse :o ???

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Yes all those little bags that get so heavy whilst they have their discussion with those long lost friends and

relatives they haven't seen for a day or so.

It is also fortunate that when I accompany her, I always seem to have small change when she doesn't :o

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Having been married happilyish for some years and

living here, I'm finding that she treats me as one would a 6 year old child

on his first visit to school. :o

I'm not offended, but as I can run errands to the market and buy stuff and

request in Thai ; fruit, meat, veggies and suchlike she always wants

to write it down for me or insists I take the phone in case I get into difficulties.

I love shopping in the village markets, it improves your vocab and the ladies are a laugh :D

Jeez I've just stubbed my cigarette out in the ashtray and got hut chewing gum all over me finger 'n fum...........mebbe I do need Parental Guidance :D

Does anyone else get treated similarly?

Replies from adults only please :D

Maybe your wife wants the girls in market to know that you are not free and that there is a woman waiting for you at home.


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My missus loves to shop...not for clothes, shoes or handbags, but for fruit and vegetables.

She could quite easily spend the whole day roaming around the fruit and vegetable markets in Sydney squeezing this, sniffing that and comparing all the prices.

She knows where to go for quality and good value, but the infuriating thing about it is that my car is always parked in a parking station so whatever she saves in shopping, I pay more in parking fees.

I recognize her shopping expertise as her domain and I never interfere. Whatever makes her happy, makes me happy. :o

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My wife has given up on me. When she goes to the market for fresh food I am not allowed and unless our son is at school or sleeping I usually have to keep an eye on him. On the other hand she won't come with me when I do the monthly bulk shop at big C in Nakhon Sawan and this week my mate came with me to get his bulk shop and we had an overnight at another mates house on the way home.

I normally buy fruit etc for me when I take our son to school in the mornings.

It works for us. However if I go to the market on my own I am back in 40 minutes but she seems to take a couple of hours.

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Having been married happilyish for some years and

living here, I'm finding that she treats me as one would a 6 year old child

on his first visit to school. :o

I'm not offended, but as I can run errands to the market and buy stuff and

request in Thai ; fruit, meat, veggies and suchlike she always wants

to write it down for me or insists I take the phone in case I get into difficulties.

I love shopping in the village markets, it improves your vocab and the ladies are a laugh :D

Jeez I've just stubbed my cigarette out in the ashtray and got hut chewing gum all over me finger 'n fum...........mebbe I do need Parental Guidance :D

Does anyone else get treated similarly?

Replies from adults only please :D

No, not at all. My wife treat me with respect of course, as I do her.

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At first, having a GF take such excellent care of me made me uncomfortable – I mean, I rarely had to move with most GFs as they would actually anticipate needs – honey, here is water, honey, I bought you your favorite fruit- etc., etc. But now, I just go with the flow. My experience is that they are happier taking care of you, so enjoy it and try to reciprocate in ways that make them happy. My current GF loves the movies, so we go all the time.

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Having been married happilyish for some years and

living here, I'm finding that she treats me as one would a 6 year old child

on his first visit to school. :o

I'm not offended, but as I can run errands to the market and buy stuff and

request in Thai ; fruit, meat, veggies and suchlike she always wants

to write it down for me or insists I take the phone in case I get into difficulties.

I love shopping in the village markets, it improves your vocab and the ladies are a laugh :D

Jeez I've just stubbed my cigarette out in the ashtray and got hut chewing gum all over me finger 'n fum...........mebbe I do need Parental Guidance :D

Does anyone else get treated similarly?

Replies from adults only please :D

Absolutely - she plonks me down in a seat with a cold beer then wanders off to do the shopping thing. Excellent!. :D

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My wife does so much for me. But doesnt treat me like a child. Why would she? If the missus wants to go shopping. Then no worries. I dont do shopping with the wife or any other female. Not worth the hassle. If they want to shop for food then ok. But defo not clothes and shit. If the wife wants to shop for other things that are not food, then she understands that its best she goes on her own or with a friend. Because if i go it will piss me off and then piss her off. BTW she still doesnt teat me as a child. Maybe some people want to be made to feel like a kid. Or they want to be younger! :o:D :D

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jockstar ur right on point. i quit shopping with my wife after this little episode. on the first floor of MBK she spots a wacoal underwear store saying she is looking for a new bra (sidenote she's got about 50 of them in the closet). so she starts trying on different ones for about 30 mins after which i got pissed, so while she was in the changing room i told the assistant that i would be at the hard rock cafe and left. lo and behold 2 hrs later (or four pints) she turns up at the hard rock and shows me a 700 baht bra.

do the math ppl, 2 1/2 hrs for a 700 baht purchase decision. that did it for me and ever since she has to go on these little shopping safaris on her own.

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I remember coming to Thailand the first couple of times with my that time belgian girlfriend.

Took a speedboat for a day trip to Koh Pai, the boat landed in the middle of the bay and of we went, me packed like a mule following my girlfriend first to the left, and when we got there of course the right looked a lot better so of we went.

Then many years later same trip with my Thai wife, I decided to plunk down where the boat had landed. Parasol erected by my wife, towel spread, coolbox next to me, suncream over shoulders and backside by the wife, asked for a banana, it came pealed, laid back and remembered the Fred Astaire "Cheek to cheek" song :

" Heaven..... I'm in heaven... and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak................

I don't mind being treated like a child. I love it.



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wow, reading about all these caring relationships make me feel inadequate. I (almost) never experienced any of those behaviours with past teeraks and current partner. I always had to ask for something in fact most of the times I just take what I need or want (i.e. fruits and snacks when I feel peckish or water and juice when thirsty). When I go shopping they seem to follow me rather then lead and take the initiative. I went out for shopping on my own and they never seemed to be overly concerned, even though I don't speak Thai and I'm unfamiliar with the area.

Surely I must do something wrong here or I just seem to attract un-Thai type of women. It could be either they don't show or have caring feelings or they think I'm too dominant to be fussed about or treated like a child. Who knows ...

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