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Thaksin's Little Girl Right At Home In London


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Yes, most down to earth people have maids and pay £3000 per month on rent...

£3000 per month is not that bad for Central London and certainly not expensive by London standards so for the Daughter of a wealthy Father I would suggest that her prudence is to be commended, after all, there are many far more expensive apartments she could afford. Looks like her learning is already paying dividends. Let us hope she is also gaining a suitable understanding of the need for honesty in business during her studies.

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Any pics of her? I might sniff around F. B. if she looks OK. I wouldn't be thinking about the inheritance... Honest!

They say if you want to see what a woman will be like in later years you should look at her Mother. Have you seen a picture of her Mother ? Best try elswhere unless you have pretentions about attending the ugly bug ball.

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I think these guys can be honestly considered as temporary political refugees.

They can't go to Thailand for obvious reasons, they have to be somewhere, so why not London?

They pay their own way and it is an international centre for diplomacy a one of the

worlds great political meeting places.

My Thai Wife sees Papa Thaksin regularly where she works, along with other high ranking

Thai businessmen, for some reason she disapproves of him, and I can't get her to explain

to me coherently why . . . mainly I think it's just hearsay! Me & her Dad agree that whatever he has done that's so bad, deserves a democratic solution and that the current situation is very undemocratic. I'd quite like him back along with the old visa rules and financial qualifications for spouse and retirement visas, but them, that's just me!


Edited by David Ball
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Any pics of her? I might sniff around F. B. if she looks OK. I wouldn't be thinking about the inheritance... Honest!

They say if you want to see what a woman will be like in later years you should look at her Mother. Have you seen a picture of her Mother ? Best try elswhere unless you have pretentions about attending the ugly bug ball.

Nah, get the divorce settlement before that nightmare kicked in!

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Any pics of her? I might sniff around F. B. if she looks OK. I wouldn't be thinking about the inheritance... Honest!

Good luck, bkkandrew, and hurry up or Prince Harry might beat you to it.

No worries there - he is off to Iraq or Afganistan (or whatever the country that we have invaded most recently...)

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£3000 per month is not that bad for Central London and certainly not expensive by London standards so for the Daughter of a wealthy Father I would suggest that her prudence is to be commended, after all, there are many far more expensive apartments she could afford. Looks like her learning is already paying dividends. Let us hope she is also gaining a suitable understanding of the need for honesty in business during her studies.

I would not go so far as to commend her, but certainly if we put things in perspective she is living with a standard of living far lower of many farangs in Thailand.

Rent of 200,000THB is quite low for London and I know by the fact that 100's of expat farangs pay similar or larger amounts in Bangkok, and spend 10's of thousand of baht in bars everynight with his mates......

I can talk much much more about the excess of farangs in this country.....not rich people, just common employees of large companies.

I found remarkable that she is studying. I have known hundreds of farangs that need to study and have the resources and simply they do not do it....

She has to take no responsibility of her father political or legal situation...by all means I think that she has nothing to do with that…...

....and finally why she has to apologize, excuse herself or pretend what she is not...or been denigrated.....just because she is multimillionaire?.

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Wasn't the girl a bit on the thick side and Daddy used his clout to fiddle her university entrance grades?

Presumably, the institution knows what side their bread is buttered and will doubtless bestow some sort of cod degree upon the dullard.

Mind you, why does she rent when Daddy owns a reasonable portfolio of properties in the town? Difficult to empathise with folk when they squander their ill gotten gains stolen from the very people they were meant to serve.

Anyway, it's probably right she should enjoy her life even if it is funded by a thief and murderer.

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if you think about it being banished to the old blighty is a punishment no one should ever have to endure. :D

i mean its an unnatural and exceptionally harsh punishment. :D:o

Terence, dear, what did I do to deserve the definitive article?

And, dear, what could I say when my old friend Tox asked me to keep an eye open for young Ping Tong? He is generous with his sinecures you know. He needs to be. Mrs Blighty may have a lot to say if she bumps into that nice, young, ever so generous Baht 7 million General on his next London visit.

But Terence, dear, your outback language! “Banishment, endurance, unnatural, exceptionally harsh punishment.” Surely you did not avail yourself of Mrs Blighty’s services when she was accommodated in Berkeley Square? I didn’t think you were wealthy enough.

As for Ting Pong? Typical of The Standard to get it wrong. "She invites all her friends to her apartment every week, and makes her maids cook many dishes for us, while she herself makes us fine Thai desserts," It is a Masters Degree, Terence dear, at The Crass Business School. But Ping Pong is a young lady. You understand, Terence dear, that there are levels of sophistication in London that the denizens of the broiling outback may have difficulty in understanding?

Who better to teach the accommodating Ting Tong how to strut the Funky Buddha than Mrs Blighty?

Must run and grab the appointment book, dear, that nice young Prem is on the phone.

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she's not that hot, and the money may not last so long either


I wonder why we let Thai's buy property in the UK when we are not allowed to buy in Thailand, mind you - you have to be a millionaire to afford one now

Pretty simple answer - it is good for the economy. Something that the Thais will never understand! :o

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Yes, most down to earth people have maids and pay £3000 per month on rent...

When your dads a multi billionaire even in pound terms (and I believe she has a little money as well), I would actually call that down to earth, whats 3k a month in the Uk nowadays - a 2 bedroom apartment in London?

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Just got back from at jolli at this place.....food was awful...booze average...but sure I saw her old man Khun T having a chinwag in the boardrom with some of the directors of the place...........

Not up for sale or anything.....is..it? :o:D

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Just got back from at jolli at this place.....food was awful...booze average...but sure I saw her old man Khun T having a chinwag in the boardrom with some of the directors of the place...........

Not up for sale or anything.....is..it? :o:D

I knew it - Toxin - in league with the dirty Arse. :D

I hope Chonabot it keeping tabs on this!! :D

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They say if you want to see what a woman will be like in later years you should look at her Mother. Have you seen a picture of her Mother ? Best try elswhere unless you have pretentions about attending the ugly bug ball.

Indeed, the horse racing part of my family always tells us to look at the broodmare.

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Just got back from at jolli at this place.....food was awful...booze average...but sure I saw her old man Khun T having a chinwag in the boardrom with some of the directors of the place...........

Not up for sale or anything.....is..it? :o:D

Amazing coincedence...David Dein has just been given the heave ho..you may have a world scoop on your hands here!!!

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That was truly out of line.

If you don't like her father, are envious of the family's wealth, or have concerns about how they got it that's one thing, but to slag off some young girl who to my knowledge has never been guilty of anything but being born into a certain family, is pathetic and childish.

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She looks Ok, if it all goes belly up with the family finances she will be able to make a few bob "working bar",maybe only Pattaya though.

I hope I'm wrong, but if I read your message clear, it's a disgusting post about a young Thai Lady, no matter which family she's from ! :o


Edited by LaoPo
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She looks Ok, if it all goes belly up with the family finances she will be able to make a few bob "working bar",maybe only Pattaya though.

I hope I'm wrong, but if I read your message clear, it's a disgusting post about a young Thai Lady, no matter which family she's from ! :o


100% agreed.

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but to slag off some young girl who to my knowledge has never been guilty of anything but being born into a certain family

Never been guilty of anything except Tax Evasion.

Of course that was all Daddy's fault. :o

<a href="http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2007/04/03/headlines/headlines_30030966.php" target="_blank">Panthongtae, Pinthongta ordered to pay tax of Bt10 billion

Ex-PM's kids tried to avoid duties; bill could double if the decision is challenged</a>

* Was she convicted of Tax Evasion already ?

* You think she made it up herself, telling her father WHAT to do ?

* If you were her -than- age and your father was so rich and powerful, what would you have said ?

Get real, and think of the insult, made to her by the previous poster :D

* do you have a daughter her age ?

* WHAT would you say -or do- to anyone, making such an insult about YOUR daughter ?

IMO it's not fair that a girl her age deserves such an insult ! :D


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Was she convicted of Tax Evasion already ?
Are you unable to read the link I posted or just unwilling?
You think she made it up herself, telling her father WHAT to do ?
Of course not, but if you think for a moment she wasn't fully aware of what was going on then you are as naive as you are making her out to be.
you were her -than- age and your father was so rich and powerful, what would you have said ?
My father is an honest hardworking man, as am I, so that would/could never happen.
IMO it's not fair that a girl her age deserves such an insult !
She was complicit with her father in breaking the law so she's fair game IMO.

I'll leave it to other posters to insult her, but you won't find me defending any member of that criminal family, Pinthongta included.

Reading your answer you're obviously too inexperienced and too young to qualify as an -independent and honest- Judge, whether in Thailand or elsewhere, since you 'forgot' a few words-and-answers and you only please to answer what YOU wish to answer.

That's up to you, but that doesn't make you the Judge over a young Thai Lady, whatever family she comes from.

And, I don't know if you have re-read your last sentence, but you are Judging AND convicting the young Lady as being a criminal.... :o

Leave that to Thai justice, will you please ?


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I wish UK would give the Chinawatra family the same visa grief as the Thais give us here!!!

Too bloody right. They'll let anyone into the UK now yet if you were born there they make it nigh on impossible to get up and running from a standing start. Even uni kids are now on the scrapheap with mega debts and that &lt;deleted&gt; Brown has robbed everyone of their future.

Don't think she'll be paying taxes in Blighty do you, course not, no other foreigner does.

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if you think about it being banished to the old blighty is a punishment no one should ever have to endure. :D

i mean its an unnatural and exceptionally harsh punishment. :bah::o

Terence, dear, what did I do to deserve the definitive article?

And, dear, what could I say when my old friend Tox asked me to keep an eye open for young Ping Tong? He is generous with his sinecures you know. He needs to be. Mrs Blighty may have a lot to say if she bumps into that nice, young, ever so generous Baht 7 million General on his next London visit.

But Terence, dear, your outback language! “Banishment, endurance, unnatural, exceptionally harsh punishment.” Surely you did not avail yourself of Mrs Blighty’s services when she was accommodated in Berkeley Square? I didn’t think you were wealthy enough.

As for Ting Pong? Typical of The Standard to get it wrong. "She invites all her friends to her apartment every week, and makes her maids cook many dishes for us, while she herself makes us fine Thai desserts," It is a Masters Degree, Terence dear, at The Crass Business School. But Ping Pong is a young lady. You understand, Terence dear, that there are levels of sophistication in London that the denizens of the broiling outback may have difficulty in understanding?

Who better to teach the accommodating Ting Tong how to strut the Funky Buddha than Mrs Blighty?

Must run and grab the appointment book, dear, that nice young Prem is on the phone.

jeez miss blighty,

could you please rewrite your dissertation and translate it into something an aussie bleeder can understand . :D

unfortunatly the upper classes did'nt teach us convicts how to speak all those lovely words you have used in your essay.

apparently the boats were rocking around to much on the way over. :o

and just to keep on topic,

its a real shame that the young lady in question did not come to australia, as ive got a spare room and i could of made a killing on all the rent i could of charged her. :D :D

anyway miss blighty,

thank you very much and i salute you. :bah:

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Was she convicted of Tax Evasion already ?
Are you unable to read the link I posted or just unwilling?
You think she made it up herself, telling her father WHAT to do ?
Of course not, but if you think for a moment she wasn't fully aware of what was going on then you are as naive as you are making her out to be.
you were her -than- age and your father was so rich and powerful, what would you have said ?
My father is an honest hardworking man, as am I, so that would/could never happen.
IMO it's not fair that a girl her age deserves such an insult !
She was complicit with her father in breaking the law so she's fair game IMO.

I'll leave it to other posters to insult her, but you won't find me defending any member of that criminal family, Pinthongta included.

Guess your avatar really represents you :o

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Don't understand all the vitriol directed at this girl...? :D Just because she's Toxin's daughter doesn't necessarily preclude her from being a decent human being or a good person. Get a life, &lt;deleted&gt;. :o

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Reading your answer you're obviously too inexperienced and too young to qualify as an -independent and honest- Judge, whether in Thailand or elsewhere, since you 'forgot' a few words-and-answers and you only please to answer what YOU wish to answer.

I answered what was relevant to the discussion. Most of your post was nonsense anyway. It seems the only "young" and "inexperienced" one here is you, having had to resort to snide remarks and personal insults to back up your flawed argument.

I'm not being her judge in the matter either.

The fact is she was deemed guilty of being complicit in avoiding taxes by the Asset Examination Committee and was ordered to pay due 10 Billion THB back taxes.

I don't see what is so difficult to understand here?

Most of my post was 'Nonsense' ? I'm sorry Judge, I always try to write with 'sense', but maybe my kind of sense isn't compatible to yours.

:o Thank you for Judging me young; I feel flattered. If I'm experienced or not is up to others, not me.

You're not being her Judge ? You called her a criminal.

Forgot ? :D

Sorry, but I rest my case here, with you. I do not wish to be banned because of you.

Have a nice day :D


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