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Fast-acting Thailand and South Korea hold key to dodging 'second wave'


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33 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

And there you have it. All countries where the virus hit particularly hard have poor diets, high levels of obesity and a generally unhealthy population. Thailand and Japan on the other hand have low obesity rates and better diets, and healthier population, especially Japan. Thailand also has the high temperatures and sunlight going for it. Other countries in the region fared similarly well, probably for the same reasons, with the exception of Indonesia (high obesity), and Philippines (poor diet). You could probably plot obesity rates and covid deaths and you'd get very similar graphs, regardless of any lockdowns or restrictions. In other words those restrictions did nothing and all that actually mattered is general health.

That's what we need, a graph. Sort a graph out.

Edited by Traubert
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3 hours ago, Yankeesvsredsox said:

"Anarchy",I disagree . Thailand's leadership won't put up with any BS like some other countries but that's just my opinion !

Yep democracy and free speech are certainly abhorent , BS indeed , go fascism !

Edited by joecoolfrog
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17 hours ago, bodga said:

The  krap never stops  coming does it, this is the 110th wave of BS


     Yep , and still we read this <deleted> , so sad. 

        Are we really that bored , get a Kindle, or sex toy , better more ..


Edited by elliss
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4 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

And there you have it. All countries where the virus hit particularly hard have poor diets, high levels of obesity and a generally unhealthy population. Thailand and Japan on the other hand have low obesity rates and better diets, and healthier population, especially Japan. Thailand also has the high temperatures and sunlight going for it. Other countries in the region fared similarly well, probably for the same reasons, with the exception of Indonesia (high obesity), and Philippines (poor diet). You could probably plot obesity rates and covid deaths and you'd get very similar graphs, regardless of any lockdowns or restrictions. In other words those restrictions did nothing and all that actually mattered is general health.

Thailand actually has a pretty high obesity rate. Second highest in ASEAN after Malaysia and affecting mostly women.

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4 hours ago, drbeach said:

Thailand actually has a pretty high obesity rate. Second highest in ASEAN after Malaysia and affecting mostly women.

"Obese" has different definitions. In the west it's defined as 30+ BMI. Many Thais are 25-30 BMI but very few above it. That makes a big difference (pun intended) to health. Almost 40% of Americans are 30+ BMI, 29% in the UK. Thais... more like 4-5%.

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22 hours ago, sahibji said:

thailand sure has done a good job of the covid-19 and must be congratulated for their efforts.

Probably the country that has done the best against covid-19 is Viet Nam with few contracting the virus and NO deaths.  Far superior effort by all concerned than Thailand.

'nuf sed..

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46 minutes ago, chainarong said:

Looking at some info last night and the comment was made Thailand produce shonky tourist figures, so the general opinion, there's some doubt of Thailand's Corona figures as well. 

To be very honest, who cares about the accuracy of the figures?

To-date, Thailand has done pretty well re the COVID-19 pandemic, than the countries who were checking for the inaccuracies of other countries, isn't it?

The'cooked-up' figure of deaths in Thailand is about ~ 58. Compare that with the 'honest figures'. Or... had  anyone observed mountains of bodies in Thailand and mass burials? 

Who is honest, really?

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Just do NOT use the USA Trump model or the Brazil model. Say you read the

news of over 1 million infected, and the deaths in these 2 countries

I think that Asia has done so  much better. Good luck for the High season

after October when the International flights may start to fly again to Asia.

Head for Vietnam or Malaysia and train or bus to Thailand if you are having

a problem flying direct.


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8 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

"Obese" has different definitions. In the west it's defined as 30+ BMI. Many Thais are 25-30 BMI but very few above it. That makes a big difference (pun intended) to health. Almost 40% of Americans are 30+ BMI, 29% in the UK. Thais... more like 4-5%.

From an article I read, at least 1/3 of Thais are overweight, and 1/6 obese. This is confirmed by my observations looking around at what I have seen all over the country in recent years.


Morbidly obese young Thai women, elephant sized, weighing 150kg is not an unusual sight. A huge turn-off. 20 years ago, it was not like this.


If you want slim, try Vietnam. Thais are no longer slim, on average. Sure, many still are, but the Thai trend is to emulate the Americans and Malaysia is already one step ahead of Thailand, with Thailand not far behind.

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22 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

That's 5.2% of known cases. With at least 95% cases asymptomatic and undiagnosed, the real mortality rate is well below 0.5%. Similar to the flu. The whole thing is a joke and a huge failure of governments worldwide. Should've just let it run it's course while isolating at-risk populations and fast-tracking vaccines. Instead they had this crazy idea to try to contain the outbreak which is ridiculous and impossible. Even countries that had strict lockdowns are already seeing signs of a second wave, and they will have a third and a fourth and a fifth.... are they planning on going on lockdown every other month? Closing borders for a year? That's not sustainable nor needed but it's what long-term containment requires. You may think Sweden and Brazil are nuts, but they're leading semi-normal lives all along and will have herd immunity before a vaccine is available, while the rest of the world is having the worst year in recent history and it's all self-inflicted.


The only sliver of hope is that vaccines are progressing at an unprecedented pace and may even be ready by September or October if all goes well. Then of course there is the massive logistics of actually vaccinating billions of people, which will take a few months if not years, but at least at that point governments will have no choice but ease up restrictions, if they are reimposed.

Can't really argue with anything you say here. All seems pretty sensible, isolating the vulnerable, investing in the health services and allowing low risk individuals to get on with their lives and keep food on the table seems the only real sensible solution. I think, hope governments are beginning to realise that now. Kepp your fingers crossed...

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3 hours ago, drbeach said:

From an article I read, at least 1/3 of Thais are overweight, and 1/6 obese. This is confirmed by my observations looking around at what I have seen all over the country in recent years.


Morbidly obese young Thai women, elephant sized, weighing 150kg is not an unusual sight. A huge turn-off. 20 years ago, it was not like this.


If you want slim, try Vietnam. Thais are no longer slim, on average. Sure, many still are, but the Thai trend is to emulate the Americans and Malaysia is already one step ahead of Thailand, with Thailand not far behind.

diets, ready meals, fast food is a fact of life and growing, that is what has made people overweight and less healthy. In years gone by none of this existed, or at least not to the extent today. It is up to the individuals to start cooking again and live on a balanced diet in sensible portion sizes.. Thailand is not as bad as the USA or indeed many western countries I agree so it is not too late for them. 

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On 6/23/2020 at 4:43 AM, wotsdermatter said:

Probably the country that has done the best against covid-19 is Viet Nam with few contracting the virus and NO deaths.  Far superior effort by all concerned than Thailand.

'nuf sed..

And you just know this how?.. That VN hasn't just gotten very lucky, thus far, and that ANY significant lifting of restrictions, there, here, or anywhere else, clearly just NOT being a wise notion, is THE main thing to be taken into account? ?.. Or is just being snide towards Thailand enough for you, irrelevant of considered actualities?.. 'Nuf sed'?. Go home, snide.. your snide input is not needed, I reckon. (Nuf sed.. <deleted>).

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On 6/23/2020 at 9:54 AM, ravip said:

To be very honest, who cares about the accuracy of the figures?

To-date, Thailand has done pretty well re the COVID-19 pandemic, than the countries who were checking for the inaccuracies of other countries, isn't it?

The'cooked-up' figure of deaths in Thailand is about ~ 58. Compare that with the 'honest figures'. Or... had  anyone observed mountains of bodies in Thailand and mass burials? 

Who is honest, really?

All the people don't die at once in the same location. So, a mound of bodies never appears to be photographed or tripped over or whatever you're expecting. And, btw, when a Thai person dies in the hospital, their family members probably don't instantly become magically aware of the aggregate public health data that none of us know and post it to social media for the rest of us to see. No mounds of bodies. No social media posts. And, hospitals really can deal with an extra 10% of business without bodies popping out of their windows or the parking lots being more congested than normal. 

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