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Fast-acting Thailand and South Korea hold key to dodging 'second wave'


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8 hours ago, bodga said:

The  krap never stops  coming does it, this is the 110th wave of BS

It's just Xinhua earning their baht.



The current spin is Thailand is the numero uno hub of corona countermeasures. 


Only a few thousand dead.


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The world social media /.governments have made such a big thing of covid 19 i believe it is just scare mongering . 

If there is such a big chance of infection it will soon show after all the BLM demonstrations.  I believe there is a virus out there but no means as bad as its made out to be .after all the BS from the Uk and USA they have proved to separate families and people with quarantine and lock downs . i wonder if this is a ploy to see how the little folk would react.   

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6 minutes ago, SantiSuk said:

So you actually believe that all these greedy b@st@rds in the elites of the world can effectively conspire together in a joint global greed pitch to suppress the rest of the world.

Hmmm, you might be on to something here.



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8 hours ago, sahibji said:

thailand sure has done a good job of the covid-19 and must be congratulated for their efforts. do not let the guard down,however, to avoid second wave of infections.

I realize what Trump meant when he said he told them to slow down the testing because they were finding too many cases . Thailand had a head start on that ! don’t test ... no cases... and if you wanted a test privately.. how much ? 2000 baht ?

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8 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:


I can't explain Thailands apparent 'success' but putting them in the same camp as South Korea in COVID response is a farce. 


Thailand did nothing at all until March, had the first reported case outside china, and even when they did shut airports down, unless you lived in a major hub, literally nothing changed over the weeks thereafter. My province you wouldn't even have known there was a virus other than some things were closed down and you couldn't buy booze for a while. 

March? This is the end of June, no international travel. No internal travel. Smartphone apps in major stores, hand sanitizers everywhere,  masks been worn. There are others differences too but they are the major ones. Where I come from you had Cheltenham at Easter and Champions league games there is no restrictions on travel and there were always some flights. I think you need to look into what you are saying and even so if doing nothing has been as successful as it appears more of the same please for the sake of the older and more delicate in society anyway.

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The proof is in the pudding. 58 fatalities attributed to Covid-19, with 3,148 infections, 3,018 recovered, here in Thailand. It’s my understanding that there’s been no new cases of the virus within the past three weeks, except for individuals that were in quarantine. You could be the U.S. where there’s more than 2-million individuals that have contracted the virus and still counting; with Trump pontificating that it’ll all just disappear. I feel fortunate to be in the Land of Smiles.

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7 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

It is hard to understand that there are still so many deniers ... on this forum as well ...

The death rate is not 0.something per cent , but ...

 "At least 467,085 people globally have died from COVID-19 and 8,933,339 have been infected by the novel coronavirus that causes it : https://graphics.reuters.com/CHINA-HEALTH-MAP/0100B59S39E/index.html "

Active cases: 4,137,534 (46.30%)
People recovered: 4,328,720 (48.50%)
Deaths: 467,085 (5.20%)

(Reuters) - The World Health Organization reported a record increase in global coronavirus cases on Sunday, with the total rising by 183,020 in a 24-hour period.

The biggest increase was from North and South America with over 116,000 new cases, according to a daily report here Total global cases are over 8.7 million with more than 461,000 deaths, according to the WHO.


Coronavirus: Brazil becomes second country to pass 50,000 deaths : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-53132225


Germany's coronavirus reproduction rate jumps, indicating rising contagion : https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-germany/germanys-coronavirus-reproduction-rate-jumps-indicating-rising-contagion-idUSKBN23S0PJ



Some will be denying until the end . WHY ?

Self centred it effects their lives and they think they are invincible. Lucky they are not retired in their home climates too it sure isn't based on intelligence but they will slag the <deleted> out of Thailand though. They're good at that too.

Edited by bipper
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1 hour ago, SantiSuk said:

Hilarious fanciful bollux.


Go <deleted>-nal.  Wait a minute.  No football for the plebs this year.
The masses need to sacrifice in the name of covid.  So sorry.

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7 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

It is hard to understand that there are still so many deniers ... on this forum as well ...

The death rate is not 0.something per cent , but ...

 "At least 467,085 people globally have died from COVID-19 and 8,933,339 have been infected by the novel coronavirus that causes it : https://graphics.reuters.com/CHINA-HEALTH-MAP/0100B59S39E/index.html "

Active cases: 4,137,534 (46.30%)
People recovered: 4,328,720 (48.50%)
Deaths: 467,085 (5.20%)

(Reuters) - The World Health Organization reported a record increase in global coronavirus cases on Sunday, with the total rising by 183,020 in a 24-hour period.

The biggest increase was from North and South America with over 116,000 new cases, according to a daily report here Total global cases are over 8.7 million with more than 461,000 deaths, according to the WHO.


Coronavirus: Brazil becomes second country to pass 50,000 deaths : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-53132225


Germany's coronavirus reproduction rate jumps, indicating rising contagion : https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-germany/germanys-coronavirus-reproduction-rate-jumps-indicating-rising-contagion-idUSKBN23S0PJ



Some will be denying until the end . WHY ?

Doubt many would deny this is a virus you are definitely better not getting. That being said though most have few or no symptoms, 95%+ of deaths were already unhealthy or in a nursing home, tragic for their families but covid just seems to have sped things up. But your sources of information will give different views, if you are convinced the BBC and Reuters only tell the truth, then nothing is likely to change your mind.


We have Nobel Prize winners saying it is overblown, but are ignored by the media. A prominent Aussie Virologist just stated that non experts and lackeys are being given prime time on the media and the real experts ignored. Fergusons UK modelling has been proved wrong, in fact he has never gotten it right once in his entire career, yet his views are still followed. Blowed if I know why.


Any way covid now enjoys a place with religion and politics, people are locked into their opinions. And like religion and politics people just have opinions that have been handed to them by others, little to no objective thought or questioning has gone into it.

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9 hours ago, sahibji said:

thailand sure has done a good job of the covid-19 and must be congratulated for their efforts. do not let the guard down,however, to avoid second wave of infections.

Yes always some good and bad in any decsion, lets have the worst wave ever of suicides & starving, lets go fast for a no tourism great future as much as we can

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4 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

more tests due to more people with symptoms. 

Not quite true, my wife is a uk nursery teacher, a child came in with a high temperature, classroom closed for 3 days, deep cleansed, and my wife and her assistants sent to get tested that day, all fine, child had gastroenteritis not covid, an awful lot of symptoms connected to covid, if every country was to test every person with a 'symptom' the amount of tests in the world would be over ten fold what it is.  

Edited by Adywhu
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9 hours ago, sahibji said:

thailand sure has done a good job of the covid-19 and must be congratulated for their efforts. do not let the guard down,however, to avoid second wave of infections.

Thailand did a very good job so has Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Taiwan. Singapore not so much.

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7 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

It is hard to understand that there are still so many deniers ... on this forum as well ...

Coronavirus: Brazil becomes second country to pass 50,000 deaths : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-53132225
Some will be denying until the end . WHY ?

Because the BBC and Reuters only spin one narrative.  There is raw epidemiological data available that shows a different narrative for those with the ability to parse the data.

But, many like you are fully invested in only believing what you are fed by main-stream media sources.  It's like a cult.  You and others are baptized believers in the cult of covid and whatever else you all are told to believe by "experts."  It's next to impossible to show a true believer an alternative set of facts.
They end up suffering cognitive dissonance. 
Feel free to believe what you wish.  You're afraid.  I can't hold that against you.  I understand.

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4 hours ago, Duckster said:

I don’t think the Thai leadership will be boasting too much when the entire economy collapses and there’s anarchy in the streets.

"Anarchy",I disagree . Thailand's leadership won't put up with any BS like some other countries but that's just my opinion !

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Interesting point, as far as I remember Thailand took a long time before shutting borders to China, even after the virus broke. In fact it think it may have even been China shutting itself down rather then Thailand banning all flights,,


Anyway, if Thailand were to "swiftly" lock down their economy again at the sniff of a second outbreak would the economy take it or would they collapse the entire economic system and put their country back decades? I think it would be better to plan protection of the vulnerable, prop up the health service and enforce precautions such as social distancing and masks etc,,, Thailand are good at the mask discipline at least. If they switftly lock down the economy and keep it shut until other countries have it under control (which is pretty much what is happening now as Thailand doesnt have any virus now) then it will cause terrible damage to the economy and create suffering and even starvation... So by all means lock it down but perhaps an alternative should be found to preserve some economic stability...



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27 minutes ago, Yankeesvsredsox said:

"Anarchy",I disagree . Thailand's leadership won't put up with any BS like some other countries but that's just my opinion !

Anarchy means losing control, what you are taking about is the government oppressing the people to stop it, you describe it as "won't put up with BS". Do you think Thailand's developing economy (which was already suffering and is now on its knees) would survive another "forced" lockdown? Do you think when people are beginning to starve and need to feed their kids they will give a sh*t about Thailand "not putting up with any BS?".. The people will have nothing to lose and when that happens society is dangerous and if history has taught us anything it's that a starving and oppressed people won't stay that way forever,,, so of course it will be anarchy, irrespective of what your opinion is,,,

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Really do we believe the death rates etc?  Most countries if not all, are not telling the truth re the death rates.


For example if you go the web site "WHO" and look at the average country death rates expected over the months and years there is a clear discrepancy, for example the UK date rate was 55,000 above normal, Russia was 60,000 above normal and Thailand was 21,000 above normal, there are no comments ever offered about this though. 


In fact nearly every countries death rate is above normal. (Note this shows a few lies about how many have died etc)

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9 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

Deaths: 467,085 (5.20%)

That's 5.2% of known cases. With at least 95% cases asymptomatic and undiagnosed, the real mortality rate is well below 0.5%. Similar to the flu. The whole thing is a joke and a huge failure of governments worldwide. Should've just let it run it's course while isolating at-risk populations and fast-tracking vaccines. Instead they had this crazy idea to try to contain the outbreak which is ridiculous and impossible. Even countries that had strict lockdowns are already seeing signs of a second wave, and they will have a third and a fourth and a fifth.... are they planning on going on lockdown every other month? Closing borders for a year? That's not sustainable nor needed but it's what long-term containment requires. You may think Sweden and Brazil are nuts, but they're leading semi-normal lives all along and will have herd immunity before a vaccine is available, while the rest of the world is having the worst year in recent history and it's all self-inflicted.


The only sliver of hope is that vaccines are progressing at an unprecedented pace and may even be ready by September or October if all goes well. Then of course there is the massive logistics of actually vaccinating billions of people, which will take a few months if not years, but at least at that point governments will have no choice but ease up restrictions, if they are reimposed.

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10 hours ago, robblok said:

AS long s they dont open the borders things will be ok.

Things wont be ok if the borders stay closed for an extended period , there will be an extreme economic downturn and widespread poverty.

It is now generally believed that the virus was widespread from at least December , so throughout the high season Thailand was inundated with carriers , not least from China.

However we are led to believe that the result was a relatively paltry number of infections and deaths.

So if the first wave , unhindered , did minimal damage , why run scared , to the degree of shattering the economy , of a second wave ?

Something doesn't add up !

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Americans simply have very poor immunity.

And there you have it. All countries where the virus hit particularly hard have poor diets, high levels of obesity and a generally unhealthy population. Thailand and Japan on the other hand have low obesity rates and better diets, and healthier population, especially Japan. Thailand also has the high temperatures and sunlight going for it. Other countries in the region fared similarly well, probably for the same reasons, with the exception of Indonesia (high obesity), and Philippines (poor diet). You could probably plot obesity rates and covid deaths and you'd get very similar graphs, regardless of any lockdowns or restrictions. In other words those restrictions did nothing and all that actually mattered is general health.

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