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Subdistrict, village headmen to be awarded with special bonus


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6 minutes ago, robblok said:

Not so strange as its an English issue me as a Dutch guy would say that poo yai baan is local election too. I think its just semantics. Fact remains that elections on lower levels have been held. Fact is also that Prayut can't change those. 

As I said in an earlier post, the Ministry of the Interior has to approve the position, even if you do win the vote.


Do I think that Prayuth takes an interest in every poo yai ban? No, of course not, but the fact is, there is a chain of command structure with the poo yai ban being below the Kam nam, the Kam nam, reports to the district officials, they in turn come under the provincial officials who report to the provincial governor.


And who appoints the provincial governors?


The provincial and municipal assemblies are supposed to be elected every four years. These are the people who approve budgets and therefore have power over those lower down the chain.


You may think that's just semantics, I don't.


When you have a member of the opposition party in a national newspaper saying there has been no local elections for 6 years do you really think that if that statement was "BS", as claimed by Yinn, that the government wouldn't react? No way would they pass up the opportunity, they would have been all over him like a cheap suit. 



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5 minutes ago, nahkit said:

As I said in an earlier post, the Ministry of the Interior has to approve the position, even if you do win the vote.


Do I think that Prayuth takes an interest in every poo yai ban? No, of course not, but the fact is, there is a chain of command structure with the poo yai ban being below the Kam nam, the Kam nam, reports to the district officials, they in turn come under the provincial officials who report to the provincial governor.


And who appoints the provincial governors?


The provincial and municipal assemblies are supposed to be elected every four years. These are the people who approve budgets and therefore have power over those lower down the chain.


You may think that's just semantics, I don't.


When you have a member of the opposition party in a national newspaper saying there has been no local elections for 6 years do you really think that if that statement was "BS", as claimed by Yinn, that the government wouldn't react? No way would they pass up the opportunity, they would have been all over him like a cheap suit. 



As i said its semantics but your right the higher up posts for the more important places like BKK have not been up for votes. So it certainly is no B.S.


However I would say this is local election too. But that is how we call them back home. So to think that a Thai would know the exact difference is IMHO a bit arrogant from a native English speaker. In my country they call this local elections. 


But your right the better posts have not been up for election and there have been pieces about this in the local newspapers. 


Yes the mayors have to be approved but it is highly unlikely that they wont unless something seriously wrong. 

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

So to think that a Thai would know the exact difference is IMHO a bit arrogant from a native English speaker.

I think your missing the point here, Yinn is supposed to be Thai and therefore should know the difference, after all its her country so she should be familiar with the process and structure. I provided a link to the report which contained the name of the Thai person who was calling for the local elections to take place. Any Thai could easily have read his name and looked the story up in the Thai language, I very much doubt that the Thai media would have completely ignored him.  

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You keep going on about a poo yai baan election as proof that local elections have been held, I don't need to read the link because I know the difference between a "local election", which is held at the district level and a "community election" which is held at the village level.

The OP is about 


On 6/23/2020 at 2:46 PM, webfact said:

Subdistrict, village headmen to be awarded with special bonus

You wrong.

i post link say that pooyai baan=village headman have election. You say you “not need to read”. 


You then post link about governor election. Another topic. 


I tell you you I vote last year, my freind win. 


You still argue. 


On 6/25/2020 at 5:12 PM, nahkit said:


"Local elections have been suspended across Thailand since the 2014 coup with “preventing political unrest” cited as the reason for them not going ahead for the past six years."



Then you say Prayut stop the village headmen. 


Again is BS. You imagine.


Show me the village that happen. Just one village. Can? Or not? 






Strange really that you, a Thai lady, doesn't understand the difference. I mean, you are a genuine Thai lady aren't you?



You thought your link talk about village headmen.

You confused. Can not admit.


i undersatnd the difference. You did not. But I explain for you. 

You acting like you know already. 

Read your post. Obvious you confused.


i happy explain for you

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On 6/24/2020 at 1:48 PM, nahkit said:

Except there have been no elections at local level since the military coup.

As Yinn said BS, we had elections back in the new year for a new Poo Yai Bann and it was 2 years ago we had elections for Gumm Nan, the

guy who is a bit higher up ladder  than the Poo Yai Bann.


































































On 6/24/2020 at 1:48 PM, nahkit said:

Except there have been no elections at local level since the military coup.


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