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Thai Prime Minister worries 2nd wave spread at entertainment venues after easing


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22 minutes ago, Laza 45 said:

There have been no locally generated cases in Thailand for nearly a month now.. a huge achievement at a huge cost. Surely it is prudent to protect this status.  If Thailand can remain virus free and open carefully & slowly it has an advantage over many other countries to get its economy working again.  Short term pain... long term gain.  Inconvenience to individuals like yourself doesn't come into the equation.. like it or lump it.. 

i think its more than just a inconvenience to the people who work in the tourism industry and you don't really buy into keep the virus out BS do you?the PM has his own agenda hes a army chief this falls right into his hands this is a gift sent from buddha for him.control his people and they have to do what he says. also i except your another person who is already in thailand the old im alright jack brigade.   how long do you protect this status if the virus is here to stay? isnt part of the economy tourism?

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7 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

State of emergency to remain, and curfew brought back seems ominous following his words.

It is like a dream come true for this regime !

Sounds like a destruction of a country and turning it into a third world one .. Hope they can feed the starving

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4 minutes ago, spiekerjozef said:

lol 40 thais on 1 table with 2 cm social distancing with beer and music in the Villa Navin hotel in jomtien for a week in a row, but who cares....

Seen in Soi 33/1 this week and Soi 11 and Soi 22 and Soi 69/1 and Soi 55 and Soi 63. Yes, who cares?

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7 hours ago, doctormann said:

Well, is there Covid in Thailand or not!


Can't have it both ways - either there is and we may get a second wave or there isn't, in which case he is worrying about nothing!

The problem is he can't relax the entertainment restrictions too much and have foreign travel as well and he cant open them up and close them again as soon as flights start coming in. He's trying to balance it.


Its called jam on both sides and he's right.

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17 minutes ago, paulikens said:

i think its more than just a inconvenience to the people who work in the tourism industry and you don't really buy into keep the virus out BS do you?the PM has his own agenda hes a army chief this falls right into his hands this is a gift sent from buddha for him.control his people and they have to do what he says. also i except your another person who is already in thailand the old im alright jack brigade.   how long do you protect this status if the virus is here to stay? isnt part of the economy tourism?

Tourism is over 15% of GDP.. hundreds of thousands are unemployed at the moment.. The object I believe is to get tourism going again in a sustainable way and avoid another total lock-down.  Opening too quickly and risking importing more virus would be counter productive to that aim.  I 'am alright jack' as you say.. I still get my pension as do other expats..  I wouldn't expect authorities to take my situation into account when making their plans for reopening.. That is not to say the situation is without problems for me and my family.. my wife has lost her job.. our daughter can't get back from overseas.. I can't travel to see my new granddaughter in Australia.. my wife's sister and other family members are doing it hard at the moment.  When things start to improve the last thing any of us would want is for another lock-down.. and that is what would likely happen if the authorities open too quickly .. Look at the mess the US is in because of Trumps hurry to reopen.. 

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He's not "worried" there will be  a second wave from opening bars and venues, HE'S COUNTING ON IT!! Because then he can reimpose the curfew, shut the lot down and when the club and bar owners give up and go home there will be loads of cheap property available for him and his cronies to buy up and sell on to Chinese developers to build 5* hotels and high end malls for his new tourists he wants the country to depend on. And in the meantime his little group of cronies get much richer and thousands of normal, working class Thais starve. 

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8 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

They keep saying there is no Covid here Domestically, So they are either full of BS and they have no clue as they are not testing for it, and because of that it is out there and about, or they really are shining superstars and it has been eradicated.  So why the worry big Uncle Tu?

Possibly shining superstars, if you look at the golden jacket.

However, I miss the machtching mask. Leading by example.

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Given the seriously developing situation in some parts of the globe I don’t think this decision is foolish or beyond understanding at all.

Given whats unfolding in the US and South American and the unknown situation re numbers in Russia I think it’s a wise preemptive move.

I think sadly we are in for lots more death and rapidly so.

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Should more worry about unemployment and poverty, as there was no 1st wave, not even a swell of the Chinese virus. Keep the high risk, non transparent and lying countries like China out - this makes also many people happy - and open for reponsible acting nations with spending power.

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10 hours ago, doctormann said:

Well, is there Covid in Thailand or not!


Can't have it both ways - either there is and we may get a second wave or there isn't, in which case he is worrying about nothing!

No Covid19 in Thailand. But, if borders open, chances are that Covid19 will be imported

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Restriction for restriction sake!!! Lets keep all the populace under our thumbs for as long as we can. We are the Army!!!! Do as we say!!!! We don't like alcohol, we don't like fun, we don't like you to do anything you like doing!!! What a country!! And they expect tourists. What a joke.

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By spouting this rubbish he is showing himself to be a mouthpiece of the Cabal, just another globalist wanting everything for himself and everyone else in the gutter....... typical ar5e wipe..

Edited by solent01
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Why is everyone not in agreement with the Prime Minister? I would worry about the second wave especially if they allow China back into the country. They are already letting Thai’s to return home positive and it only takes one to restart it. If all the other countries still have the issues, why allow them back into Thailand. It’s common sense. This is the time for this country to rethink another resource other than bars to employ it poor uneducated people. They have allowed selling of alcohol again and within the first 7 days there were 600-700 death. The focus should be on Thai drinking at this point.  It’s a pandemic all by itself. 

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16 hours ago, Megasin1 said:

then you have to allow for other trend bucks as normally Songkran and the superb driving standards would have contributed to the normal death levels during this period and they have been muted. If you did a proper analysis it would be much covid 19 higher

The truth be known? we will never know, one thing is certain and that is the push to reopen Thailand to the Chinese. Suicide mission if enacted will totally destroy Thailand.

It's not show time any more it's Blow Time, NZ which had a almost perfect elimination is now getting reinfected due to  letting NZ citizens back in, these are people that have been living overseas for years and have now panicked and are being allowed back in , NZ government stuffing them into private hotels run by private security companies who are blundering and this service is costing $4000 per person.


The USA being run by Donald Duck has led the world in lunacy now India is blowing out of control, south America is a cot case.

The Thai government were told by the airlines that they were not interested in the plans to reopen Thailand as who? would be flying, certainly not European or Indian passengers, Australians and NZ'ers can't fly between countries , they are talking about Fiji being allowed into NZ and open to tourism but that's on hold now as new case are appearing in NZ each day.


One thing I did notice is that the Thai airport seems much more stricter with hygiene than NZ and the Thai airways repatriation flights only allowed 120 passengers per flight where as air NZ is cramming them in.

Maybe Thailand is doing something that NZ and the rest of the world can not do and that is invoke discipline . The chinese can do that but Donald Duck can not, the rest of the world can not and people are now tearing down statues around the world and renaming products with colored skin photos on them. NZ is getting rid of the Eskimo Pie ice cream as the politically, correct red necks are saying it is racist, and NZ'ers are tearing down statues as well.


I have never seen any thing like it, I want to return to LOS after Xmas if possible but now see that the world is gone totally mad, there is sad days ahead for the airlines which will require massive funding to return to some kind of norm.

I have lived in Thailand over 15 years and have a Thai son and wife and a good family, I really miss what I regard as home, I think that those of you that are trapped are lucky as life in the USA and England is crazy-- hence all the expats returning home to NZ ect. 


I do not think that Thailand can reopen for some time, I have many friends who have lost their tickets on Thai airways, opting for a refund minus 300 dollars, no one has had a dime yet and the airline is flying repatriation flights but who owns it or who will revive it if Covid goes away?

These are stressful and anxious times for humans, sadly the maniacs at the top have no clue how to handle this and the greedy are trying to re-open tourism and KFC ect out of greed, creating a second wave.

Maybe the world should reopen together and steam ahead and save the airlines- who knows one thing you should do if that happened is kiss Granny good bye.


Cheers to you all over there ,stay safe Im feeling homesick.


Edited by kiwikeith
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On 6/23/2020 at 9:27 PM, tribalfusion001 said:

“Entertainment venue operators also must follow the guidelines [expected to be approved by the CCSA] and must set up Thai Chana QR code at the entrance to their businesses so guests can register their attendance there."


Thought as much QR code.


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21 hours ago, doctormann said:

Well, is there Covid in Thailand or not!


Can't have it both ways - either there is and we may get a second wave or there isn't, in which case he is worrying about nothing!

Yes, it can have bothways. Needs more intelligence to comprehend it.

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2 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

The data here should be looked at as suspicious.


Surprised there are no news stories from foreign media on it.

Why don't you wirte it for a foreign media and see if anyone will accept it. Otherwise, there is always your blog and YouTube Channel where you can rant all you want and as much as you want.

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27 minutes ago, Mulambana said:

Why don't you wirte it for a foreign media and see if anyone will accept it. Otherwise, there is always your blog and YouTube Channel where you can rant all you want and as much as you want.

you sound upset dear

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20 minutes ago, Mulambana said:

Why don't you wirte it for a foreign media and see if anyone will accept it. Otherwise, there is always your blog and YouTube Channel where you can rant all you want and as much as you want.

Just read some insurance policy regarding cover for C19, there is no cover for travel to any country with a travel ban in place, so if Thailand lifts it travel ban then you will not be insured if you left a country under a ban and any cover will not include C19 medical costs.

The big question is how will Thailand let tourists in if there is no companies that will cover C19, maybe the Thais will create one or the Chinese, and then if a huge second wave hit LOS the companies that covered C19 would go broke and not pay out, Maybe the PM has some news on this, maybe won't require it for Chinese just deport them back on a special flying ambulance .

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33 minutes ago, Mulambana said:

Yes, it can have bothways. Needs more intelligence to comprehend it.

Well, if you use 'Doublethink' (1984) then I suppose that it is possible to hold two diametrically opposed views at the same time and be quite OK with it.

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There is always a chance that Thais might learn to drive properly and reduce the road carnage. How long do you wait for a 2nd wave? Best kick that one down the road as well.

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On 6/25/2020 at 11:01 AM, doctormann said:

Well, is there Covid in Thailand or not!


Can't have it both ways - either there is and we may get a second wave or there isn't, in which case he is worrying about nothing!

Pot and kettle comes to mind. It is the narrow minded foreigners that want to pick and choose what they believe.

There was no covid in NZ until 2 women from the UK arrived. Who in their right mind would guarantee the virus could not escape from a quarantine location here in Thailand.

Time to give over with the whinging, you are not going to change anything.

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