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Thai Prime Minister worries 2nd wave spread at entertainment venues after easing


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1 hour ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

mhhh, what will happen when you force everybody inside for weeks

and then they can finally come out


you will have little outbreaks, it might spread, but NOTHING DEADLY


where are the statistics of the 58 death ??  somewhere online ?

The statistics would indicate a death rate of 0.00008%, insignificant when compared to Thailand,s road deaths, and even more so compared to the 50% rate experienced in the Black Plague. The "cure" has been far worse than the disease, and it looks like the "cure" is interminable ????

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Thank you good Sir for your comments.

Bars (that decide to open with far too many silly rules) are if I see it correctly only going to serve folks

that have been here for the duration or been through quarantine.

Strongly suggest that your worry & action is more directed at what is going to happen when the borders open & International travel resumes.

Or, Is your Health Minister telling porkies & there are things being not told to us ??


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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

Official Thailand: https://covid19.moph.go.th/

Unofficial Thailand: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53073046




This time I didn't grab any of the captions in the screenshot, the usual suspect are free to have a cow. Or look at the BBC website.

Nice stats.. have you seen the UK they really got hit hard.. almost twice as hard as the Netherlands. Thailand has same population as UK just compare the UK did like 27 times worse then Thailand (maybe a lil less if you adjust for Songkran). But still seems proof Thailand really did a good job.

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7 minutes ago, Cadan said:

Can someone answer the question who actually benefits from keeping the venues and borders closed ? 

The populace as no corvid is imported with tourists and its safer to not open. Especially in light of DrTurner his numbers that a lot of corvid has not been found so there must be corvid going around still but is not picked up.


Or are you asking who benefits economically.. i doubt nobody. I also don't think the whole lockdown is doing the government any favors in popularity.

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34 minutes ago, DrTuner said:
1 hour ago, SkyFax said:

So what caused all the excess deaths in ending 4 months 2019?

Excellent question. Thailand's data on the cause of death in the certificates is pretty bad

Even so --- why then should the SEP - DEC 2019 excess deaths so exceed the norm for same months years 2015-2018?



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11 minutes ago, robblok said:

Nice stats.. have you seen the UK they really got hit hard.. almost twice as hard as the Netherlands. Thailand has same population as UK just compare the UK did like 27 times worse then Thailand (maybe a lil less if you adjust for Songkran). But still seems proof Thailand really did a good job.

Just noticed some issues with that graph. If these are monthly figures then it should be a series of bars and each monthly bar can then be added to arrive at the total. As it stands, it is impossible to interpret the graph and see where the 2000+ extra cases was arrived at. 

Edited by tyga
missed some importnat info
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2 minutes ago, tyga said:

Just noticed some issues with that graph. If these are daily figures then we'd better escape the country immediately. I believe it should be 5000 a day not 50,000 or that represents 18 million deaths a year! Also, I understand it is easy to see trends so this type of graph can be used for, say, a 7 day average but it becomes hard to read if you join each day, it should be a series of bars and each daily bar can then be added to arrive at the total. As it stands, it is impossible to interpret the graph and see where the 2000+ extra cases was arrived at. 

Well found if it was 50.000 a day that means almost a 3rd of the populations in a year. Not great that the fact checkers from the BBC did not catch it. I always laugh when i see Thais mess up I guess its not just Thais that mess up with numbers. 

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2 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

They might even have seen what is happening in Victoria Australia where it was though to be under control but is now re-emerging... What would all these wise commentators have to say if it was allowed to re-emerge here?  I can just see it...'what a stupid bunch of fools'.. just who are the fools?  

Australia has never claimed to have zero cases

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Well, after 31 days of no new infections ........ is he waiting for Santa Claus or Father Christmas? 

Fact is, that every day longer the closure lasts, another few hundred million Baht are going down the toilet, another x-thousands of jobs are gone - and both, money and jobs, will take much, much longer to come back - if at all! 

Keep all this in mind at the next roll call! 

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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

State of emergency to remain, and curfew brought back seems ominous following his words.

It is like a dream come true for this regime !

As stated previously:- "I can stop you drinking or enjoying yourselves whenever I want, so no more anti Government meetings/protests please!"

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35 minutes ago, robblok said:

Well found if it was 50.000 a day that means almost a 3rd of the populations in a year. Not great that the fact checkers from the BBC did not catch it. I always laugh when i see Thais mess up I guess its not just Thais that mess up with numbers. 

my bad it was per month lol


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59 minutes ago, natway09 said:

Thank you good Sir for your comments.

Bars (that decide to open with far too many silly rules) are if I see it correctly only going to serve folks

that have been here for the duration or been through quarantine.

Strongly suggest that your worry & action is more directed at what is going to happen when the borders open & International travel resumes.

Or, Is your Health Minister telling porkies & there are things being not told to us ??


Is the Health minister Anutin?

Say no more!!!

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3 hours ago, BobbyL said:

Of course there is a chance of a second wave, however if we are to believe the data released by his government in terms of the numbers of cases (none for 30 days) then places cannot remain shut when there is no virus being spread.


Currently, the only way of a second wave hitting is by tourists bringing it in. 

Or allowing hi so/celebrities/businessmen/diplomats in without testing?

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A bar graph would still be a much better way to represent this data but anyway, it shows at a glance interesting aspects such as the lockdown probably saved a lot of lives (less traffic and alcohol, curfew etc etc) in the short term as the line was below the average one the covid cases declined but the measures still enforced. Not sure may hospital procedures were delayed as in other countries so not much to offset the pluses there. Maybe suicides later due to financial hardship.

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52 minutes ago, 5633572526 said:

Australia has never claimed to have zero cases

I didn't say that Australia claimed zero cases.. If you read my comment..  . What I said was that in Victoria they thought that they had it under control and they started to lift restrictions only to find now that there is a resurgence.. a second wave if you like..  I am saying that the Thai authorities are wise not to rush into opening up until they are very sure that there is little or no possibility of local cases emerging.  

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The Thai Prime Minister and military man is living in fear! I have COPD, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis and use an oxygen tank and I am happy for the bars and clubs to open and have no fear. Then again I am not Thai. I bet he never went to a bar or club in hos life, the boring streak of <deleted>. If there is no COVID in Thailand and everyone who enters has to be quarentined then where is his fear coming from? My conclusion os this government wants to suducate and control the sheeple who are wearing masks with absolutely no reason whatsoever! Gullible, dangerous idiots.

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4 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

They might even have seen what is happening in Victoria Australia where it was though to be under control but is now re-emerging... What would all these wise commentators have to say if it was allowed to re-emerge here?  I can just see it...'what a stupid bunch of fools'.. just who are the fools?  

its inevitable there will be spikes. surely u dont think it will be eradicated in a few months. either we stay like this forever or life goes on,ya cant live in fear for the rest of your life. also who knows it might be something that will be around forever same as the flu so what do you suggest we do then? stop life!!

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Regardless the reason, there never was a first "wave". A bit of a ripple...maybe...but not a "wave". 

PM enjoys the limelight...the control...pretending he cares. Pretty much like most others in charge.

LOVES hearing himself talk.

Edited by Skeptic7
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3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Official Thailand: https://covid19.moph.go.th/

Unofficial Thailand: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53073046




This time I didn't grab any of the captions in the screenshot, the usual suspect are free to have a cow. Or look at the BBC website.

This graph is of no use just like what the UK feed the press, where are the datasets? In the uk I have analyzed the datasets from the ONS death certificate breakdowns and I can assure you the total number of deaths for 2020 will hardly exceed that of 2019 IF at all.... This COVID has fooled every government in the world and they know they have egg on there faces.  They have turned it around to use as a power grab to track everyone if they can... and use deprivation and poverty as a powerful control tool...

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21 minutes ago, paulikens said:

its inevitable there will be spikes. surely u dont think it will be eradicated in a few months. either we stay like this forever or life goes on,ya cant live in fear for the rest of your life. also who knows it might be something that will be around forever same as the flu so what do you suggest we do then? stop life!!

There have been no locally generated cases in Thailand for nearly a month now.. a huge achievement at a huge cost. Surely it is prudent to protect this status.  If Thailand can remain virus free and open carefully & slowly it has an advantage over many other countries to get its economy working again.  Short term pain... long term gain.  Inconvenience to individuals like yourself doesn't come into the equation.. like it or lump it.. 

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