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UK ready to quit EU on 'Australia terms' if no Brexit deal, Johnson says


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12 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Brexiteer walks into a bar. Barman say "What can I get you?"

Brexiteer says "I'll have a Guinness"

Barman says "Nope. None of that. Its been stuck of a ferry for the last six months. Something to do with paperwork. Now is there anything else I can get you?".

Brexiteer says "Fine I'll have a Stella".

Barman "Nope its the same".

Brexiteer "Heineken?".

Barman "Are you doing this on purpose?".

Brexiteer "OK tell me what you have got".

Barman "We have this new beer. It's made out of fermented fish".


don,t give up the day job just yet.

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16 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Yes, the EU finally woke up in the late 80's and hijacked our Health and Safety regulations. Are you seriously suggesting that the UK would have not made similar further H&S improvements? The same goes for all the others on your list except your free roaming (brought in right before the referendum - pathetic). EU roaming and healthcare only apply anyway if we are in. I would certainly scrap the right to return goods for no good reason (pun intended) anyway. Ticket refunds were already available if the fault of the carrier. And finally:


  • Etc., etc..  Methinks I'd scrap that too!


So you have finally admitted that you were wrong and Health and Safety at work is an EU law; albeit reluctantly.


Maybe the UK government would have made further improvements over tome, but, as you say, they didn't until the EU brought in EU wide regulations.


Yes, of course EU roaming and the EHIC only apply to British citizens if we are in the EU! So after Brexit we'll lose those. 


So you consider the right to return goods as one of the 'nasty bits' of EU law that you would do away with; what else is on your list?

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13 minutes ago, 7by7 said:



Are you really suggesting pulling unskilled people off the dole queue and forcing them to work as plumbers, bricklayers, electricians etc.?



where did i say that? i didn,t,thats why i can,tbe a***d to address your posts,still while we,re on the subject,if you ever fancy a frontal lobotomy i,m sure i,ve got a black and decker drill somewhere.

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17 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Oh Lordy. I bet you've been working on that all afternoon. 


8 minutes ago, kingdong said:

don,t give up the day job just yet.

Finally we find the Brexiteers kryptonite.

"Stop joking about beer shortages !!!!!!!!!".

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


If the absurd Farage were to be employed in Number 10 alongside Cummings his salary would be paid by me and every other British taxpayer!


As will his MEP transition allowance of £152,000 and his substantial MEP pension. Both of which, like those of all British MEPs, will be used in calculating the UK's final payment to the EU!

Yes, of course you would end up paying for both Dominic and Nigel's salaries. All Remainers would have to chip in, without being able to overturn that decision either. I hope they could claim plenty of expenses too. Based on their political tendencies, I don't like paying for most of those in the civil service or local government, so you could feel some of the same pain.


MEP payments and pension to which he is entitled? Yes, of course you would be paying for that too! Double bubble for Remainers!! 

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31 minutes ago, nauseus said:
49 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Indeed; we were promised by the various Leave campaigns, Cummings and Boris's in particular, that Brexit would mean keeping all the advantages of EU membership without any of the responsibilities. 


When Remain pointed out this was simply untrue, out came the 'Project Fear' label.

No, we weren't

 So what did Cummings' Vote.Leave and the other Leave campaigns promise you were the advantages of Brexit?

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2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

The 53% of voters last December who said they wanted a say on the final deal; that's what I'm talking about.


Yes, a majority of 80. 


However, the vagaries of our first past the post system meant that despite polling only 43.6% of the vote, the Tories won 56% of the seats;  hence their majority of 80.


The people's vote lost.


Even so concern over many matters among Tory backbenchers, notably Cummings influence and the handling of the pandemic and Brexit negotiations, means that majority may soon disappear.

Its only 79 now. Some tory MP had the whip withdrawn last week.

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10 minutes ago, kingdong said:
27 minutes ago, 7by7 said:



Are you really suggesting pulling unskilled people off the dole queue and forcing them to work as plumbers, bricklayers, electricians etc.?



where did i say that? i didn,t,thats why i can,tbe a***d to address your posts,still while we,re on the subject,if you ever fancy a frontal lobotomy i,m sure i,ve got a black and decker drill somewhere.


You said that Brits should be made to do the jobs EU migrants used to do or have their benefits stopped.


You didn't exclude the construction industry, so the only conclusion was that you included all jobs done by EU migrants.


If you didn't mean that industry, and other skilled jobs, how do you suggest filling the labour shortages such industries currently suffer from; shortages which will be worse after Brexit as many of the vacancies do not fulfil the PBS visa requirements!

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1 minute ago, kingdong said:

1 down 79 to go they,re dropping like flies.

Can you enlighten us as to why the whip was removed?

Oh no wait. You dont answer questions do you?

You dont post links to back up your baseless assertions and like all the other Brexiteers you cant handle facts.

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33 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Showing your ignorance again.


In the British Army if no commissioned officer is on parade then the highest ranked WO present is in charge. If no WO is present, then the highest ranked NCO is in charge.


So what was your point?

Forget 'parade' and instead remind yourself of the relationship between Maggie and the Chingford skinhead & then ffwd to Boris & Cummings (ie to the very point you're desperately trying to scupper).

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15 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

The 53% of voters last December who said they wanted a say on the final deal; that's what I'm talking about.


Yes, a majority of 80. 


However, the vagaries of our first past the post system meant that despite polling only 43.6% of the vote, the Tories won 56% of the seats;  hence their majority of 80.


The people's vote lost.


Even so concern over many matters among Tory backbenchers, notably Cummings influence and the handling of the pandemic and Brexit negotiations, means that majority may soon disappear.

- The peoples vote won

- Not until 2024 under the FTP act which to my knowledge has yet to be repealed.


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3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

It's not just Remainers who have to pay; it's all British taxpayers!


The only conclusion one can draw from your remarks is that you are not one!

Sorry no clues for you.

I'm happy to pay for Dominic and think he should be up for a huge bonus for his work this year. Nigel would even get a signing bonus before the transfer window closes.

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9 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Still trying to push the old exchange rate and pensions chestnut? Only the Remainers keep biting at that one. You won't catch me giving even a nibble.

Already told you plenty of times - Brexiteers didn't vote on what was written on the side of a bus. Where was the bus in December last year? Nowhere to be seen and they still voted for Brexit in their droves. Obviously still needles the Remainers though. Do you need another picture?

remainer Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

Our winning percentage was the democratic election result for Getting Brexit Done. Remainer anti-democrats lost out again. Are you trying to overturn the GE result now? Good luck with that one too.


Yet again you show your appalling maths skills. 47 is not larger than 53!


As I have already pointed out; even Johnson has now admitted the £350 million a week was a lie.


Not trying to overturn the GE result, just wanting the government to give us what 53% of voters want; a say on the final deal. It's called democracy; I thought you were in favour of that!


Given the unrest among Tory backbenchers, it is possible that we will get that say.


Who knows, the majority may even agree with you and accept Cummings' deal! 

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4 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


If all that waffle means you are trying to compare Cummings to Tebbit you have missed out one important point; unlike Cummings, Tebbit was an elected MP.


You have also forgotten, if you ever knew, that it was another MP, Whitelaw, who was Thatcher's most trusted advisor. She supposedly did say, after all, that very Prime Minister should have a Willie!


But you still haven't said what point it is I am trying to scupper.


My point is that Cummings has an undue influence over the Prime Minister; a belief shared by a growing number of Tory backbenchers!

Well done 49, There's a hint of banter in that one (although I had to look quite hard for it!????

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12 minutes ago, evadgib said:

- The peoples vote won

53 is greater than 47. Our first past the post system meant the people's vote lost.


15 minutes ago, evadgib said:

- Not until 2024 under the FTP act which to my knowledge has yet to be repealed.


So how come we had an election last December; just over two years after the last one?


I know the answer, do you?


But even without an election, Johnson's days are numbered. The Tories got rid of Thatcher when she became a liability, they'll do the same to Johnson. I give him until the end of the year at the latest.

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14 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Sorry no clues for you.

I'm happy to pay for Dominic and think he should be up for a huge bonus for his work this year. Nigel would even get a signing bonus before the transfer window closes.

Your response means no clues needed; the answer is obvious.

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8 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


Yet again you show your appalling maths skills. 47 is not larger than 53!


As I have already pointed out; even Johnson has now admitted the £350 million a week was a lie.


Not trying to overturn the GE result, just wanting the government to give us what 53% of voters want; a say on the final deal. It's called democracy; I thought you were in favour of that!


Given the unrest among Tory backbenchers, it is possible that we will get that say.


Who knows, the majority may even agree with you and accept Cummings' deal! 

Guess our democratic system beats your maths.


We are getting our democratic Brexit. You are not getting another chance at Remainer tricks.

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7 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Guess our democratic system beats your maths.


We are getting our democratic Brexit. You are not getting another chance at Remainer tricks.

See above.

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