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Trump posts video of couple brandishing guns towards protesters


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1 minute ago, RJRS1301 said:

Well that may be because you mix with like minded people,

Or y’all just have big mouths when anonymous. 

1 minute ago, RJRS1301 said:

and encouraged nationalism. 

100% nothing wrong with this. 

2 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Individual Americans are reasonable on the surface, but even when living there the divisions of fear, were obvious and racism is rampant.

I wouldn’t know, I’m not scared nor live in fear, and racism is not “rampant” 

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54 minutes ago, Stadtler said:

The purposeful ignorance of some people is not just annoying to Stadtler, it is most disappointing. If you are innocent and you fear for your life, you can employ deadly force.


It's that simple.  In fact it is so simple that even some of you should be able to comprehend.

Because people's fears are necessarily well-founded?

People See Black Men as Larger, More Threatening Than Same-Sized White Men


Edited by johnpetersen
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20 minutes ago, rvaviator said:

Even more of a reason to help them .... no ?  Win 'harts and minds' ...  He could have handed our business cards in case anyone needed help if they got locked up.  On the Fox interview he said he was not a racist and frequently helped black people who got into trouble or was discriminated against ...  He could have had his rifle slung over his back.  Calm under pressure and all that ...

Or he could have done what he did. It's his life and property, correct?

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Just now, Crazy Alex said:

I love that post. It could be said about anyone during any US presidential administration.

No only this one, and it is the current one, some can bring people with them, even those who may hold counterviews,  this incumbent cannot and does not even care,.


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Just now, johnpetersen said:

Because people's fears are well-founded?

People See Black Men as Larger, More Threatening Than Same-Sized White Men


That is likely a result of observing crime statistics. Statistically speaking, black men are four times more likely to be murderers than white men.






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1 hour ago, RJRS1301 said:

Could have been, but was NOT

There seems to have been no indication that they were anything other than protesters, or do you feel threats and shooting is ok, just in case they MIGHT do something

Bit like the "weapons of mass destruction" fable, invade because we can

It was an angry mob trespassing on private property.

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1 hour ago, rvaviator said:

Even more of a reason to help them .... no ?  Win 'harts and minds' ...  He could have handed our business cards in case anyone needed help if they got locked up.  On the Fox interview he said he was not a racist and frequently helped black people who got into trouble or was discriminated against ...  He could have had his rifle slung over his back.  Calm under pressure and all that ...

Great! So when an angry mob comes on your property, you'll hand out business cards and try and win hearts and minds. LOL

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4 minutes ago, i84teen said:

Everything is racist to you because thats all you hear and read about and u want to hear it! Where is all this racism occurring??


If you are referring to racism against black americans, that group has NEVER in their existence enjoyed so many rights and equalities! And, black on black killings vastly exceed black lynchings. So forget about trying to convince others of your blind ignorant beliefs.

I would like to encourage many of these people complaining about racism against blacks to do something. Walk through south Central LA, south Chicago, Detroit or one of many other typical black neighborhoods at night. Then walk through a typical white neighborhood at night. Report back what happened, likely from a hospital bed.

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32 minutes ago, i84teen said:

Everything is racist to you because thats all you hear and read about and u want to hear it! Where is all this racism occurring??


If you are referring to racism against black americans, that group has NEVER in their existence enjoyed so many rights and equalities! And, black on black killings vastly exceed black lynchings. So forget about trying to convince others of your blind ignorant beliefs.

I think there is a great way to test your theory. I base it on what you just posted and a recent interaction with a black person who complains they haven't been made whole since slavery.


Great! Let's make blacks whole. Legally, that means returning a party to how they were prior to being wronged. Legally, there is only one thing to do. Return all black people wanting reparations to Africa. I am fine with providing them air fare, a shipping allowance and a stipend of say $10,000 to get them started. That will go a very long way in most if not all African nations. They can choose any country in Africa they want. Since they are so mistreated in the US, I'm sure many will jump on the opportunity, right?


Oh wait a minute...

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1 hour ago, Mama Noodle said:

No, a group of over a hundred angry people who bust into private property after weeks of riots and murder are not going to be “helped” especially when they are threatening people. 

Well would it not to some extend be fair to say that not EVERY demonstration have turned nasty and violent ? 


Demonstrators normally carry placards and shout.  Yes maybe they could have entered a better way to get to there location. It did not look like the demonstrator did trow anything at the house.  Who was threatening who ? The guy with the long distance microphone? I must admit when I did see that thing pointing at the woman I thought the bullets would start flying ...  ????



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1 minute ago, rvaviator said:

Well would it not to some extend be fair to say that not EVERY demonstration have turned nasty and violent ? 


Demonstrators normally carry placards and shout.  Yes maybe they could have entered a better way to get to there location. It did not look like the demonstrator did trow anything at the house.  Who was threatening who ? The guy with the long distance microphone? I must admit when I did see that thing pointing at the woman I thought the bullets would start flying ...  ????


Thugs who are willing to trespass are often willing to become violent. And given how many groups of violent thugs we have seen in recent weeks, it was perfectly reasonable to draw weapons on people who have already shown they have no respect for your rights just moments before they approached your home.

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2 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

Or he could have done what he did. It's his life and property, correct?

Yes its his right .... That is correct. Agree 100%


But if he had acted in a different way .... Then maybe it would have been a complete non event and everyone would have been happy ...  (and we on TV would not have had this to write about)


Or if the 'wild mob' had lynched them both .. burned down the house. Well then what they did was 'smart' ....  I guess we will never know ...  ????

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1 hour ago, Crazy Alex said:


That is likely a result of observing crime statistics. Statistically speaking, black men are four times more likely to be murderers than white men.







1 hour ago, Crazy Alex said:


That is likely a result of observing crime statistics. Statistically speaking, black men are four times more likely to be murderers than white men.






There are 5 white people for every black person in America. If you parse those crime statistics you cited you'll find that there were 2677 white-on-white murders vs. 234 black-on-white murders. Based on those statistics, to a white person a white male should look twice as big and scary as a black male.

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1 minute ago, johnpetersen said:


There are 5 white people for every black person in America. If you parse those crime statistics you cited you'll find that there were 2677 white-on-white murders vs. 234 black-on-white murders. Based on those statistics, to a white person a white male should look twice as big and scary as a black male.

Doesn't matter. Blacks commit far more violent crime than whites. So obviously, they are going to be perceived as more dangerous. And obviously, recent events only reinforces the facts and the perception.

But let's try taking skin color out of it. If plumbers rip off people more than other trades, they will eventually get a bad reputation and people won't trust plumbers. True or false?

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6 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Did you happen to notice they were marching past.

Marching past where? You can’t even get to the mayors house that way. 

6 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Not actually going in to any property.

so that red brick and grassy area isn’t their property? 

Because that’s their property. 


And that whole entire area is private, not just their deeded land, which the mob trespassed onto. 

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8 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Did you happen to notice they were marching past. Not actually going in to any property. Did any other property owner come out brandishing weapons in fear?


Be careful of trump supporters, they are like ufo abductees.

No, you're wrong. They were trespassing on private property the moment they entered that gate.

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11 minutes ago, rvaviator said:

Walking past my property ......  It did not look like they were storming the Bastille ????

No, the mob was already on private property once they broke through the gate. So you'll assume people who broke a gate to get onto your property are peaceful protesters and you'll be handing out business cards and winning hearts and minds, correct?

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4 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

No, the mob was already on private property once they broke through the gate. So you'll assume people who broke a gate to get onto your property are peaceful protesters and you'll be handing out business cards and winning hearts and minds, correct?

Yes ???? .... After having given them direction as I suggested earlier.


from the aerial photo shown earlier it looks like they walked past the house ... NOT up towards it.


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5 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

I have a feeling he knew exactly where he belongs. It was probably just shocking for him to realize how good he has it in America. That goes against what prevailing black culture has been telling him.

Hmmm do not mix .. Where you feel you 'belong' to were you 'want to be' ..


By implication of him wanting to be in America ... He may have felt quilt that his 'slave family' .. suffered .. so that he now can 'live in a great place' ....


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