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What About The Phillipines?


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I've been looking into setting up long term in thailand. i work on thru the net and wanted to set up long-term and hence needed to get legal. however, theres all this horse about having to set up a co. employ 4 thais, get a regst. office etc etc etc and then maybe be refused when i have to go on a visa run (even though i have a permit etc etc - u know the drill!)

So i started thinking, where else? It hit me - the Phillipines. It sounds even better on paper, cheaper, great beaches also, no real visa probs and they speak english in the main (its the language used in high schools and also one of 2 official languages). Also, plenty of pretty ladies!

So im thinkin why dont a lot of people set up there?? Is there somethin i dont know about?? Any experiences greatly appreciated (im just about crazy enough to do this!)



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You're misinformed if you have been told you need four Thai employees before you get a work permit. I'd get some good advice about setting up here first before you compare it to elsewhere.

There's quite a few threads in this forum about the Phillipines versus Thailand, might be worth doing a few searches for them, tons of info there.

Edited by bkkmadness
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English: Yes

People: Very nice

Cuisine: Horrible

Sanitation: Poor

Poverty: Rampant and dire

Crime: Much higher than Thailand

Infrastructure: Poor

Costs: Often more than in Thailand, with much lower quality

Throw in earthquakes, typhoons, mudslides, volcanos....

That's my two cents. Lived and worked there 2 years 2000-2002.

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terrible food. Worse infrastructure than Thailand.

I think though from reports on the site in the past that Americans do find a little something more familiar about the place than say, the rest of SE Asia. Just an observation.

I think the thing that says it all though is, its biggest export earner is salary remittances. People leave the country to pursue better opportunities elsewhere.

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some good info on this thread, i am planning a trip to the philippines in a couple of months and wanted to see if i could adjust, there are some very negatives about the philippines (poverty,crime,etc, etc) but those same issues are in thailand.

i know people who have made the switch (thailand to philippines) and are very happy with the move, of coarse we all have different taste, the one big plus for the philippines is the amount of english spoken there

about four years ago i spent two days in manila and have to say i was taken back by the amount of security that surrounded me, i went to dunkin donuts, security guard with gun waiting at the door to see me in, went to the shopping center, male security guard pat me down then i was allowed to enter, almost every fast food restuarant had security guards with guns, some people might feel secure with a scene like this but my question was why so many security guards with guns, could it be that there is no safe places in this country.

if anybody has found a safe place to retire in the philippines, i sure would like to hear from them


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I worked there from 2004-06 and have to echo the same points, it hasn't changed. Metro Manila has terrible air quality and after a day of walking around a white shirt turns tan. After being worn 3-4 times it will never be white again either. Countryside is much nicer pollution-wise, but I would say that property crime is even worse outside metro manila. Angles city might be an exception, it has decent housing and is modestly more secure. They have a a healthy percentage farang population there, just seems they are all about 65-70+ years old.

Have to throw in one more point, govt corruption is noticably worse than Thailand. Street police are decent guys and generally not on the take, but the higher you go the worse it seems to be. Look at the scandals that hit the press every three-four months and military officers skimming, no one knows where the money for the land from ft bonifacio went, the jueting scandals. Speaking of jueting (semi-underground lottery), you would thing it is the phil version of social security. In the provinces the lines to buy tickets and wait for the drawings are heartbreaking to watch. I think the government in the main has a lot of sympathy for the populace, its just they can't manuafacture jobs for everyone out of thin air. Investment climate, unless you are from a connected family, is shaky.


English: Yes

People: Very nice

Cuisine: Horrible

Sanitation: Poor

Poverty: Rampant and dire

Crime: Much higher than Thailand

Infrastructure: Poor

Costs: Often more than in Thailand, with much lower quality

Throw in earthquakes, typhoons, mudslides, volcanos....

That's my two cents. Lived and worked there 2 years.

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ok, fair enough, i take your points. however, is it not possible to find a decent resort town like patong or pattaya or some such (not a great fan of pattaya actually myself). hence, escaping the poverty and maybe a lot of the crime.

cant help thinking this probably the most partisan place to ask this question anyway

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You're misinformed if you have been told you need four Thai employees before you get a work permit. I'd get some good advice about setting up here first before you compare it to elsewhere.

There's quite a few threads in this forum about the Phillipines versus Thailand, might be worth doing a few searches for them, tons of info there.

i work self employed (over the net) and ive done my research and the laws seem to require me to set up a co. with 2m bt. share capital and 4 thai employees. can u give me an advance on this? would be eternally grateful if u could. thats why im lookin at the PI. cant afford/dont want to live in ireland no more.



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I am retired, so I can not speak to opening a business in the PI. However, last Aug to Oct I traveled to Manila, Angeles City (the Pattaya of the PI) Cebu, Mindanoa and Bohol...

Infastructure - worse than Thailand (TH)

Filipino english skills - MUCH better than TH

Crime - higher than TH

People - IMHO, more polite than TH

Food - 50/50. Ate some of the best german food I'd ever eaten in Angeles City, cheap too. (even the germans praised it)

Filipinas - WOW!

Americans? - More Brits, Germans and Ozzies

OTOH, TERRIBLE better not go :o


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PM Sunbelt Asia, a user on here, about work permit. They have a lot of useful knowledge.

As for Philippines, don't even think of Manila. It's horrible. Try Cebu City, it's much nicer, quieter, and has easy access to many beaches and neighboring small islands.

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Got a mate who was hoping to buy land ,build house up in La Union (PP wife 12 month visa on arrival..etc)but who finally got his "dream" deposit back fron the sod who promised everything....after....5 years....

He came up to Chiangers with us last month and one night sitting in the Red Lion breached the subject or rather the possibility of me/us leasing him a bit of land in San Kham....... :o

I should say that his wife (PP) has stayed with us in Samut Prat and really liked/fitted into the place and as long as she keeps quiet is treated like a local.........dont sas-peek...

The ROP is great but........... Thailand is SMILES Better..... :D

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PM Sunbelt Asia, a user on here, about work permit. They have a lot of useful knowledge.

As for Philippines, don't even think of Manila. It's horrible. Try Cebu City, it's much nicer, quieter, and has easy access to many beaches and neighboring small islands.

i tried emailing this crowd, but no response. yea, i have to confess i really do wanna live in los but unfortunately it seems slightly undoable for my category of person (i.e self employed farang) in los. this setting up a business thing is a joke - i need a share capital of 25 k euro to boot. <deleted> - i just wanna tap away on pc in my freakin bedroom, drink some beers and slap some ass. what a joke. they want me to be <deleted> richard branson. poor me. anybody got any tips or creative ways of making myself a happy little farang !!? :o

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PM Sunbelt Asia, a user on here, about work permit. They have a lot of useful knowledge.

As for Philippines, don't even think of Manila. It's horrible. Try Cebu City, it's much nicer, quieter, and has easy access to many beaches and neighboring small islands.

i tried emailing this crowd, but no response. yea, i have to confess i really do wanna live in los but unfortunately it seems slightly undoable for my category of person (i.e self employed farang) in los. this setting up a business thing is a joke - i need a share capital of 25 k euro to boot. <deleted> - i just wanna tap away on pc in my freakin bedroom, drink some beers and slap some ass. what a joke. they want me to be <deleted> richard branson. poor me. anybody got any tips or creative ways of making myself a happy little farang !!? :o

Be smarter than the freaking system, packs of foreigner here are tourists with a pc in their apartment, and a registered business in their home country...hint hint

They just don't get it, it's like rising taxes to fight tax evasion, they more they make it difficult to go legal the more people go black.

Edited by KhunMarco
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PM Sunbelt Asia, a user on here, about work permit. They have a lot of useful knowledge.

As for Philippines, don't even think of Manila. It's horrible. Try Cebu City, it's much nicer, quieter, and has easy access to many beaches and neighboring small islands.

i tried emailing this crowd, but no response. yea, i have to confess i really do wanna live in los but unfortunately it seems slightly undoable for my category of person (i.e self employed farang) in los. this setting up a business thing is a joke - i need a share capital of 25 k euro to boot. <deleted> - i just wanna tap away on pc in my freakin bedroom, drink some beers and slap some ass. what a joke. they want me to be <deleted> richard branson. poor me. anybody got any tips or creative ways of making myself a happy little farang !!? :o

Be smarter than the freaking system, packs of foreigner here are tourists with a pc in their apartment, and a registered business in their home country...hint hint

They just don't get it, it's like rising taxes to fight tax evasion, they more they make it difficult to go legal the more people go black.

yea sure man, i dont have any qualms about not paying taxes. its just that it seems to precarious to be on a tourist visa long term. im 30 and im planning on setting up for life, taking a wife, having kids etc. cant really do that on a tourist visa (can i?) for the rest of my natural. out of interest, are u guys on a multi entry tourist then and not getting any heat?

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PM Sunbelt Asia, a user on here, about work permit. They have a lot of useful knowledge.

As for Philippines, don't even think of Manila. It's horrible. Try Cebu City, it's much nicer, quieter, and has easy access to many beaches and neighboring small islands.

i tried emailing this crowd, but no response. yea, i have to confess i really do wanna live in los but unfortunately it seems slightly undoable for my category of person (i.e self employed farang) in los. this setting up a business thing is a joke - i need a share capital of 25 k euro to boot. <deleted> - i just wanna tap away on pc in my freakin bedroom, drink some beers and slap some ass. what a joke. they want me to be <deleted> richard branson. poor me. anybody got any tips or creative ways of making myself a happy little farang !!? :o

Be smarter than the freaking system, packs of foreigner here are tourists with a pc in their apartment, and a registered business in their home country...hint hint

They just don't get it, it's like rising taxes to fight tax evasion, they more they make it difficult to go legal the more people go black.

yea sure man, i dont have any qualms about not paying taxes. its just that it seems to precarious to be on a tourist visa long term. im 30 and im planning on setting up for life, taking a wife, having kids etc. cant really do that on a tourist visa (can i?) for the rest of my natural. out of interest, are u guys on a multi entry tourist then and not getting any heat?

mmm, I see your point, well if that's your goal I'd choose another country, personally I take Thailand for what it is , a nice place for a looooooong vacation ready to pack whenever they tell me to get the fcuck out of here, no string attached.

That spares a lot of grief in the long run.

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Ask yourself why they are so many Filippinos in Thailand.

I have some filipino staff that are super qualified, master degrees etc. They're working for peanuts here. I ask them why? and the answers are all the same...."Its better in Thailand then in the Philippines". Lower cost of living, better standard of living, less corruption, less crime, safer and more opportunities.

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I spent a year there in Rizal, in Antipolo. The people are, on the main, very nice, sincere and good humored. The food is not as bad a some people here have stated. I have had some very delicious cooking there. As a matter of fact, I am very familiar with many styles of philippino cooking. Many restaurants are not good, but, hey, in New York 90% of all italian restaurants outside of manhattan aren't any good either. You have to explore and don't be apt to judge to quickly. The women are sweet, but I don't find them to be as pretty as the Thais. Crime is a major negative of living there. I did go to one beautiful place there, but I can't reveal it, otherwise paradise will turn to hel_l sooner than later.

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Good German food? Isn't that an oymoron....other than beer nuts, sausages and schnitzel is there anything else?

German beer though...that is the best without a doubt!

reminds me a bit of that old joke(which I can't quite remember....)

European Paradise

French lover

Italian Food

German efficiency experts

English Police

European hel_l

German lover

English Food

Italian Efficiency experts

French Military


I would put Philippines, German and English food at almost the same horrific level..........definitely amongst the worst in the world......

ahhh yes the emerald isle :o
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its just that it seems to precarious to be on a tourist visa long term.

Life in Los is precarious. Don't you read the boards?

yes, i do, im just trying to find a way to make it a little less so. are u, for example, on a tourist visa long-term? how is that working out for u? im just trying to find the best way for me to live out my life there. maybe i need to think marraige :D:o

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its just that it seems to precarious to be on a tourist visa long term.

Life in Los is precarious. Don't you read the boards?

yes, i do, im just trying to find a way to make it a little less so. are u, for example, on a tourist visa long-term? how is that working out for u? im just trying to find the best way for me to live out my life there. maybe i need to think marraige :D:D

I'm on a tourist visa, I usually stay here 9 months a year , than I go back to my country for 3 months and apply for a new triple entry at the consulate ( they still issue triple entry in Milan). Thus somehow I have an advantage compared to people who don't want/can't go back to their country.

Getting married to obtain a long stay visa is not exactly what i call a smart move, but I guess you were joking.

My question is, have you been here long enough to make a sensible decision? If I were you I'd come here for at least one year as a "tourist", rent somewhere and maybe you can realistically make up your mind.

There are many problems you overlook when you stay here only a few days/months.

For example I find it very difficult to make friends, don't get me wrong I know lots of Thais (I've been here nearly 3 years) but our background is so different, that a close friendship is hard to obtain.

Same problem with women, I usually get bored to death in a couple of months. Again it comes down to culture/education/lifestyle etc. I'm one of those weirdos who generally prefer a Farang partner here in Thailand (they should arrest me just for that :o ), Thais women are generally lot of fun, polite and take caring , but the substance...hmmm. Just my opinion(note the generally highlighted) please don't eat me alive. Thanks

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its just that it seems to precarious to be on a tourist visa long term.

Life in Los is precarious. Don't you read the boards?

yes, i do, im just trying to find a way to make it a little less so. are u, for example, on a tourist visa long-term? how is that working out for u? im just trying to find the best way for me to live out my life there. maybe i need to think marraige :D:D

I'm on a tourist visa, I usually stay here 9 months a year , than I go back to my country for 3 months and apply for a new triple entry at the consulate ( they still issue triple entry in Milan). Thus somehow I have an advantage compared to people who don't want/can't go back to their country.

Getting married to obtain a long stay visa is not exactly what i call a smart move, but I guess you were joking.

My question is, have you been here long enough to make a sensible decision? If I were you I'd come here for at least one year as a "tourist", rent somewhere and maybe you can realistically make up your mind.

There are many problems you overlook when you stay here only a few days/months.

For example I find it very difficult to make friends, don't get me wrong I know lots of Thais (I've been here nearly 3 years) but our background is so different, that a close friendship is hard to obtain.

Same problem with women, I usually get bored to death in a couple of months. Again it comes down to culture/education/lifestyle etc. I'm one of those weirdos who generally prefer a Farang partner here in Thailand (they should arrest me just for that :o ), Thais women are generally lot of fun, polite and take caring , but the substance...hmmm. Just my opinion(note the generally highlighted) please don't eat me alive. Thanks

thanks for the reply and info. yea, i lived in bkk for 8 months last year. i work thru the net proof reading financial reports so its real handy- no commute etc. im really fed up with the dark inhospitable weather here in ireland. im nearly qualified as a lawyer here also but im gonna jack that in so i can live in the sun. i get a decent euro wage as it is and my lifestyle this way is just far superior. i would pay 100 euro k for the thai climate! in fact , u really cant put a price on that!!

anyway, i would come back to ireland for 3 months a year in the summer (i would prefer shorter but i suspose thats not possible as u can only get triple entry?). how many years have u got this in a row? do they ask any questions?

i understand what ur saying about thai women. i guess some people need to have a partner who understands them and their culture and how their mind works to an extent. not me though - im pretty shallow!! although sometimes, i wished my thai girl got me a bit more. bless her heart.



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