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A dreadful experience at one of my favorite Pubs.


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12 minutes ago, Curmudgeonly59 said:

Watch a Thai when they're presented with a restaurant bill. They go through it item by item, with no qualms about taking their time and asking for clarification on specific items as the waiter/waitress stands there. Just saying.

Thai customers are often treated differently than farang customers so you should not try compare.  That's just the way it is in Thailand and you need to accept that.  Whatever you do, you should never cause any sort of commotion that causes a loss of face.  It's more accepted for Thais to do it but not farangs.  They will just clam up and not try do anything if you cause too much of a stink.  If you can't accept that you should not be in Thailand.  It's frustrating sometimes and I think it gets to all of us once in awhile.

Edited by shdmn
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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Generally Thai bars only sell large beers, and they still have hot serving girls.

Yesterday ..........



Rather pedantic , but the site where that video was uplaoded to says that it was from Wednesday and not Yesterday

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6 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Thanks for hypothesizing about me, I'm flattered.....I think....555


Nope - don't do bars....Wasn't raised in a pub type society & generally don't care for that scene....Even when/if I do choose to go it's basically the same type of crowd retreaded, year after year....


I do know how much change to expect & check while receiving  it .....


The only time something close to this happened the change was 40B short on a 1300B restaurant tab....As I was double checking, another waitress came across from the other side of the room - magically appearing with 40B.....So they knew it & short stopped it when they saw me hesitate before pocketing the change & I chose not to publicly whine about it....


That's about the only time.....


If my wife is with me, she always checks & asks for receipts....


When out solo, I do check.....


I've also returned money to them when they've made mistake & issued too much change.....


Thanks again for the kind thoughts.....

So you check the bills but when they are wrong you say nothing because you don´t want to look bad, as you wrote before? Makes no sense.

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3 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

Rather pedantic , but the site where that video was uplaoded to says that it was from Wednesday and not Yesterday

The irony of posting that and calling him pedantic. 

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8 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

The irony of posting that and calling him pedantic. 

No, I meant that I was being rather pedantic in pointing that out  !!!!!!!!! 

But anyway Reading between the lines , I was just cleverly pointing out that it wasnt his video .

He seemed to be implying that he made that video .

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30 minutes ago, torturedsole said:

I can send money to LOS today at 38 baht / 1 GBP with no additional charges incurred, so 190 baht is £5.


I'm a glass half full type of person and consider two pints for a fiver to be more than reasonable. At the same exchange rate your previous 140 baht bargain came in at £3.68.


The few times I've come across small pricing differences in LOS then I've shrugged my shoulders, settled the bill, and flounced out with my head held high and a smile on my face as it was already a bargain to me anyway.    


I don't find Thais inherently dishonest more than any other nationality and lost in translation communications do regularly occur.



Two pints of beer for just under £5 and the scouser complains.


I've had a couple instants of overcharging on my last trip, was an extra bucket of ice added to bill and in my usual Thai bar maybe extra large beer added, but I was pretty drunk and queried it the next day, check bin was not changed lol.

Edited by tribalfusion001
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2 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Two 330ml bottles of beer for just under £5 and the scouser complains.



Two pints , which is more like 500 ml and draught beer is more expensive in Thailand 

Friends in the UK were complaining about paying  £6 a pint in London pubs

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14 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Two pints , which is more like 500 ml and draught beer is more expensive in Thailand 

Friends in the UK were complaining about paying  £6 a pint in London pubs

Even better value, £2.50 each and he complains. The original post was a bit long winded must have skipped through it lol.

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19 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

She asked if i would like to talk to the manager (and here is where the fun starts).

It's hard to know where to start.


I struggle to recall one dining instance that I've had to speak to a manager of a catering establishment in LOS.  My Thai wife, like all Thai wives, quickly digests the contents of a receipt and any apparent discrepancies are promptly addressed and we're on our way.


It's a good idea to have a healthy financial tolerance for unexpected misunderstandings, let's say 150 baht, rather than zero, then life suddenly becomes slightly less stressful.  

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19 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

wont be going back again. 

  My experience is some Thai girls like to pull the old ,its not my fault its yours routinely   . The AD for the beer promo is a come on to entice customers 

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12 hours ago, 473geo said:

Almost unknown, for multi purchase offers (2 for 1) to be applied in conjunction with other special offers (reduced drinks happy hour), explanation from the manageress was correct as was the pricing that day - the error was the previous day


If, indeed, the 140 baht price was wrong and was the waitress' error, I would have volunteered to spank that waitress to ensure it didn't happen again.

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2 minutes ago, zoza said:

your details on membership state that you are under seven months joining TV. so tell us you were here for 18 years but could not be bothered joining TV. or was it just a good time to join when your alleged team was 20 points clear ?  


Mostly likely a retread banned member.

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4 minutes ago, zoza said:

your details on membership state that you are under seven months joining TV. so tell us you were here for 18 years but could not be bothered joining TV. or was it just a good time to join when your alleged team was 20 points clear ?  

you continue to have a quote about Bill Shankly and EFC that when people know the truth is one of the most shameful incident's in their history. (fancy shankly having to go to Bellfield because LFC barred him from Mellwood)......now that is SILENCE...

your statement that the price was in the menu ? but you never showed or brought this to the managers attention, all a bit shady mate.   

Premier league champions!

read um and weep.


now go cry in the corner with all your other closet UTD fans.

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20 hours ago, mistral53 said:

58 posts about 50 THB in a bar - the problems we are facing these days as farangs living in Thailand are completely crushing the mood for me........snip

18 pages about 50 baht overcharged today or undercharged yesterday. slow news day. hope something happens today.......

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3 minutes ago, zoza said:

Deflect but no Defence....... 

I have nothing to defend.

this whole thread is a truthful observation of what happened to me.

if you want to question the validity of my posts then that’s fine, stay in denial.

like countless footie fans are still in denial.

nobody likes to admit that Liverpool have won the league anymore than Thailand isn’t a great place to live.


its ok, I understand you na. 

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2 minutes ago, zoza said:

Do you not think it ironic that you claim to be a LFC  fan with a big poster of their flag the likes of are not at all common on TV and you follow it with a quote from up till now your greatest manager,

That is so far from the truth that it is insulting and a bad reminder of what happened when he retired.

Everton invited Shankly to their training ground and he gratefully accepted (this is common knowledge

to both sets of Fans) it is a long story and apparently he missed all the banter and stuff but got banned by LFC and in fact EFC came to his aid and he was a regular at Bellefeild.

''the curtains were drawn on Shankly by the directors of LFC''    

      If Everton were playing down the bottom of my garden, I'd draw the curtains." Bill Shankly.

Join a Libary get some books out, supporting a club you should know a bit about the club, its not all about i have a big flag, mines bigger than yours. how do you get 2500 posts in six months ? i have 500 in 11 years?  

What a waffler you are!

Liverpool FC are the champions of England for the 19th time.


hope you get it now.????

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22 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

Because i stand my ground and refuse to be treated like a mug.


the 50 baht is not the point , it was the attitude of the manager.


did read my post properly?

As noted Im a principles guy too, hence leaving the online review. Can do so, and have a mate go in there for a drink and say he read that the place is cheating people, etc....anything to get the owner to SEE it and NOT be able to do anything about it. Is satisfying to me to know NOW I have control, of course they can reply to google review so maybe they will and you can see what they say..you can keep it up or delete it, or even update it.... naturally I have no desire to go to a place that does this kind of thing...


I also leave GOOD reviews for places that are nice and respect me, as I have done to them..works both ways

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6 minutes ago, ChakaKhan said:

Long thread on this topic btw!!!!!!   To drink or not to drink in the LOS!!!   555 Stick with a sangsom bottle!

Not a bad idea when all is said and done mate.

too much hassle drinking out these days.


you never know what will happen next!

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4 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

Not a bad idea when all is said and done mate.

too much hassle drinking out these days.


you never know what will happen next!

Pull up google maps on your phone and find the bar...may be some other reviews...leave one, its quite satisfying in a place we rarely get a break or say......maybe has happened to others as well...I enjoy letting the cat out of the bag and may prevent others from the same....can send in a spy to raise the review alert!  ????


But you cant give up the ghost if they suspect you wrote it.....I use a nickname and baby pic on my reviews

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7 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

Not a bad idea when all is said and done mate.

too much hassle drinking out these days.


you never know what will happen next!

As the old saying--fool me once---and expect a bad review that will haunt you forever!!!  unless they change as I give them a chance to fix it--an then I update or remove the review...You have the POWER inside you!!!

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