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China rebukes UK for its "gross interference" over Hong Kong

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24 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

UK, US & EU should combine their forces and create a "Certified non-Chinese" brand and laws that require any product to disclose the percentage of Chinese labor/materials. Then tax those 1000000%.

Better not get sick right now then .... I believe China makes 60% or 70% of all the worlds drugs ... And the bl....y Iphones are expensive enough as they are !!

49 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

It has been and is still Asian prejudice and hate crimes. Risen after the 2016 referendum. You just on denial. 

No, its an anti Chinese sentiment because of the virus , not because of their ethnicity .

Unacceptable , but not racist 

4 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

The "Independent" from today described it very well:

The UK is a joke to many countries watching our meagre attempts to strike a deal with the EU. It is almost comical to witness Johnson trying to barter with European officials after throwing away the UK's relationship with them. Now that he is swinging his finger around, threatening sanctions, you can’t help thinking we look like an ant trying to intimidate a bear.

The Independent is a <deleted>ty left wing rag, completely basis cr@p. 


May balls'd up Brexit and Boris is sticking to his guns. The UK imports far more goods from the EU (£372 billion worth)  giving the UK a trade deficit of -£72 billion with the EU so Boris very much has the upper hand in negotiations  

7 hours ago, Mavideol said:

we keep blaming China for their poor behavioral attitude but it's the western world fault, they are the ones who made China a financial power by buying all the garbage China produced. It all started 20+ years ago, prior to that the majority of consumer goods were produced in Taiwan, China started to take over by copying Taiwan production models but with lower wages, WalMart and the likes all started to move their production of goods to China, money started to flow in like a river and with money comes attitude, now here we are bending to their (Chinese) bullying blackmail, if the big western companies got together and started to move their production somewhere else, quite sure China would start to change their attitude, but countries have to get together for it to make a dent on China's economy, so far Chinese are laughing at us because they see that we can not get together on that, greed, in the first place, was the reason why it went the way it went and greed, unfortunately, still is the way it will keep going, even if goods production prices in China keep going up and become more expensive then goods produced in nearby countries, for example Vietnam, India, Cambodia, Taiwan even Malaysia whereby many Chinese companies moved their production, if China is so cheap why did they move out.


It's not "the Western world"'s fault. At least not entirely. Going down this path is simply giving the PRC a carte blanche to do whatever. At some point, a nation (and especially one aspiring for top dog position) needs to be judged according to its own actions and choices.

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6 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Correct first line.

What is wrong with saying western imperialists. Most of the countries in Europe had colonies. US has been practicing economic imperialism for decades, has military bases all round the world, has overthrown democracies in South America, and invaded oil rich countries in the Middle East, just for starters. Economic blackmail is a key US tool, but also they have very rarely stopped being at war with someone, powerful countries tend to act like rogue states.   

Where on earth did China, with an economy built on copying, learn their imperial ways do you think. Was chairman Mao secretly reading "Biggles saves the empire"?


Is China a Communist or Fascist dictatorship, well a bit of both I guess. Do HK, it's neighbours need protection, of course. Are they doing anything other powerful countries have not done before..........certainly not.


For starters, it doesn't have much to do with the topic, so excuse  me for not answering your post in detail. The crux is this, though - most of what you're on about is history. There's a limit as to how much history can be milked as a get-out-of-jail-card. If pulling up histories, well China got quite a rich one of itself - how come that's not relevant to anything? Or rather, why is Western history more "important" a factor than others?


In the post above, I opined that at some point, countries and nations ought to be accountable for the actions, choices and paths taken. I think the PRC is well beyond the point of needing the crutch of this "Western imperialism" when judging its policies.


As for the "doing what other countries did before" part - yes, but again that present time issue. Countries might have done a lot of things back when, which aren't all that acceptable nowadays.

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4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

What if you offer and no one want to come. Not that UK any better than Hong Kong economically and socially and has overt prejudice against Asian migrants. 


And what if they all want to come? Are there any figures on that? Guess nothing solid yet, so we'll just have to wait and see. Wonder whether the PRC will allow all those interested to leave. As for your little UK rant, might be relevant compared to HK before the current change. But being ever more under the PRC's thumb? Maybe less appealing. Even to the degree of putting up with the UK.

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3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

UK, US & EU should combine their forces and create a "Certified non-Chinese" brand and laws that require any product to disclose the percentage of Chinese labor/materials. Then tax those 1000000%.


Should. Now back to the real world - the UK can't finalize it's breakaway with the EU, the EU can't reach an agreement on pretty much anything, and the USA is led by a....Trump (with all that this implies). A united, effective response is simply not in the cards at this time. I guess the PRC is well aware of that, hence the push.

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6 minutes ago, Morch said:

Should. Now back to the real world - the UK can't finalize it's breakaway with the EU, the EU can't reach an agreement on pretty much anything, and the USA is led by a....Trump (with all that this implies). A united, effective response is simply not in the cards at this time. I guess the PRC is well aware of that, hence the push.

Yeah, westies are too busy trying to find some minority SJW cause to fight over, instead of focusing on what will be the demise of democracy if not confronted by blunt force. Sad state of affairs. I blame social media for dumbing down an entire generation.

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7 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Yeah, westies are too busy trying to find some minority SJW cause to fight over, instead of focusing on what will be the demise of democracy if not confronted by blunt force. Sad state of affairs. I blame social media for dumbing down an entire generation.


No, don't make this into yet another platform for partisan politics. The UK issues with the EU, the EU long standing problems, and the USA being led by Trump and his less-than-clear foreign policy aren't what you are on about. As for blaming social media, it was also the power of social media driving them protests in HK, and it's social media which allows people to connect and be informed. It's not all bad, just very different to how things used to be.

1 hour ago, Patts said:

a country that misled world leaders into signing trade agreements

Total boloney. Western corporations wanted access to cheap labour as much a the Chinese wanted to offer it. The complicate politicians were happy to do the bidding of the corporations which kept them in office.

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1 hour ago, Patts said:

China on the other hand imposed import taxes in the region of 200 to 300% on any foreign imports

Which, at the time, the corporations and their politician puppets were fine with because they were too focused on short-term profits to worry about a burgeoning Chinese middle class decades later.

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22 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

And I imagine they are far more worried about what the EU says than what the UK says.

Small fish in a big pond.


And I imagine there are far more worried about what China says ..

   EU / UK are small fish in a big ocean ..

   God bless Trump , aka America ,  our best friends , in times of need . 555

     Nee Ow ..


1 minute ago, Morch said:

If one only manages to put aside the lack of basic freedoms enjoyed in the bad bad West. As for "enrich the 1%" - are you seriously trying to imply the PRC doesn't have it's own ultra rich?

People of colour in the west may disagree with your first sentence.


There is no denying that there are ultra rich elites in China. Conversely there is no denying that the opportunities afforded the Chinese middle class have grown while in the USA they have withered.

3 minutes ago, Patts said:

Nonsense, any company caught doing that in the western world would be sued to the hills and face criminal charges.

Many companies HAVE been caught doing that. 

3 minutes ago, elliss said:


    Social Media , are businesses , whose  only purpose, is profits .

     News be it fake or not ,  makes money ..

      Gone are the days of the biblical , BBC News ..



That's a whole topic right there, and one which doesn't easily lend itself to one-liners. I think it's way more complex than what you've posted, but guess we're not going there.

2 minutes ago, mikebike said:

People of colour in the west may disagree with your first sentence.


There is no denying that there are ultra rich elites in China. Conversely there is no denying that the opportunities afforded the Chinese middle class have grown while in the USA they have withered.

People of colour, as well as other minorities, aren't generally imprisoned in camps, undergo "reeducation", or are forced to have abortions and such. So while there are certainly issues, it's nothing on par with things in the PRC. Try harder.


As for your second point, guess that, in time, the Chinese middle-class will find itself exactly in the same place its Western counterparts are today. Hopefully, they'll have a compassionate and capable leadership to sort things out. I kinda doubt that's in the cards.

  • Haha 1
4 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Many companies HAVE been caught doing that. 


Yes, and in the Bad Bad West, they are quite often made to pay for their sins. At least to a degree. Carry on.

29 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Which, at the time, the corporations and their politician puppets were fine with because they were too focused on short-term profits to worry about a burgeoning Chinese middle class decades later.

Makes zero sense, you are mixing up things to suit your agenda. I did not mention western companies that manufacture in China and export, merely Chinese companies who sell to the west Vs Western companies who try to sell to China.  

7 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Many companies HAVE been caught doing that. 

Try replying to a whole comment to give context to your reply rather than cherry picking one line. 


Exactly the point, many companies in the US have been caught, charged, sued etc...........in China Companies get away with what they like, harming lower class people and the environment without being held accountable for their actions. I don't think many companies would get away with that in the West. 

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1 hour ago, Patts said:



About the same percentages of Hong Kong people in maintaining the status quo..


I'd like you all to take a moment and cast an eye at where your keyboard/device was made.


Got it?


Good. ????

  • Sad 1
4 hours ago, Patts said:

The Independent is a <deleted>ty left wing rag, completely basis cr@p. 


May balls'd up Brexit and Boris is sticking to his guns. The UK imports far more goods from the EU (£372 billion worth)  giving the UK a trade deficit of -£72 billion with the EU so Boris very much has the upper hand in negotiations  

I cannot see what is wrong to tell the truth. 

But what I can see is that you forgot to take your medicine.????

  • Haha 1
12 hours ago, Patts said:

You look up to a country that misled world leaders into signing trade agreements that always favoured Chinese terms and for decades has allowed China to export as much as they like while facing minimal amount of import Duty. China on the other hand imposed import taxes in the region of 200 to 300% on any foreign imports which has made it next to impossible for businesses from the west to gain any market share in China. 


China have removed all form of religion or anything that may conflict with the ruling CCP and jailed millions of people of hold a different opinion. They have blocked all forms of western media and social media to ensure that the CCP can have full control in brain washing the people of China through false propaganda. 


Many Chinese companies have zero empathy for the damage/ harm caused by the dumping illegal chemicals in local lakes and rivers that have caused the local people to develop Cancer and other serious illnesses. These people are normally too poor to pay to sue the companies or get medical treatment. nor do they care about the illegal materials that they use in products such as makeup, counterfeit baby milk, poor quality products and electronics. Most Chinese Companies issue fake CE and FCA Certificates for their products. Having had my own business that manufactured in China I would personally not trust 90% of the products sold on eBay and Amazon to pass genuine CE and FCA testing. 


China has infected the world with numerous viruses, I could go on but I think it's very sad that you actually look up to China and says a lot about the person you are! 

I agree with your posts content but ironically you , like many thousands of other businesses , are adding to the Chinese growth by using them to manufacture your goods which I guess is done because of costs . Difficult to avoid if you want to be competitive in a global market . However as you touched on the produce from China is not always of a reliable standard .  Lazada site is full of Chinese products that often have no manufacturers brand name and no product guarantee . 

Hong Kong on the other hand is a successful business centre of a cosmopolitan make up . Why the CCP want to change the place from local laws to the CCP laws and thereby destroy the island and its economy is just because it can ?  Talk about shoot yourself in the foot . The UK offer to take in the 3 million of HK residents is the next problem and we await the CCP response .    

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