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Thailand travel bubble in chaos: Plans for international flights between participating countries put off indefinitely


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6 minutes ago, condobrit001 said:

Clearly this is revenge by the UK due to Thailand's draconian requirements for entry for UK citizens - 14 day quarantine, $100,000 insurance, doctors free to fly certificate, approval by Thai embassy etc.etc.. Well  done Boris.

More likely they did an internal survey in the Foreign Office , anyone going to Thailand for their holidays this year, answer came back no so they decided 14 day quarantine for anyone returning from Thailand that sounds more plausible

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Maybe they will have to re think things totally. Finally set up a quarantine system which is bigger than few hotels . Set up testing on arrival. 

To be honest I think I’m clutching at straws but is it really feasible to have that many people out of work since March. I don’t know the figures but heard it’s 6 million unemployed in tourism sector at least ...

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The thing that really makes this worse is that the political nonsense especially in the US, the fake news, is taken seriously by people outside the US and is likely a major driving factor.


Just really <deleted> that corrupt politician's political agendas are making it so that I can't get married, and may actually ruin my relationship and basically like ruin my life, just because some <deleted> want to use this <deleted> to gain power. I'm specifically talking about the US here, so. Just to clarify.


But thankfully there's hope because I pretty much think after the November election all this will likely blow over, at least in the US. and then maybe misinformation won't be keeping me from being able to get married.

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26 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

It showed that in 34 % of people in Berlin who had never been in contact with the Sars-CoV-2 virus showed nonetheless T-cell immunity against it (T-cell immunity is a different kind of immune reaction, see below)."



And just how exactly would those researchers be able to state with certainty that the 34% of Berliners they're talking about in their sample had never been in contact with the virus?


BTW, that claim isn't actually being made directly by the author you quoted. It's the author you quoted taking an excerpt out of something that was published elsewhere by others.


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1 minute ago, Raphus said:

As I have already stated. The longer the country stays closed. The longer the economy is going to suffer.

Thailand is going to be seriously indebted very soon if they dont pull their fingers out. The writing is on the wall.

A country cannot stay closed indefinitely. The only people that will travel in the next few months are those with a reason for work, family, and emergencies. Tourism will not pick up now as people reign in spending during uncertainty.

I also want to get to thailand to teach. But cannot due to these draconian rules that are strangling its economy.

Thailand will never be the same again after this summer as there will be so many hotels and businesses closed. The volume of tourists for next year will not be possible due to lower capacity in hotels as many will close.


I too need to get out there to teach.....and if things keep going the way they are I'm looking at serious difficulty as I am not permitted to teach in my home country whilst on a career break. No income here at home may mean having to sell my house! I have watched the proceedings with interest and not a little astonishment.

Testing on arrival, track and trace, self quarantine if necessary would go a long way to helping LOS start the economy rolling.


It seems there are new directions taken each and every day!

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34 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

Actually they do. Please read this article by a noted immunologist who talks about the fairy tale of no immunity for covid. https://medium.com/@vernunftundrichtigkeit/coronavirus-why-everyone-was-wrong-fce6db5ba809

Actually...<insert the I’m right liberal post who is either ignorant or paid by liberal shills to sway public opinion> all sheep. 

Its aBout as scary as the flu. Period. 

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1 hour ago, Sumarianson said:

But the Chinese are the only tourists possible to Thailand for this government. Does not matter that it started in China or the Chinese government lied. Just want the money.

When China tells the Thai government to jump the Thai government say "How high"

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23 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


And just how exactly would those researchers be able to state with certainty that the 34% of Berliners they're talking about in their sample had never been in contact with the virus?


BTW, that claim isn't actually being made directly by the author you quoted. It's the author you quoted taking an excerpt out of something that was published elsewhere by others.


Yeah so he is quoting others; this it interesting to note. Did you read the article? This guy is an immunologist with valid credentials quoting work of his peers as part of the evidence for his opinion. People asked for evidence and research on people having immunity and there is. Even though it may not be what one agrees with...

Edited by vermin on arrival
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4 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:



It is indeed true, right now, that CV cases are skyrocketing in many parts of the U.S., but death rates are not so much, thus far.  Whether that's because of the normal lag time between when a case is diagnosed thru the progression of illness to a death, OR, whether medical intervention is getting better OR something else, I don't think anyone knows for sure at this point.



If the infections are increasing but morbidly is not then the virus is evolving for it's own survival, see: The D614G mutation of SARS-Co-2 Spike Protein. The replacement of aspartic acid by glycine at amino acid position 614 on the spike protein enables the virus to bind more easily to the host receptor, ACE2 . (via protein salt bridge)

Edited by morrobay
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56 minutes ago, lks7689 said:

 In China At least their citizens listen and obey the rules when needed. Unlike a lot of "first world countries". 

Don't they have to? Social score system.

Any freedom loving person is horrified by this system. Nobody understands why the Chinese follow their oppressors so passionately under the guise of nationalism.


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OMG! I am tired of commenting on this. Since it was proposed, I opined that it would not work and that China should be the last country allowed back in and not the first....complete idiots. How much do these people get paid? 

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10 minutes ago, Aussie Col said:

I don't think anybody really believes the small Covid-19 numbers coming out of China

Thailand does. Well you see they aren't dependent on western media.


Look up their containment measures, if the press aren't having a fit of the vapours about how 'draconian' they are..

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6 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

That "travel bubble" idea was never feasible to begin with. Even if it had panned out, it never would've attracted the foreign tourist numbers those dreamers at TAT and assorted ministries hoped for. Just because Thailand opens up "travel bubbles" for a few nations doesn't mean that everybody is immediately going to hop on a plane. People have different priorities right now than spending tight money on an overseas vacation. And especially not a vacation that basically would restrict them to a clearly defined, restricted area with no freedom of movement outside that "bubble".  That's my opinion anyway.

Thai friends of mine who own hotels in Thailand have got almost full weeks from August from Chinese tourists.  They are gagging to travel again. 


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6 hours ago, BestB said:

1 step forward, 3 steps back.


China should have never been on that list to begin with

The usual soft shoe shuffle. They make a decision then a few days later cancel it. It indicates a lack of forward thinking which is prevalent here.

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Maybe they will focus on expansion and easement of arrival with quarantine for EVERYONE.


But I don't expect anything from this government which is logical or follows common sense.

Edited by Berti
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