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Dual Pricing in Thailand


Dual Pricing In Thailand.  

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I would like to point out that local residents near Disneyland, cannot just walk up and buy tickets at a reduced rate any time they want.  I lived most my life near Disneyland and never once heard of this reduced rate and have been there probably 30 times.  I looked up the info, they sell tickets for limited time periods, as in they run a sale, then you can only use them during a specified period, and on certain days of the week, etc.  Much like a sale for airline seats.  Obviously that is going to be at a low tourist time for Disney.


In Thailand, the Thai price is available at all times, high season, holidays, etc, no pre-purchase required, nothing.

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6 minutes ago, amykat said:

I would like to point out that local residents near Disneyland, cannot just walk up and buy tickets at a reduced rate any time they want.  I lived most my life near Disneyland and never once heard of this reduced rate and have been there probably 30 times.  I looked up the info, they sell tickets for limited time periods, as in they run a sale, then you can only use them during a specified period, and on certain days of the week, etc.  Much like a sale for airline seats.  Obviously that is going to be at a low tourist time for Disney.


In Thailand, the Thai price is available at all times, high season, holidays, etc, no pre-purchase required, nothing.

People love to skew facts on here mate.

i especially love the ones who like to throw uni fees into the mix ????????

like that has anything to do with what we are talking about.

Edited by Liverpoolfan
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24 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

Does that make it right, then?


Prices of almost everything, everywhere are flexible, they are different for different people at different times for different reasons, but the key point is prices are rarely if ever fixed for everyone all the time. Sellers offer discounts, have sales, lower the price for cash, increase the price for credit cards, lower the price for bulk, decrease the price for old age, increase the price in high rent areas, increase or decrease the price based on where you live, discount the price based on who you work for and so on! Dual pricing in Thailand is a storm in a teacup, except for the PC brigade. You never hear from anyone who receives a discount say, two tier pricing is wrong, I wonder why that is!

Edited by Trillian
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15 minutes ago, Trillian said:

Prices of almost everything, everywhere are flexible, they are different for different people at different times for different reasons, but the key point is prices are rarely if ever fixed for everyone all the time. Sellers offer discounts, have sales, lower the price for cash, increase the price for credit cards, lower the price for bulk, decrease the price for old age, increase the price in high rent areas, increase or decrease the price based on where you live, discount the price based on who you work for and so on! Dual pricing in Thailand is a storm in a teacup, except for the PC brigade. You never hear from anyone who receives a discount say, two tier pricing is wrong, I wonder why that is!

It is opportunistic price gouging on the perception that an individual has more money than another based on their ethnicity.


That is completely and utterly wrong, whatever way you dress it up.

Edited by Liverpoolfan
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To add a bit more Info, the discount, which is about 20 percent, but you must buy 2 or 3 day passes, is on offer seemingly to all California residents and Northern Baja Ca residents ...that is Mexico.  And you just need any government ID to verify your zip code to get it.  That means you don’t need to be American or live in the US either!!  Much different than Thailand.

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11 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

It is price gouging based on the perception that an individual has more many based on their ethnicity.


That is completely and utterly wrong.

As a general rule that is not just a perception it's reality, not many TVF posters come from countries with lower GDP or income per capita!

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2 minutes ago, Trillian said:

As a general rule that is not a perception it's reality,

So back to my original point, 

does it make it right for tourist attractions to charge 10x what a local pays because he or she is perceived to earn more money than a local?
if so then why don’t we also differentiate between professions? Locals and foreigners alike? Doctors earn more than cleaners, so should cleaners get a discount? Pilots earn more than taxi drivers, so should taxi drivers get a free ride?


its a ridiculous argument with no light at the end of the tunnel, sir. 

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1 minute ago, Liverpoolfan said:

So back to my original point, 

does it make it right for tourist attractions to charge 10x what a local pays because he or she is perceived to earn more money than a local?
if so then why don’t we also differentiate between professions? Locals and foreigners alike? Doctors earn more than cleaners, so should cleaners get a discount? Pilots earn more than taxi drivers, so should taxi drivers get a free ride?


its a ridiculous argument with no light at the end of the tunnel, sir. 

You are in a country that some like to refer to as third world, many officials here have difficulty with documents that are not written in Thai and even when they are, interpretation of them and adherence to processes is often difficult for them. Trying to implement a system such as you've suggested is not only impractical it would be unworkable, Immigration won't even accept pension certification letters so there's no chance of National Park gate keepers being asked to accept foreign employment credentials! The system may not be ideal and it is a broad brush approach that is easy and simple to implement and operate, baby and bathwater and all that, get over it and move on for a happier life.

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1 minute ago, Trillian said:

You are in a country that some like to refer to as third world, many officials here have difficulty with documents that are not written in Thai and even when they are, interpretation of them and adherence to processes is often difficult for them. Trying to implement a system such as you've suggested is not only impractical it would be unworkable, Immigration won't even accept pension certification letters so there's no chance of National Park gate keepers being asked to accept foreign employment credentials! The system may not be ideal and it is a broad brush approach that is easy and simple to implement and operate, baby and bathwater and all that, get over it and move on for a happier life.

It’s stupendously easy to implement a ‘one price for all’ initiative across all tourist attractions. Just stop charging foreigners more than locals for the same bleedin ticket!


easy as a day round the pool.

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On 7/9/2020 at 1:10 PM, Lacessit said:

I'm OK with dual pricing as long as it is reasonable. If it's just a money grab, I walk away.

why are you ok with being ripped off down to racial prejudice,i,m not perhaps you should consider growing a pair.

Edited by kingdong
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1 minute ago, Liverpoolfan said:

It’s stupendously easy to implement a ‘one price for all’ initiative across all tourist attractions. Just stop charging foreigners more than locals for the same bleedin ticket!


easy as a day round the pool.

But it isn't a one price for all system, I thought we'd agreed earlier that prices are flexible and move under a variety of conditions and different for different people etc etc.


So the basic premise for NP's is that there must be two prices, whether it's 2x or 10x, foreigners in most cases are wealthier than Thai's, we've already had that discussion!


And please don't call me sir, my husband doesn't approve.

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22 minutes ago, Trillian said:

But it isn't a one price for all system.

No, you’re right.

it isn’t (yet)

but it should be, shouldn't it?


many people feel the indignation about two tier pricing in Thailand and rightly so! Especially (but not limited to) those living and working here (paying thousands in tax every month) and those with families. 

they have a totally legitimate reason to be cheesed off! 

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16 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

No, you’re right.

it isn’t (yet)

but it should be, shouldn't it?


many people feel the indignation about two tier pricing in Thailand and rightly so! Especially (but not limited to) those living and working here (paying thousands in tax every month) and those with families. 

they have a totally legitimate reason to be cheesed off! 

Each to their own I suppose. Personally, if I was looking for a cause to fight in this country and wanted to be really indignant about something there are much more worthy candidates that foreigners being required to pay more than locals at National Parks - I'd also want to only fight a battle I could win, after all, what are you going to do, start a petition! As said in my bio page I put in time for an NGO/charity every week supporting young abused Thai females, some of the stories they tell make even the most callous person seriously indignant....it's all about perspective. Have a nice day.

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2 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

Ever heard of reciprocity?

I am from the UK

thais living in my country do not have to do 90 day reporting.

they have an easy path to citizenship and can work Whatever job they want once they have secured residency. 

here it is nothing but a minefield of red tape and bureaucracy.
no real attainable path to citizenship.

sure, maybe the odd farang has done it but they are few and far between.

even those with kids and those who are married still are never allowed to fully integrate into society.

they get a sick pleasure in making us feel less than them by always making us feel like an outsider, at every level from the immigration offices down to woman at the park ticket booth.


its wrong and it needs to change. 


you get to arrive here and w/no visa get to stay for 30 days... no cost... [I assume a Thai cannot do that in your country] - my wife [GF at the time] had to pay an application fee and go through a couple of interviews and produce documentation - - all just for a visit... where is the reciprocity there? You are going to have a difficult time in life if you expect that everything is going to go along in the world exactly as it is at home.. I assume there are differences here that you like, otherwise you wouldn't be here... 


if for you filling out a couple of forms is a minefield, well, not sure what to tell you... I have been here full time for over 20 years and have never had a problem with IO's.. in fact they have been quite helpful...


and this 'sick pleasure in making us feel less than them' that you cite?? .... I think that comes from inside of you... you interpret their manner of greeting, a wai, as grovelling??? and then complain you don't have any Thai friends?? As one of your 'mates' once said - 'living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.' 


I went out for a meal the other day and there was this totally unkempt farang... a huge belly [4x size] wearing an xl t-shirt that barely covered half his stomach... he was filthy - his shorts were brown stained in spots and his legs were covered in boils... you would never see a Thai go into a restaurant dressed and looking like that... before he even sat down, the waitress, knowing where he liked to sit, asked me if I wanted to change seats... and yet, they treated him ok... and after a few moments of him coughing and spitting when he spoke, they helped me move out of his area... 


living in a different country is sure to be different... maybe try and learn a little Thai, make some adjustment to the fact that you are the one who is different and the whole culture is not going to change to suit your individual needs... complaining about it all the time seems a rather futile exercise... 

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7 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

Ever heard of reciprocity?

I am from the UK

thais living in my country do not have to do 90 day reporting.

they have an easy path to citizenship and can work Whatever job they want once they have secured residency. 

here it is nothing but a minefield of red tape and bureaucracy.
no real attainable path to citizenship.

sure, maybe the odd farang has done it but they are few and far between.

even those with kids and those who are married still are never allowed to fully integrate into society.

they get a sick pleasure in making us feel less than them by always making us feel like an outsider, at every level from the immigration offices down to woman at the park ticket booth.


its wrong and it needs to change. 


One big difference is that people actually want to visit Thailand and willingly pay. Who would want to visit England where everything always dreadful, overcast and gray? One hundred fifty years ago it might have been the center of something, but that all in the past. The highlight of any British visit must be going to a pub and playing darts. 

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On 7/11/2020 at 9:40 AM, pineapple01 said:

So i went to the Hot Springs so the Family could Boil Eggs, how much to get in i dont know, i was more interested in getting out.:drunk:

And I am sure they let you out for free... what a country!!... 

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31 minutes ago, tingtongfarang said:

Is kaeng krajan a national park? if so i been there a number of times but dont remember having to pay

to enter.

I have not been to many, but i have been there surprisingly. Like you i drove from the main entrance through the park to the base area and saw lots of monkeys, elephants etc. i did not pay either. Maybe if i had tried to walk further from the base area they would of charged me.


The dual pricing does not bother me, although when its 50 THB to 500 THB it does seem to be taking the <deleted> a little. If it was a charge to get into a pub on a Friday night i would pay it without complaint!


The fact i am not normally a regular or excited attendee to national parks works for me as its a decent excuse to not go, or to have an hours peace and quiet in the car when the others walk around a bit.


I can stamp my feet up and down about the money, whereas actually i could not give a hoot about that, just i am not fussed about going. (I dont mind swimming in the waterfalls sometimes)

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8 hours ago, smutcakes said:

I have not been to many, but i have been there surprisingly. Like you i drove from the main entrance through the park to the base area and saw lots of monkeys, elephants etc. i did not pay either. Maybe if i had tried to walk further from the base area they would of charged me.


The dual pricing does not bother me, although when its 50 THB to 500 THB it does seem to be taking the <deleted> a little. If it was a charge to get into a pub on a Friday night i would pay it without complaint!


The fact i am not normally a regular or excited attendee to national parks works for me as its a decent excuse to not go, or to have an hours peace and quiet in the car when the others walk around a bit.


I can stamp my feet up and down about the money, whereas actually i could not give a hoot about that, just i am not fussed about going. (I dont mind swimming in the waterfalls sometimes)

Each time i entered i would spend 2 days on a longtail with a fishing guide and stay at his house, i never actually seen an entrance to the park, each time i just drove my car to the guides house, we would push the boat into the water in the morning and go, 

was never aware there was a base or even somewhere to pay.

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