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Trump says Confederate flag proud symbol of U.S. South

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7 hours ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Exactly. And when he goes off script (which happens almost daily) you clearly see that his mind doesn't contain much at all. When he has one of his stream-of-(un)consciousness speeches ramblings it's painfully apparent that he has a dim intellect, an incurious mind and the personality of a 10 year old bully boy.

Now I think you are very unfair and do not do the 10 year old bully any justice at all !

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50 million Africans died after being shipped to south america as slaves in extreme working conditions.. yet no one makes an issue of that and bans flags because they're not white.. 

  • Confused 2
20 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

 Don't forget having Daisy by your side too! 555 

First time I ever smoked weed  was in  Oakland . I remember sitting  around a big square coffee table with the dixie flag underneath a glass top! Such a lovely place!



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Seems like a lot of forum members who are at "you kids get the hell off my lawn" stage of life feel like expressions of racism are ok.  Or maybe like the lady who called Mrs. Obama an "ape in heels" and then said "I don't have a racist bone in my body" you just lack self-awareness.  But clearly a lot of racist opinions being proudly expressed here.  No surprise I guess.  But disappointing to hear.

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I am kinda surprised.

We cannot fix present which is straight here every day but worry about past which is long gone.

On 7/20/2020 at 9:38 AM, TopDeadSenter said:

Always wanted a '69 Charger in bright orange with a confederate flag on the roof. Can just imagine blasting down the dusty Tennessee back country roads, maybe hop a creek or 2, even a few yeehaws for good measure. Good to know Trump approves!

 If any flag should be banned, and the idea is ridiculous, it should be the hammer and sickle flag. You know the symbol of strict leftism that killed millions. But they are not going to like that! 

Hundreds of millions, in fact ????

Have a few commie statues that would make far more sense tearing down too!

On 7/20/2020 at 11:00 PM, pkspeaker said:

50 million Africans died after being shipped to south america as slaves in extreme working conditions.. yet no one makes an issue of that and bans flags because they're not white.. 

And nobody seems to ask who owned/controlled most of the slave ships either, nor the fact that a tiny minority of american whites had slaves as it was the bastion of the elite much like a Porsche is attainable for the average Thai.

It also helps that africans integrated well in south america and the resulting unique culture is widely celebrated and considered its own creature. Meanwhile I don't see many people flying back to Africa in "Trump's America" despite how terrible they make it sound.

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On 7/21/2020 at 5:44 AM, Kelsall said:

"Trump says Confederate flag proud symbol of U.S. South"


Thank you President Trump! 

Would the world have been better off with two republics : the NSA (Northern States of America) and the SSA (Southern States of America)?  

18 hours ago, pomchop said:

I grew up in the south and still spend six months a year there.

Anyone who thinks that the confederate flag is not mostly proudly displayed as a symbol of "white supremacy"  is delusional.
In my younger days a fast talking  draft dodging  con man Yankee like Trump would have been punched in the nose and run out of most southern states as an arrogant <deleted>.  Trumps only way to attract major support in the south is by appealing to the least educated with slogans like "drain the swamp"  and "the south will rise again".
  He has done very well in conning a huge number of southerners who are still looking for someone to blame for their own failures.  Convenient targets are blacks, Latinos, and women. 
 Most amazing of all is his acceptance by massive numbers of southern bible beating Evangelicals who babble on about the teachings of Jesus while supporting a man that regularly espouses the exact opposite of "christian teachings" and has  conned them into somehow thinking that he is a "christian".  In direct violation of the very constitution they claim to defend they continue to preach praise for Trump from their tax free pulpits...some even go so far as to open their tax free doors for Trump political rallies.  If Jesus himself showed up at a Trump rally I suspect they would spit on him or worse and Trump would offer to pay their legal fees.
Trump is doing his best to further inflame southern racism by waving the Confederate flag and supporting statues of men who sought to destroy the USA to protect their "way of life" which included slavery and segregation, lynchings, and the like.  The man is desperate to once again con uneducated white southerners into believing he is one of them.  Many have no clue that most of the statues of confederate "heroes" were erected in the 60's as a direct response/message to "uppity blacks" demanding civil rights.  The continuing message of many of these statues is "we are still in charge" so watch your step.  Try and imagine being black and walking into a courthouse for "justice" when there is a big statue honoring some Southern racists KKK loving man in the courtyard town square.  Good luck.
Perhaps when Trump loses in November he will try and restart the confederacy and form his own country where he can rule with an iron fist over an uneducated populace looking to once again engage in treasonous acts.
Many southerners are very proud. Unfortunately that also often means they are too stubborn to admit that they got snookered by a fast talking Yankee con man that would throw them under the bus in a heartbeat if it would benefit him to do so.
Hillary had the right letter D when she called a lot of them deplorable.  A better description would be delusional.

So your an elitists white who thinks most of your country men are failures looking for someone to blame, maybe because they have to work a real job all year and can't spend half the year in Thailand.. and Trump never said "The south shall rise again" 


I grew up in Houston Tx and if the confederate flag was mostly proudly displayed as a symbol of "white supremacy" then why was it on The Dukes of Hazzard every week during early primetime(family time) and at Nascar and a bunch of other places?  


Bigger reason than slavery for southern states to secede was economic.  They wanted to sell their cash crops like cotton directly to the world w/o washington taking their cut.. the period of 1840-1860 was the industrial revolution gaining pace.. places like NYC building bridges and trains, infrastructure.. most of the souths population didn't live much better than the slaves



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While freedom of speech is a sign of democracy, if California violently seceded from the Republic today, I doubt the White House would say fine, it is your choice. 


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Well it passed with a veto proof margin all military bases named after confederate generals will be renamed and it appears donald is in a snit and brooding lol

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Before ‘48, it had appeared occasionally at football games at southern universities, and usually at soldiers’ reunions or commemorations of Civil War battles; but other than that, it really was not a prominent feature of the South.


That's pretty vague, that David Goldfield thinks that the confederate flag only 'occasionally' appeared at things like football games and southern universities (which is actually alot of appearances) but it's impossible to gauge that statement, he wasn't there for a hundred years seeing just how often the flag was displayed.


In the current protests and riots BLM & antifa types burn american flags (because of 'racism'), they do not display american flags, Proud Boys and 3%ers show up with their american flags.. so now the american flag is racist and it needs to be banned too.


kinda the same thing that was going on with the conf. flag


The way Southerners have looked at this, some, many, who knows, is that the Southern Flag stands for their states standing up to a Northern Invasion, one that drew first blood. And in a far more general sense, stands for being rebellious as in a rebel.


I do understand that the flag may be something that some people find offensive, but aren't there a lot of things that people find to be offensive in this world?


As for the statues, people have state and local governments. They can decide by the democratic way vote. All of this violence over a flag that has existed for decades, and has simply come to represent the South, and Southern defiance, is ridiculous.


Further, there is a bias in American media most of which originates in the North-east, or the West Coast, to depict country white people, especially Southern white people as evil, racist, ignorant, and I could go on. All of this creates a myth that people believe to be true because they are fed it 24/7 on television.


What is going on in the USA right now with all of this violence is very sad. It has been stoked by a political party and their media, which is no more then a mouthpiece for them. And that is about 85% of US media.

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On 7/22/2020 at 10:10 PM, fvw53 said:

Would the world have been better off with two republics : the NSA (Northern States of America) and the SSA (Southern States of America)?  

Seriously? Is this the level of discourse here?

On 7/25/2020 at 8:12 PM, Tug said:

Well it passed with a veto proof margin all military bases named after confederate generals will be renamed and it appears donald is in a snit and brooding lol

You are going to really love your world when the day comes that the Democrats take permanent power in the United States of America. That day is coming. Sadly. God help us all. You think you know what's going on don't you.

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